RAKU SPA 1010 Kanda - Chiyoda City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact RAKU SPA 1010 Kanda

住所 :

2 Chome-9-9 Kanda Awajicho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 101-0063
Webサイト : https://rakuspa.com/kanda/

2 Chome-9-9 Kanda Awajicho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0063, Japan
鈴風つかさ on Google

入り口では靴鍵を預けつつ、コース選択 銭湯コースはサウナに入れないので要注意 会計は帰りでSuica払いも可能 浴室は炭酸風呂、水風呂、日替り風呂、サウナ 洗い場にシャンプー、ボディソープ配備でありがたや〜
Select a course while depositing your shoe key at the entrance Please note that you cannot enter the public bath course in the sauna. Suica payment is also possible on the way back The bathrooms are carbonated baths, cold baths, daily baths, and saunas. Thank you for deploying shampoo and body soap in the washing area ~
Tami SA on Google

2021.12月平日に独りで行きました。500円弱の他の銭湯と比べたら「シャンプー・リンス・ボディソープ」完備で、ドライヤー無料でも6個程あり、有料でナノケアドライヤーがあり、コンセントも鏡にあるからドライヤー持ち込みも出来てとても便利でいたれりつくせりです。 3000円程のスパ施設と比べたら、 入浴階は何処も狭いですが、仕方ないと思います。 全然コスパが良いですから。 ★但し、サウナの休憩場所がほぼ無いのは、どうにかして欲しいです。 サウナ室出入口と水風呂の間にきっちりはまった(介護)椅子ひとつ、椅子のすぐ隣にサウナ用ビート板のような座布団ストック置き場と消毒液が置いてあり、通路だから脚も伸ばせない。 サウナ向かいに、シャワーがありその横に2人程座れる縁側のような、ビート板が置いてある私物置き場のような石のベンチがありました。 実質、ひとりしか座れませんし、ベンチ向かいが湯船と通路の為、のんびりした体勢、姿勢が難しいです。 脱衣室も狭く、休憩できるスペースも皆無です。脱衣室出口に食堂みたいな椅子ひとつありましたが、それこそ通路で脚も伸ばせません。 別階女性用休憩室が、5席しか無いのは悲しかった(笑) 漫画スペースの中には、コンセントもある箇所もあり、携帯充電に便利でした。
2021.1 February I went alone on weekdays. Compared to other public baths for less than 500 yen, it is fully equipped with "shampoo, conditioner, and body soap", there are about 6 free dryers, there is a nano care dryer for a fee, and the outlet is in the mirror, so it is very convenient to bring in a dryer. It's a warm soap. Compared to a spa facility of about 3000 yen, The bathing floor is small everywhere, but I think it can't be helped. Because cospa is good at all. ★ However, I want you to manage that there is almost no resting place in the sauna. There is one (nursing) chair that fits tightly between the entrance to the sauna room and the water bath, and there is a cushion stock storage area like a beet board for the sauna and a disinfectant solution right next to the chair, so you can't stretch your legs because it's a passage. Opposite the sauna, there was a stone bench next to it, like a porch where two people could sit, like a private storage area with a kickboard. In reality, only one person can sit, and because the bathtub and aisle are opposite the bench, it is difficult to have a relaxed posture and posture. The dressing room is small and there is no space to rest. There was one chair like a dining room at the exit of the dressing room, but that's why I can't stretch my legs in the aisle. It was sad that there were only 5 seats in the women's break room on the other floor (laughs) There was also an outlet in the manga space, which was convenient for charging mobile phones.
鶴のぱぱ on Google

昼11時過ぎに初入店♨️ さすがに空いており、最上階のリラックススペース?の場所取りは選び放題? お風呂は大好きな炭酸だったので、いつもより長めに入浴しました。 クチコミでは厳しい意見ありましたが、ご飯は美味しかったし、なかなかでしたよ。
First entry after 11:00 noon ♨️ Is it really a vacant space on the top floor? All-you-can-choose location ? The bath was my favorite carbonic acid, so I took a longer bath than usual. There was a strict opinion in the word of mouth, but the rice was delicious and it was quite good.
A M on Google

都心なので、洗い場、湯船はとにかく狭いです!金曜日の夕方に訪問したのですが、芋洗い状態でした。サウナは100度近くの温度で、お客さんの回転率を上げているように見受けられます。 サウナ、銭湯コースは最大3時間までですが、ゆっくりくつろぎながら入る感じではないです。ちなみに水風呂は14℃と冷たいのは良いのですが、外がないので外気浴はできません。
Since it is in the center of the city, the washing area and bathtub are small! I visited there on Friday evening and it was in a state of potato washing. The temperature of the sauna is close to 100 degrees Celsius, and it seems that the turnover rate of customers is increasing. The sauna and public bath course lasts up to 3 hours, but it doesn't feel like you can relax and enter. By the way, it is good that the water bath is as cold as 14 ℃, but you cannot take an open air bath because there is no outside.
Charles on Google

Hide K on Google

No waiting time at 1300 on Saturday. Super nice experience with my sons.
Taro Yamada on Google

A horrible experience. There are only 8 booth for washing, but there are over 200 lockers.
Watanabe Naoki on Google

They have saunna at 96 degree, water bath at 16 degree, gas bath at 37 degree and daily bath. Also co-working space, restaurant and comics. Place is nice as it is near a train station.

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