Softbank Ario Ueda - Ueda

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Softbank Ario Ueda

住所 :

アリオ上田 1F 3 Chome-5-1 Tenjin, Ueda, Nagano 386-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887777
Postal code : 386-0025
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

アリオ上田 1F 3 Chome-5-1 Tenjin, Ueda, Nagano 386-0025, Japan
ゼノナザッコ雑子 on Google

カネにならない、知識のある客だと分かると途端に態度変えるし、 カネにならない機種の取り寄せは一切しない。
If you know that you are a knowledgeable customer who does not become a money, you will change your attitude as soon as possible, We will not order any models that do not generate money.
M Sousou on Google

Come on a trip to Ueda, please when there is a cell phone trouble. It is located in Ario, an 8-minute walk from Ueda Station.
64ぽん(pon_64) on Google

普通のソフトバンク。 店舗は広め。 時間が遅いせいか店員は3名でした。 アクセサリを買いに行きましが、イマイチ詳しくないのか、私の方が詳しかった。
Ordinary Softbank. The store is wide. There were 3 clerk, probably because the time was late. I went to buy an accessory, but I wasn't familiar with it.

After switching, the trade-in phone is limited to the one that turns on. I complain that there was an explanation at the time of the contract. Characters that can be initialized in the contract. I asked you to respond carefully. I can't become a Kramer.
myu “myu-msu” on Google

携帯ショップは、込み合っていて待ち時間も長い所が多いのですが… アリオのソフトバンクショップは、待ち時間ほぼゼロです。 機種変の相談・充電器の購入・ネットアンケートでのQUOカードの受け取り…など、今年になってから数回立ち寄っていますが 毎回すぐに対応していただいているので、たまたま…ということは無い…と思います。 その時によってスタッフの人数も違っているようなので曜日・時間帯・イベントなどに応じて、充分の人数のスタッフが対応して下さっているのではないでしょうか。 そろそろ機種変をしたいとは思っているのだけれど、まだあまり乗り気では無い…のが見え見えの私の質問にも、丁寧に答えていただいています。 ネットから、中途半端に仕入れた情報への質問にも感じ良く教えていただきました。 QUOカードの受け取りの時も、ビンゴイベントで商品を受け取った時も、しつこい勧誘も無く ショッピングモール内という立地条件からも、私はぜひおすすめしたいショップです。
Many mobile phone shops are crowded and have long waiting times ... Ario's SoftBank shop has almost zero waiting time. I have stopped by several times this year, such as consultation on model changes, purchase of chargers, receipt of QUO cards through online questionnaires, etc. I don't think it happens ... because they respond immediately every time. It seems that the number of staff varies depending on the time, so it seems that a sufficient number of staff are available depending on the day of the week, time of day, event, etc. I'd like to change the model soon, but I'm not very enthusiastic yet ... I have been politely answering my question. He also kindly told me questions about the information I purchased halfway through the internet. There is no persistent solicitation when receiving a QUO card or a product at a bingo event. Due to its location in the shopping mall, I definitely recommend this shop.
たま on Google

重要事項の説明もなく、予期しない請求があった為問い合わせた所、店長に確認して折り返すという事でしたが折り返しもない。 誠実さのかけらも無い対応で非常に残念です。 折り返すと言ったら通常当日、遅くとも翌日中、それ以降になるのであればいつになるのか具体的に伝えておくべきだと思います。 手続きを担当してくれた方は若葉マークの方だったので、時間がかかるということは理解できますしその点については文句を言うつもりはありませんが、1万円以上の料金がかかることの説明がないのはいくら若葉マークだからといってありえません。聞いていたらその日に手続きをせずに料金がかからない日(締め日)に来店し直したと思います。 返金してもらいたいです。
There was no explanation of important matters, and when I made an inquiry because there was an unexpected request, I confirmed with the store manager and returned it, but there was no return. I am very disappointed with the response without any fragment of sincerity. I think you should tell us specifically when you say that you will return, usually on the day, at the latest during the next day, and if it will be after that. The person in charge of the procedure was Wakaba Mark, so I understand that it will take time, and I will not complain about that, but I explained that it will cost more than 10,000 yen. It cannot be said that there is no Wakaba mark. If I had heard about it, I think I would have returned to the store on the day when there was no charge (closing date) without completing the procedure on that day. I would like a refund.
クニ on Google

ヤフーショッピング利用中、SMSへの認証番号の通知音はあるが画面を開くことができず、ヤフージャパンと何度もメールでやり取りしたが解決できなかった。 思いきって当ショップに相談。担当してくれたのは大内さん。こちらの疑問点を瞬時に理解して一緒に操作。お陰で問題解消。合わせて初見の操作方法も教えていただきました。年寄りに分かりやすい説明でした。ありがとうございました。
While using Yahoo Shopping, there was a notification sound of the authentication number to SMS, but the screen could not be opened, and I exchanged emails with Yahoo Japan many times, but I could not solve it. Please feel free to consult with us. Mr. Ouchi was in charge. Instantly understand this question and operate together. Thanks to you, the problem was solved. He also taught me how to operate it for the first time. It was an easy-to-understand explanation for the elderly. Thank you very much.
いあ on Google

近くの店舗なのでこの店舗を選びましたが まともな店員に当たった事がない 機種変更の際にこの機種はこういう機能があります!と名称だけ言われ、こちらからこれはどういう機能なんですか?と聞くとテンパり挙げ句、うやむやにされ分かりませんと言われた。 アクセサリー3点割引もお得なので付けておきますねと言われましたが全然お得じゃない!私は付けませんでしたが、ネットや家電量販店の方が同等品で半値以下。 こだわりがある人や料金少しでも安くしたい人は考えた方がいいと私は思いました。
I chose this store because it's a nearby store Never hit a decent clerk This model has such a function when changing models! What kind of function is this from here? When I heard that, I was told that I couldn't understand it because I was disappointed. I was told that I would like to add a discount of 3 accessories because it is a great deal, but it is not a great deal at all! I didn't attach it, but the internet and home electronics mass retailers are equivalent and less than half the price. I thought it would be better for those who are particular about it or who want to reduce the price as much as possible.

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