Oji Residents' Office - Kita City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oji Residents' Office

住所 :

1 Chome-2-11 Ojihoncho, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89887
Postal code : 114-0022
Webサイト : http://www.city.kita.tokyo.jp/koseki/kurashi/koseki/shisetsu/oji.html

1 Chome-2-11 Ojihoncho, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0022, Japan
K M on Google

先日マイナンバーカードを予約してから受領しに伺いましたが、担当者の方々は皆さん感じよく、丁寧に対応頂きました。 過去に住民票等も受領しに伺いましたが総じて丁寧な対応をしてくださる印象です。
The other day, I made a reservation for my number card and asked to receive it, but all the people in charge were pleasant and polite. In the past, I asked to receive a resident's card, etc., but I have the impression that they generally respond politely.
y on Google

藤木さんという方のご対応が非常に腹立たしいものでした。 マイナンバーカードを申請するのに全て必要な書類を前持って、赤羽区民事務所で、確認していただいてからこちらにお電話をさせて頂きました。 しかし、私が持っている年金手帳、パスポート、住民票、保険証などの書類では基準に満たないとのご回答。 しまいには、上司に確認すると3回も電話のやりとりをされ、結局私があっていました。 それは、そうですよね。 すでに確認済みなのですから。 さらに4回目の電話をかけ直してこられたと思えば、私が結婚した区は、北区なのか等を再度質問されました。 何度も何度もやりとりをされ非常に疲れました。 その後再度、藤木さんの上長の方からご連絡があり、何の問題もなく手続きできるとのことでしたが、2度と北区には、住みたくありません。 今まで色々な手続きを、渋谷区や、新宿区でしてきましたが、こんなにも失礼な対応は、初めてで驚きを隠せません。 1日の予定も全て狂い非常に不愉快でした。
The response of Mr. Fujiki was very annoying. I had all the necessary documents to apply for my number card in advance, and after confirming them at the Akabane Residents' Office, I called here. However, I answered that the documents I have, such as my pension book, passport, resident's card, and health insurance card, do not meet the standards. In the end, when I checked with my boss, I had three phone calls, and I was there after all. Of course. It has already been confirmed. When I thought that I had called back for the fourth time, I was asked again whether the ward where I got married was Kita ward. I was very tired from the exchanges over and over again. After that, Mr. Fujiki's superior contacted me again and said that I could complete the procedure without any problems, but I do not want to live in Kita Ward again. Until now, I have done various procedures in Shibuya Ward and Shinjuku Ward, but this is the first time I have been so rude and I cannot hide my surprise. The schedule for the day was all crazy and very unpleasant.
ponpon mam on Google

Anyway, it's narrow. It is difficult to move with the elderly. Since the building is also divided into several parts, it is difficult to move if you make a mistake in the building. The bus stop is near, but it is a taxi-requested location. 5 minutes walk from Oji station ... It will take a little longer. Because there are many slopes.
武藤大輔 on Google

建物が古いせいか導線の整備が イマイチです。 根本的に 直していくのは困難ではあるが 併設されてる郵便局に撤退してもらう等 出来ることはあります。 待ち合いも狭苦しくコロナ以降感染症対策は難しいと考えます。 早く改善される事期待してます。
Because the building is old, the maintenance of the conductor is It's not good. It ’s difficult to fix it fundamentally, Have the post office attached to you withdraw There is something you can do. The meeting is cramped and I think it is difficult to take measures against infectious diseases after Corona. I hope it will be improved soon.
竹森友一 on Google

多数の方々が来訪されており、北区区役所職員の方々も大変な苦労をなされています。 これ以上の効率化は、無理でしょう。 そもそも、45万人という人口規模の割に、区役所が小さいと思います。 40万人の横須賀市役所と比べての感想です。 住民票取得程度で、1時間以上使うのなら、マイナンバーカードを取得して、コンビニで住民票をとるほうが時間の節約になります。 北区区民の協力も不可欠です。 転入、住民票、印鑑登録、印鑑証明で、2時間超えました。 どうしても行かなければならない方は、時間に余裕をもって、いかれた方がいいでしょう。 皆さんも、この混雑を1日中捌き続ける北区区役所職員の方々に「ありがとうございました」「お世話になりました」と声をかけて欲しいなと思いました。 みんな、区役所職員に冷たいよ。
A large number of people are visiting, and the staff of the Kita Ward Office are also having a great deal of trouble. No further efficiency would be possible. In the first place, I think that the ward office is small for the population of 450,000. It is an impression compared to Yokosuka City Hall with 400,000 people. If you only need to get a resident card and use it for more than an hour, it will save you time if you get a My Number card and get a resident card at a convenience store. The cooperation of Kita Ward residents is also indispensable. It took more than 2 hours to move in, resident's card, seal registration, and seal certificate. If you have to go, you should have plenty of time to go. I would like everyone to say "Thank you" and "Thank you for your help" to the staff of the Kita Ward Office who continue to handle this congestion all day long. Everyone is cold to the ward office staff.
Rohit Karki on Google

Sutirtha Das on Google

Friendly staff. Moderately fast service. The 3 different buildings are confusing at first. But asking any staff will resolve it.
RHEA MENON on Google

Good service. This is the place to come if you need your Certificate of Tax payment.

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