Site of Nagashino Final Battlefield - Shinshiro

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Site of Nagashino Final Battlefield

住所 :

1062 Yatsukaho, Shinshiro, Aichi 441-1318, Japan

Postal code : 441-1318

1062 Yatsukaho, Shinshiro, Aichi 441-1318, Japan
采女華夫 on Google

The horse fences of both the Tokugawa & Oda Allied side and the Takeda side are reproduced. When I think that the Allied Forces and the Takeda Army faced each other across the Rengo River that flows over the rice fields in front of me, this seems to be the center of Japan.
カフェ大好き on Google

柵が新しいもので少し萎えました笑 けど良い勉強になりました!!
The fence is new and has withered a little lol But it was a good study! !!
横井圭三 on Google

初めてこの決戦場跡に訪れましたが自分の思っていたイメージとピッタリでした。この決戦場跡を残してくれた保存会の皆様に感謝です。 織田連合軍と武田軍の合戦が目に浮かびました?
I visited this battlefield site for the first time, but it was a perfect match for my image. I am grateful to all the members of the Preservation Society for leaving the site of this battlefield. The battle between the Oda Allied Forces and the Takeda Army came to my mind ?
hiro bu on Google

圧倒的な鉄砲の火力が初めて発揮された場所。騎馬軍団最強の武田勢も連戦練磨してきた信長の前に消滅したのである。 信長は天気の良い日は馬止の柵から鉄砲を使った野戦。 梅雨の雷が鳴る大雨の日は、早朝に行軍させ不意打ちを今川勢にくらわせ全滅させるなどなかなかの軍師。
The place where the overwhelming firepower of the gun was demonstrated for the first time. The strongest Takeda group of the cavalry corps also disappeared before Nobunaga, who had been training in a series of battles. Nobunaga used a gun from the fence of the horse stop on a sunny day. On a heavy rainy day when the rainy season thunders, he is quite a warrior, such as marching in the early morning and letting the Imagawa forces annihilate them.
森昭二 on Google

私が子供の頃には長篠の戦いと言われていたこの合戦も今では長篠・設楽原の戦いと言うようですね。この合戦は長篠城の攻防戦と織田・徳川連合軍が鉄砲で武田軍を撃破したという設楽原の戦いの二つから成っているという認識なのでしょう。 それにしてもこちらに来る前は設楽原という名前から平原のような平らな場所を想像していたのですが、実際来てみると、そうではありませんでした。連吾川を最低辺にして両岸に向かってなだらかな傾斜になっている場所でした。織田・徳川連合軍の陣地に突撃する武田軍の側からみると、一旦連吾川まで下っていって、そこから今度は登っていくという運動をしなければならない場所だったのでした。やはり何事も直接現地に足を運んで、自分の目で見ることが大切ですね。
This battle, which was said to be the battle of Nagashino when I was a child, now seems to be called the battle of Nagashino and Shitaragahara. It seems that this battle consists of the battle of Nagashino Castle and the battle of Shitarahara, where the Oda-Tokugawa Allied Forces defeated the Takeda Army with guns. Even so, before I came here, I imagined a flat place like a plain from the name Shitarahara, but when I actually came, it wasn't. It was a place with a gentle slope toward both banks with the Rengo River as the lowest side. From the side of the Takeda army assaulting the position of the Oda-Tokugawa Allied Forces, it was a place where we had to go down to the Rengo River and then climb up from there. After all, it is important to go directly to the site and see for yourself.
Josefine die Depperte on Google

復元とはいえ往時に想いを馳せ・・見にきた甲斐はあったかな。 但し、車で来てナビもあるのに長篠城から馬防柵まで辿り着つくのに何度も道に迷い往生したのは、やはり案内などの看板が親身に行き届いていないせいかな。
Even though it was restored, I think it was worth it to come to see it. However, the reason why I got lost many times to get from Nagashino Castle to the horse fence even though I came by car and had a navigation system is probably because the signboards such as information are not well-kept.
lonely hart on Google

A symbolic place where the times change from swords to guns. It is supposed that Oda and Tokugawa will win overwhelmingly with a three-stage salvo, but in reality there is also Takeda's struggle theory, and it is fun to expand the imagination through the horse fence.
kajjon T on Google

馬防柵手前に屏風図全体が描かれた看板があり、この設置は素晴らしいアイデア。 この絵を頭に入れ、柵まで辿り着き、眼前の風景に目を移すと、もうそこは、怒号飛び交う戦場のさなか。 柵の手前側が徳川勢です。 最前線には本多忠勝。 柵の奥側が織田勢。 こちらは前田利家が前線を張ります。 柵の向こう側からは、名にしおう武田の騎馬隊。 さあ、こちらもその辺の枝でも拾って駆け回りますか!
There is a signboard with the entire folding screen in front of the horse fence, and this installation is a great idea. With this picture in mind, I reached the fence, and when I turned my eyes to the scenery in front of me, it was already in the midst of a battlefield where angry waves flew. The front side of the fence is the Tokugawa group. Honda Tadakatsu is on the front line. The back of the fence is Oda. This is Maeda Toshiie's front line. From the other side of the fence, let's call it Takeda's cavalry. Now, do you pick up the branches around here and run around?

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