Shojuin - Kita City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shojuin

住所 :

正受院 2 Chome-49-5 Takinogawa, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89778
Postal code : 114-0023

正受院 2 Chome-49-5 Takinogawa, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0023, Japan
星野未兎 on Google

赤ちゃん寺として地元で有名な場所のようです。 あとは百八(除夜)の鐘が付ける事でも有名。 あいにく住職さんに会うことが出来なかったので御朱印はいただけませんでしたが法事など、用事が何もなければ平日の午前なら大体いるそうです。ご参考までにどうぞ
It seems to be a famous local place as a baby temple. It is also famous for having a bell of Hyakuhachi (excluding the night). Unfortunately, I couldn't meet the chief priest, so I couldn't get the red stamp, but if there are no errands such as legal affairs, it seems that there are usually weekday mornings. Please for your reference
Yasuo Nishimura on Google

When I happened to get lost, the magnificent Kanezakura gate stopped by.
福男旅職人・誉め猫 on Google

ここに、私の子供も安置供養されています。 産んであげれなかった子供の行き着くお寺です コメント読んでも、誰も触れませんが、 関東圏で、流産早産で病院で引き取った子供が、行き着くことが多いお寺です。 私の子供もその一人です。 病院で別れたあと 引き取り供養業者から、ここの案内を頂いたのと、お話きくと、関東の同業者も基本こちらで供養しているとの事です。 ですから、専用のミニ塔婆などもあり、身に覚えのある男女がお参りに来ているのです。 とても有りがたく、歴史も今も子供のお寺なんです。 いままで、自分の子供の供養先がわからない人は、きっとここで供養されていなますよ、お参りに来てあげてください。 名も無き子供の供養できる、由緒あるお寺です。 道は狭いですが、数台車も留めれます。いろんな思いが、浮かばれますよ
My child is also enshrined here. It ’s a temple where children who could n’t give birth end up. Even if I read the comment, no one touches it, In the Kanto area, this temple is often visited by children who have been picked up at a hospital due to miscarriage or premature birth. My child is one of them. After parting at the hospital I heard that the pick-up memorial service provider gave me information here, and that my peers in the Kanto region are also basically offering memorial services here. Therefore, there is also a dedicated mini pagoda, and men and women who are familiar with it are coming to visit. I am very grateful, and the history is still a children's temple. If you don't know where your child is going to be memorialized, please come visit us. It is a venerable temple that can be used as a memorial service for unnamed children. The road is narrow, but several dollies can be stopped. Various thoughts come to mind
おかもとようすけ on Google

室町時代の創建。「あかちゃん寺」「滝不動」の別名で親しまれている。本堂左手奥には創建時より伝わる不動明王を祭ったお堂があり、その裏手の石神井川沿いには、かつて歌川広重の名所江戸百景に描かれた王子七滝のひとつ「不動の滝」があった。不動明王は開帳されていないため、参拝には事前の連絡が必要。 また、境内には択捉島探検で知られる近藤重守(重蔵)の「石造近藤守重坐像」がある。下絵は「下谷の三幅対」の一人・谷文晁。重蔵は、長男・富蔵が刃傷事件を起こすまで、当院東側に「滝野川文庫」という庵を結んで暮らしていた。また、現在の代官山付近の自邸に「目黒新富士」と呼ばれた富士塚(山正広講などによる)を築いた趣味人でもあり、こちらも名所江戸百景の題材となっている。
Founded during the Muromachi period. It is also known as “Akachanji” and “Takifudo”. On the left side of the main hall is a temple dedicated to Fudo Myo Oo, which has been handed down since the foundation of the temple. there were. Since Fudo Myo Oo has not been booked, advance notice is required for worship. There is also a stone statue of Kondo Shigemori (Shigezo), known for his exploration of Etorofu Island. The sketch is Buncho Tani, one of the members of Shimoya's Miwa Pair. Until the eldest son, Fumizo, had a blade wound, Jezo lived on the eastern side of the hospital with a hermitage called Takinogawa Bunko. He is also a hobbyist who has built a Fujizuka called “Meguro Shinfuji” in his home near Daikanyama, which is also a subject of the famous 100 views of Edo.
8939 497 on Google

思惟山正受院浄業三昧寺(しゅいさんしょうじゅいんじょうごうさんまいじ)。浄土宗の寺院。 赤ちゃん寺、滝不動とも呼ばれる。 御本尊は阿弥陀如来。 明治35年建立の大谷石製の鐘楼門が特徴的な寺院。
Shouzan Shojuinjogosanmaiji Temple. A temple of the Jodo sect. Also known as Baby Temple and Takifudo. The principal image is Amida Nyorai. A temple with a characteristic Oya stone bell tower gate built in 1902.
waku honchan on Google

It is famous as a baby temple. In the olden days, there was an immovable waterfall behind this temple, which is also depicted in the famous Ukiyo-e.
TOSHI K on Google

If you drive from Meiji-dori, the road is narrow and it is difficult without a car navigation system.
TAKA on Google

都会の中に緑豊かな場所、静かで落ち着くわが家でのパワースポット癒しの場所です。春は桜夏はたっぷりな緑と蝉の音 秋もたっぷりな紅葉 冬はさらに静かな感じで癒されます。
It is a place of lush greenery in the city, a quiet and calm power spot in my home, and a healing place. Cherry blossoms in spring Summer is full of greenery and the sound of cicadas Autumn is plentiful in autumn colors Winter is healed with a quieter feeling.

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