SOLA SPA 歌舞伎町 新宿の湯

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact SOLA SPA 歌舞伎町 新宿の湯

住所 :

Kabukicho, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Kabukicho, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0021 Tokyo,Japan
gonbe on Google

HP is 1000 yen for 60 minutes. If you fly to a great advance ticket, you can get a bathing fee of 500 yen + a towel set of 300 yen = 800 yen, which is a 13% discount for 700 yen. A sloppy price notation comparable to that of a pink salon. In the washing place, the blue lighting is dim and the mirror is also scaled so I can't see my face. I can't walk to the core of the mat because there are no customers in the sauna, and I can't sit down. The vibra in the bathtub and the jet water flow are gone, making it a scene. Is it profitable without such motivation even if it is a vacancy?
kt kr on Google

究極に汚い。 湯は温いし、垢や髪の毛だらけ。挙句にはガムの包みまでもが浮いていた。(誰かが意図的に入れた?) 循環も全くされていません。 おまけに店員の態度も最悪レベルでした。 店内は薄暗い。安いホラゲーの舞台かと思いました。笑 当然ですが、二度と行きません。
Ultimately dirty. The hot water is warm and full of dirt and hair. After all, even the gum wrap was floating. (Did someone intentionally put it in?) There is no circulation at all. In addition, the attitude of the clerk was also the worst level. The inside of the store is dim. I thought it was a cheap horror game. Lol Of course, I will never go again.
ねこ on Google

旧施設居抜きを改装した為か動線は迷路さながら。 店員も不慣でせめて館内案内くらいは張り出して欲しいと感じた。 深夜早朝はナイトワークの客層が多く、マナー、会話の内容に唖然。 当然その時間帯は店外の治安も良くない。
The flow line is just like a maze, probably because the old facility was renovated. The clerk was also unconventional and felt that he wanted at least the information in the hall to be overhanging. In the middle of the night and early morning, there are many night work customers, and I am stunned by the manners and conversation content. Naturally, the security outside the store is not good during that time.
seccyan on Google

クーポン使って1時間コース700円(タオル付)を利用。 まず温泉でもないのに床がヌルヌルしてるし浴槽も湯アカの跡がくっきりあるし鏡や水栓も石鹸カス(カルキ?)で真っ白だし初見でも掃除をしてないのが容易に想像できる。 それでも新宿という土地で安く湯舟に浸かれればと割り切れるなら良いが衛生面を気にする方はオススメしない。
Use the coupon for a 1-hour course of 700 yen (with a towel). First of all, although it is not a hot spring, the floor is slimy, the bathtub has clear marks of hot water, and the mirror and faucet are all white with soap scum (Kalki?), So it is easy to imagine that they have not been cleaned even at first glance. Still, it would be nice if you could get a cheap bath in the land of Shinjuku, but I don't recommend it to those who care about hygiene.
雪乃真白 on Google

クチコミ通りでした。。 こんなに汚い風呂は初めてです。。。 脱衣場は広々でロッカーも縦型タイプでスーツ等で来る人にはいいかもしれませんね。 問題のお風呂ですが入って直ぐに目に付いたのは洗い場の照明全洗い場に個別に照明があるんですが何故か青色LED仕様です、、鏡に写った顔はもちろん青く薄気味悪いです髭が見えん( ˘•ω•˘ ).。oஇ その鏡も水垢まみれでまるでくもりガラス、、、カランも水垢まみれで掃除がされていないのが目に見えて分かります。シャンプーボトル、洗面器、椅子全て水垢まみれ。 シャワー水圧、温度は文句なし、水圧も調整式。 浴槽はヌル目です。 サウナはまあまあ熱めですが従業員がたまたま来たのだがマットは交換せずシワを伸ばすだけ、、、、もしや交換しない?? 初めから長湯するつもりが無かったので2時間ちょいで出ました。脱衣場の洗面所が全部故障中はびっくりしました。ドライヤーは高出力タイプで文句なし。 総合的に前売りチケットで汗を流しに行くには良いかも、、、他のクチコミでも見ましたが居抜きをそのまま使ってる感じで綺麗さがだいぶ欠けますが、、、、、 1時間1000円は無し
It was according to the word of mouth. .. This is the first time for me to take such a dirty bath. .. .. The dressing area is spacious and the lockers are vertical type, which may be good for people who come in suits. It was a problematic bath, but what I noticed immediately after entering was the lighting of the washing place. There is individual lighting in all the washing places, but for some reason it is a blue LED specification, the face in the mirror is of course blue and creepy. ˘ • ω • ˘) .. o இ The mirror is also covered with water stains and it looks like a cloudy glass ... You can see that the faucet is also covered with water stains and has not been cleaned. Shampoo bottles, washbasins and chairs are all covered with scale. Shower water pressure, temperature are perfect, water pressure is also adjustable. The bathtub has null eyes. The sauna is fairly hot, but an employee happened to come, but I didn't replace the mat, just smoothed out the wrinkles ... What if I didn't replace it? ?? I didn't intend to take a long bath from the beginning, so I left for 2 hours. I was surprised when all the washrooms in the dressing room were out of order. The dryer is a high output type and has no complaints. Overall, it may be good to go to sweat with advance tickets, but I saw it in other reviews, but it feels like I'm using the room as it is, and it lacks beauty, but ... No 1000 yen per hour
みー on Google

