
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 石徹白の大杉(いとしろ大杉)

住所 :

Shirotoricho Itoshiro, Gujo, 〒501-5231 Gifu,Japan

Webサイト : http://shirotori-gujo.com/html/kanko/oosugi.htm
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Gifu

Shirotoricho Itoshiro, Gujo, 〒501-5231 Gifu,Japan
Takumi Okada on Google

I can't move for 1800 and I feel the power of what I've seen here.
紙野恵 on Google

岐阜県で一番太い樹です。 石徹白登山口駐車場より登山道へ入り、階段を登りきった所にあります。 ラフな格好で行ったので、フル装備の入山する皆様に「そんな格好で山へ?」みたいな白い目で見まくられました…
It is the thickest tree in Gifu Prefecture. Enter the mountain trail from the Ishitetsu Hakusan Moriguchi parking lot and climb the stairs. I went with a rough appearance, and all the mountaineers who were fully equipped were seen with white eyes like "Go to the mountain in such a way?"
馬渕敦史 on Google

樹齢1800年 日本でも数少ない特別天然記念物の一つ。 とても雨が多い地域なので、縄文杉などの環境にも似ているのかもしれません。 11月に来たのですが、樹皮は白く、寄生している木々が紅葉していました。 樹勢は衰えていますがそれでも圧倒的な風格があります。 素晴らしい巨木
1800 years old One of the few special natural monuments in Japan. Since it is a region with a lot of rain, it may be similar to the environment such as Jomon cedar. Although I came in November, the bark was white and the parasitized trees were colored. Although the tree is declining, it still has an overwhelming personality. Great tree
CAPTOR S.C. on Google

A giant cedar tree that is said to be 1800 years old. It is really thick ? However, it seems that it is not healthy due to an old tree. I want you to spend your remaining life slowly.
高橋三枝 on Google

It's 1800 years old, and it's okay if it's decayed, but I think it's because of the good protection, but I'm impressed by the huge sprout.
yoji koyama on Google

国の特別天然記念物 樹齢:推定1,800年 幹囲目通り:14m 樹高:24m 岐阜県郡上郡白鳥町石徹白 白山中居神社から8km、ガードレールのない川沿いを走ると駐車場に到着。(夜は安全の為移動は辞めておく方がいい) そこから大杉までは、距離で約300 m、標高差で約90 m、その急坂には、石とコンクリートによる420段の階段が設けられている。 階段を登り終えると、急に視界が開け石徹白の大杉がどん!と聳える広場に出る。その存在感は半分は枯れ白骨樹と化しているとは思えない程、強烈な印象。 生命力が強いという感じではなく、 長老の風貌でどこか縄文杉と近い雰囲気を感じます。着生植物がたくさん付くと普通は弱っていきますが、数年前より逆に元気になっている気がします。 巨木で国の特別天然記念物に選ばれているのは6本くらいと極わずか。いつまでも元気で立ち続けていてほしいものですね。 ・駐車場あり ・トイレ駐車場付近にあり
National special natural monument Age: estimated 1,800 years Main road: 14m Tree height: 24m Ishitohaku, Shiratori Town, Gujo County, Gifu Prefecture 8km from Hakusan Nakai Shrine, drive along the river without guardrail and arrive at the parking lot. (It is better to stop moving at night for safety) From there to Osugi, the distance is about 300 m, the altitude difference is about 90 m, and the steep slope has 420 steps of stone and concrete. ing. After climbing the stairs, the field of view suddenly opens and you can see the stone-filled Osugi! Appears in the open space. Its presence is so strong that you can't imagine that half of it is dead and white boned. I don't feel that my life is strong, but I feel the atmosphere of Jomon cedar somewhere due to the appearance of the elders. It usually weakens when a lot of epiphytes are attached, but I feel that it is getting better than it was a few years ago. Only 6 trees are selected as national special natural monuments. I hope you will continue to stand up forever. ・Parking available ・Around the toilet parking lot
イチロー on Google

平日に訪れたのですが白山中居神社から石徹白のスギへ向かう道が工事中でした 工事が終わる午後5時まで待っていると作業を終えた方が車で降りていらっしゃったので石徹白のスギまで行けるのを確認してから向かいました 暗くなる前に到着し石徹白のスギを見ることができました
I visited on weekdays, but the road from Hakusan Nakai Shrine to Itoshiro no Sugi was under construction. When I was waiting until 5 pm when the construction was completed, the person who finished the work got off by car, so I went after confirming that I could go to Itoshiro no Sugi. I arrived before it got dark and was able to see Itoshiro no Sugi
taka ana on Google

《白山中居神社》の横を石徹白川沿いを上流に向かって車で25分程登って行くと登山口駐車場があり、そこから登山口を300m程かな登って行くと存在します。大杉の少し手前迄は ほぼ石階段で 整備されています。
If you drive up along the Itoshiro Shirakawa River for about 25 minutes next to "Hakusan Nakai Shrine", you will find the trailhead parking lot, and if you climb the trailhead for about 300m, you will find it. Most of the stone stairs are maintained up to just before Osugi.

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