Shōgoin Yatsuhashi Sohonten Kyoto Main Store - Kyoto

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shōgoin Yatsuhashi Sohonten Kyoto Main Store

住所 :

6 Shogoin Sannocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8392, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 606-8392
Webサイト :

6 Shogoin Sannocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8392, Japan
Haru Haru on Google

老舗巡り第232弾 1689年創業の老舗八ツ橋屋さん 白い定番と抹茶の八ツ橋を注文。 昔から変わらずの美味しさ。初めて食べた時の衝撃は今も忘れられない。初めて本店に来ました。
Long-established tour 232nd long-established Yatsuhashi shop founded in 1689 I ordered the white classic and matcha Yatsuhashi. The deliciousness that hasn't changed since long ago. I still can't forget the shock of eating it for the first time. I came to the main store for the first time.
言わずもがな on Google

昨年に続き、二回目の来店。 聖護院八ツ橋は、以前から大好きで お土産物屋さんで、購入していましたが、 本店さんのみで販売されている商品もあり、お店の雰囲気、店員さんのお人柄が大好きです。また伺いたいです。
This is my second visit following last year. I've always loved Seigoin Yatsuhashi I bought it at a souvenir shop, Some products are sold only by the main store, and I love the atmosphere of the store and the personality of the staff. I would like to ask you again.
。ゆぴこ on Google

今日は♡ 京都といえば、生八ツ橋でしょ♡ 友人が本家西尾八ツ橋を買ってきてくれました〜〜! 本店には行ったことありませんが、支店は以前通りかかったことあるくらい。 似たような生八ツ橋屋さんで買うか、 食べ歩きで「もう八ツ橋は買わなくていいや〜」となっちゃう。笑 でも今回は、お土産!! 生八ツ橋と聞いて大興奮です♡ 焼いた八ツ橋も一度だけ食べたことがあるけど、 粉っぽさがあって私は生八ツ橋の方が好み♪ しかも抹茶味を買ってきてくれました♡ プレーンも美味しいけど、味付きのやつも好き♡ 抹茶餡が詰められていてもちろん緑色なんだけど、すごく綺麗な緑色! さすがは抹茶の本場、京都だなぁ。 もちもちっとした皮は、これだけでも美味しい。 少し甘くて、八ツ橋の香りがする。。。♡(どんな匂いじゃ!笑) 抹茶あんもちゃんと味がするの♡ 誤魔化してない、しっかりとした抹茶餡。 朝ご飯のデザートにさせていただきました。 朝から幸せです♡
Today ♡ Speaking of Kyoto, it's raw Yatsuhashi ♡ A friend bought me the head family Nishio Yatsuhashi ~~! I've never been to the main store, but the branch office has passed by before. Buy it at a similar raw Yatsuhashi shop, As I ate around, I ended up saying, "I don't have to buy Yatsuhashi anymore." Lol But this time, souvenirs! !! I'm very excited to hear that it's raw Yatsuhashi ♡ I've only eaten grilled Yatsuhashi once, Because of its powderiness, I prefer raw Yatsuhashi ♪ Moreover, he bought me a matcha flavor ♡ The plain is delicious, but I also like the flavored ones ♡ It's packed with matcha bean paste and of course it's green, but it's a very beautiful green! As expected, it's Kyoto, the home of matcha. The chewy skin is delicious by itself. It is a little sweet and has the scent of Yatsuhashi. .. .. ♡ (What kind of smell! Lol) Matcha Anmo tastes good ♡ A solid matcha bean paste that has not been deceived. I made it a dessert for breakfast. I'm happy from the morning ♡
カイカイ on Google

流石に総本家本店らしく、素晴らしい!T本店、本家、総本家のこだわりは凄い! 尚総本家のこだわりは凄い!総本家を名乗れるのは、ここだけ!尚個人的には、同じ八ッ橋組合員どうし切磋琢磨して八ッ橋の発展と向上に務めて欲しい!
As expected, it seems to be the main store of the head family, and it is wonderful! The commitment of the T head office, the head family, and the head family is amazing! The commitment of the head family is amazing! This is the only place where you can call yourself the head family! Personally, I would like the same Yatsuhashi union members to work hard together to develop and improve Yatsuhashi!
non hata on Google

I love Kyoto and stayed for more than 30 nights and ate raw Yatsuhashi here and there. This Seigoin Yatsuhashi is my favorite. The taste of bean paste is elegant and the seasons are fun, so I will definitely buy it and go home.
ちょこらん on Google

本店に来られて嬉しかったです! 暖簾をくぐったりと京都らしくゆったりお買い物できます。生八ッ橋と餡なしの生八ツ橋、それと今まで食べたことない洋菓子風の八ツ橋を買いました。 私は聖護院さんの八ツ橋のニッキ感はまろやかだと思います。苦手な人でも割と食べやすいかもしれません。
I was happy to be able to come to the main store! You can relax and shop like Kyoto by going through the curtains. I bought raw Yatsuhashi, raw Yatsuhashi without bean paste, and a Western-style confectionery-style Yatsuhashi that I had never eaten before. I think Shogoin-san's Yatsuhashi has a mellow feeling of cinnamon. Even people who are not good at it may be relatively easy to eat.
take google on Google

酒とまんじゅうの組み合わせ。八ツ橋本店がこんなんしてるんですね、知らなかった!酒とまんじゅう、合いますね。本店はやはりお店もかっこよい、伝統あります。パッケージも違いますね、よい商品でした、美味でした! 黒ごまでした。山椒もありましたね。はらりょうかくの!
A combination of sake and steamed buns. I didn't know that the Yatsuhashi main store is doing this! It goes well with sake. The main store has a tradition that the store is also cool. The packaging is different, it was a good product, it was delicious! It was black. There was also Japanese pepper. It ’s awesome!
S on Google

Stopped by right before they closed. Best yatsuhashi I've tried in kyoto. I want to come back for more.

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