こりこりの場所に出来たスパ。 店内は薄暗く、活気が全くなし。漫画の有るとこまで薄暗く、ここで読むの? 浴室に入るとこりこりのまま。酷い状態 鏡は水垢で全部見えず、店員何て誰1人いない。サウナ室も昔のまま、音の出ないテレビ に動かない12分計、押さないと閉まらない扉。ガラガラなのも納得。 今までで1番酷いサウナだったね
A spa built in a lumpy place. The inside of the store is dim and not lively. It's dim to the point where there is a manga, do you read here? When you enter the bathroom, it remains lumpy. Terrible condition I couldn't see all the mirrors because of water stains, and there was no clerk. The sauna room is the same as before, and there is no sound on the TV. A 12-minute counter that doesn't move, and a door that doesn't close unless you press it. I am convinced that it is rattling. It was the worst sauna I've ever had
水城真智子 on Google

女性用の入浴施設はとてもよかったです! 他の方の口コミはほとんど男性だと思われ… ミラブルのシャワーヘッドやPOLAのアメニティ(クレンジング、洗顔、シャンプー、コンディショナー、ボディ全部あります)、女優ライト付きの鏡の前にはDysonのドライヤー、コテもあって3時間1500円はコスパが良すぎて困っちゃいます? 休憩室も女性専用スペースがあって安心して休めます!! ロッカールームと脱衣所が別なのは少し使いづらかったです(笑) 24時間営業で助かるので、またオール明けや深夜移動帰りに利用したいと思います!
The bathing facility for women was very good! Most of the other people's reviews seem to be male ... Mirable shower head, POLA amenities (cleansing, face wash, shampoo, conditioner, body are all available), Dyson hair dryer in front of the mirror with actress light, and iron, 1500 yen for 3 hours is too good for cospa. Chamas ? There is also a female-only space in the break room, so you can rest in peace! !! It was a little difficult to use because the locker room and the dressing room were separate (laughs). It will be open 24 hours a day, so I would like to use it again at the end of the day or on the way home from midnight!
Hayato Onishi on Google

こりこりの常連勢だったので、その居抜きにサウナが復活してまずは嬉しい。しかしながら皆さんの口コミがなかなかのものなので、事前に読んで恐る恐る行ってみた! 館内の迷路のような構造は旧こりこりと大枠変わらずだが、浴場が全面黒基調に変貌、そして青ネオンを灯しいかにも新宿の怪しさを醸し出している。そして地下のどんより感が一層拍車をかけている。怖いというのも若干頷ける。 お目当てのサウナは100-110度と高温なのが良い。8-10分3ローテで十分ととのう。テレビあり。マットがぐちゃぐちゃになりがちなのは相変わらずなので、衛生面は目を瞑る他ない。水風呂は小さいまま、休憩ベンチがたくさん設置されるようになったのはプラス。 入館料は、1時間1,000円、3時間1,500円なのでロングステイが断然お得。レンタルタオル、館内着はそれぞれ+100円。コスパは許容範囲かなと。 とにかく消臭&キープクリーンを求めたい!浴場が広いから基本混雑の心配はなさそう。個人的には言うほど個人的には悪くなかったので、☆評は2に近い3!笑
Since I was a regular customer, I'm glad that the sauna was revived in the room. However, everyone's reviews are quite good, so I read it in advance and went terrifyingly! The maze-like structure of the building is almost the same as the old one, but the bathhouse has been transformed into a black tone, and the blue neon lights are lit to create the suspicion of Shinjuku. And the feeling is even more spurred than the underground. I can nod a little that I'm scared. The sauna you are looking for should be as hot as 100-110 degrees Celsius. 8-10 minutes 3 Rote is enough. There is a TV. Mats still tend to be messed up, so hygiene is all about closing your eyes. It is a plus that many rest benches have been installed while the water bath is still small. The admission fee is 1,000 yen for 1 hour and 1,500 yen for 3 hours, so long stays are definitely advantageous. Rental towels and clothes in the hall are +100 yen each. I wonder if cospa is acceptable. Anyway, I want to ask for deodorant & keep clean! Since the bathhouse is large, there seems to be no need to worry about basic congestion. Personally, it wasn't as bad as it sounds, so the rating is close to 2 and 3! Lol

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