Shirotori Shrine - Tomi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shirotori Shrine

住所 :

1116 Motounno, Tomi, Nagano 389-0518, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 389-0518
Webサイト :

1116 Motounno, Tomi, Nagano 389-0518, Japan
Kengo Toratani on Google

海野宿の入り口にある神社です。 現在は台風19号の影響で横を流れる千曲川が氾濫し、駐車場などが被害を受けたようで停めることができません。 神社の創建は平安時代と古く、源平盛衰記にもその名が記されています。 祭神として日本武尊、海野広道が祀られており、海野氏は後の真田一族の祖先にあたります。 海野宿は非常に雰囲気と歴史を感じる宿場町ですが、立地の問題などで他の宿場町に比べるといまいちマイナー感はありますが、その分人も空いており穴場でもあります。
It is a shrine at the entrance of Umino-shuku. Currently, the typhoon No. 19 has flooded the Chikuma River that flows beside it, and parking lots and other facilities seem to have been damaged, making it impossible to stop. The shrine was founded in the Heian era and is old, and its name is written in the Genpei rise and fall. The enshrined deities are enshrined in Nihon Takeson and Umino Hiromichi, who is later the ancestor of the Sanada clan. Umino-juku is a post town where you can feel the atmosphere and history very much, but due to location issues, it has a minor feeling compared to other post towns, but it is also a vacant and a secret area.
荒井秀雄 on Google

木曽義仲が挙兵した歴史のある神社 海野宿の散策を兼ねて?
A historic shrine where Yoshinaka Kiso raised troops Also for a walk in Uminojuku ?
antaba an on Google

良。シンプルな切妻造で向拝と一体の屋根なのですが、少し反らせた横に大きな向拝とそこに合わせた降棟のライン効果でちょっとした風格を感じます。因みに内部に扁額が飾られていますがその両脇に絵の狛犬が配置されてます。 まあ日本武尊は置いといて、貞元親王・善淵王・海野広道の3名を海野の祖先として祀る神社と言うのがミステリーですね。
Good. It is a simple gabled roof that is integrated with the worship, but I feel a little personality due to the large worship on the side that is slightly warped and the line effect of the descending ridge that matches it. By the way, the biane is displayed inside, but the guardian dogs in the picture are placed on both sides of it. Well, aside from Yamato Takeru, it is a mystery to say that the shrine enshrines Sadamoto-shinno, Zenbuchi, and Hiromichi Unno as ancestors of Unno.
真理子中山(まりごん) on Google

境内は静かで、ゆっくり参拝できます。 社務所は閉まっていましたが、掲示されていた電話番号にかけると女性の方がすぐに来て下さいました。 御朱印は切り絵や季節柄等、種類が沢山で迷ってしまいましたが、神社にちなんだ白鳥の見開き御朱印を授かりました。 近くにはカフェ等のお店もあり、また大関・雷電の生家も少し車で走ればあるとお話して下さり、大変有り難かったです。ありがとうございました。
The precincts are quiet and you can worship slowly. The office was closed, but when I called the phone number posted, a woman came immediately. I was at a loss because of the many types of Goshuin, such as paper cutouts and seasonal patterns, but I was given the swan-spread Goshuin, which is associated with the shrine. There are shops such as cafes nearby, and I was very grateful to you for telling me that the birthplace of Ozeki and Raiden should be driven a little. Thank you very much.
りん on Google

風情と歴史を感じる北国街道の宿場町、海野宿の入口にあります。 御神木がすごい! 趣のある立派な神社です。
It is located at the entrance of Unno-juku, a post town on the Hokkoku Highway where you can feel the atmosphere and history. Shinboku is amazing! It is a quaint and splendid shrine.
T Nagashima on Google

近くに無料駐車場あります。 あまり知られていないのか、参拝者全くいない。 御朱印は綺麗に書いてもらい、とても満足でした。
Free parking is available nearby. Perhaps it is not well known, there are no worshipers at all. I was very happy to have the red stamp written beautifully.
金井廣重 on Google

この神社の近くが木曽義仲の出兵の地だそうです。 この神社前にある千曲川の河川敷に大勢の兵が集結した所だそうです。 今は護岸工事で修復中でした。 神社内のけや木の御神木が何本も見られ、その巨大さがこの神社の歴史を物語っています。 御朱印もその方面では有名な御朱印だそうです。
It is said that the area near this shrine is the place where Yoshinaka Kiso sent troops. It is said that a large number of soldiers gathered on the riverbed of the Chikuma River in front of this shrine. It was currently being repaired by revetment work. You can see many shrines and shrines in the shrine, and their huge size tells the history of this shrine. The red stamp is also famous in that direction.
sien mordaunt on Google

Beautiful trees and shrine

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