Shirabu Onsen Yutaki Lodging Nishiya - Yonezawa

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shirabu Onsen Yutaki Lodging Nishiya

住所 :

1527番地 Seki, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-1472, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 992-1472
Webサイト :
Description : Refined rooms in a 19th-century inn offering a restaurant & a hot spring bath with a waterfall.

1527番地 Seki, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-1472, Japan
泉和久 on Google

The waterfall bath is the best! ️ Both the amount and power of hot springs are at a high level for a natural hot spring. In addition, Nishiya is full of satisfaction, such as accommodations built in old folk houses that mark the history of Shirabu Onsen, and sake and treats that you can choose from.
koji koyama on Google

昔ながらの白布温泉の趣を残す茅葺屋根と、湯滝の音がワクワクさせてくれる温泉旅館。 にゃんこがいるので猫好きにはたまらないです。クーラーはなく、あるのは白布の自然と源泉掛け流しの温泉だけ。食事は山の幸が美味しいです。ゆったりとゆっくりとした時の流れと長い夜を過ごしたい方にはおすすめです。 白布温泉にはその昔、直江兼続が隠密で鉄砲を製造をさせていたという古い歴史があります。江戸・明治時代には大白布温泉宿と呼ばれて大笠鉱山(現・天元台高原)と相まって栄えていたようです。おそらく、大笠と白布を合わせてそのように呼ばれていたのかと思います。ちなみに、飯豊町側を小白布と呼ぶようです。 大白布温泉宿は、東屋、中屋、西屋からなる茅葺屋根が特徴的な宿場町でしたが、平成12年に起きた白布火災で東屋と中屋は燃えてしまいました。この西屋は燃えずに残ったため、江戸時代の特徴的な建物を今に伝えています。数年前には200年以上振りの茅葺屋根を葺き替えがニュースになり話題になりました。 近年は新しい白布再生計画「REBORNプロジェクト」が着々と進んでいるようです。 今年は大雪ですから白布はきっと真っ白ですね。春が待ち遠しいですね!桜の写真もアップさせていただきます!
A hot spring inn with a thatched roof that retains the taste of old-fashioned Shirabu hot springs and the sound of Yudaki. I have a cat, so I'm dying for cat lovers. There is no cooler, only the nature of Shirafu and the hot springs that flow directly from the source. The food is delicious from the mountains. Recommended for those who want to spend a long night with a relaxing and slow flow of time. Shirabu Onsen has a long history of secretly manufacturing guns by Kanetsugu Naoe. In the Edo and Meiji eras, it was called the Daishirabu Onsen inn and seemed to prosper in combination with the Ogasa mine (currently Tengendai Kogen). Perhaps it was called that way by combining Ogasa and Shirofu. By the way, it seems that the Iide-cho side is called Koshirofu. Daishirofu Onsen Yado was a post town with a thatched roof consisting of Higashiya, Nakaya, and Nishiya, but the Shirabu fire that occurred in 2000 burned Higashiya and Nakaya. Since this Nishiya remained unburned, it still conveys the characteristic building of the Edo period. A few years ago, the news about re-roofing thatched roofs for the first time in over 200 years became a hot topic. In recent years, it seems that the new white cloth regeneration plan "REBORN Project" is steadily progressing. It's been heavy snow this year, so the white cloth is surely pure white. I can't wait for spring! We will also upload pictures of the cherry blossoms!
こう on Google

今回12年ぶりに訪問いたしました。 前回と同じく「米沢牛すき鍋」付で宿泊しました。 前回は一階?のお座敷で「すき鍋」が自分で作れる感じでしたが、今回ははじめから鍋に牛脂含め全部具材が入っていて、お肉をうまく炒められなかったのが残念(少々炒めてから煮たかった)。またお酒飲み放題は予想外で良かった~❗️ (米沢市からかなり離れているので、買い出ししないと行けないのか?という心配が無くなりました) また、前回はGWで気になりませんでしたが、今回は大雪+寒波で訪問したせいか、古い建物だということもあり、ある程度のすき間風は覚悟していたものの10畳の和室を暖めるには明らかに役不足の小さな灯油ファンヒーターで寒い❗️寒い❗️寒~い❗️ (ってかこれ6畳用よ……) そのファンヒーターも3時間でセーフティがきいて夜中に切れるものだから、ただでさえ布団から出たく無いのに、運転が切れるたびにボタンを押しに行かねばならず非常にしんどかったです笑 おかげで寝不足かつお腹が冷えてしまいました… ここからは余計な一言ですが一回り大きく出力のあるストーブに替えて、燃料タンクも20リットル缶の据え置き型にしてくれるとすごく良くなると思います。 温泉は文句無く、毎分1,400Lの源泉がじゃんじゃかこれでもか❗️と注がれる湯滝もあの頃とまったく変わらず最高でした。 お世話になりました~ (帰りがけにいただいたりんごとお米も良いおみやげになりました。暖房の件が無ければ☆5です)
I visited this time for the first time in 12 years. I stayed with "Yonezawa beef sukiyaki" as before. Last time was the first floor? I felt like I could make a "suki-nabe" by myself in the tatami room, but this time it was a pity that I couldn't fry the meat well because all the ingredients including beef tallow were in the pot from the beginning (I wanted to boil it after frying a little). ). Also, all-you-can-drink was unexpectedly good ~ ❗️ (Since it is quite far from Yonezawa City, I no longer have to worry about having to buy it.) Also, last time I was not worried about GW, but this time it was an old building probably because I visited with heavy snow + cold wave, so although I was prepared for a certain amount of gap wind, I was prepared to warm the 10 tatami Japanese-style room. Is cold with a small kerosene fan heater that is obviously lacking in role ❗️ cold ❗️ cold ~ cold ❗️ (This is for 6 tatami mats ...) The fan heater is also safe in 3 hours and can be turned off in the middle of the night, so even though I didn't want to get out of the futon, I had to go to the button every time the operation was cut off, which was very tough. Thanks to that, I didn't get enough sleep and my stomach got cold ... From here on, it's an extra word, but I think it would be very good if the fuel tank could be a stationary type with a 20-liter can instead of a stove with a slightly larger output. There are no complaints about the hot springs, and Yudaki, where the source of 1,400 liters per minute is pouring ❗️, was just as good as it was back then. Thank you for your help ~ (The apples and rice I received on my way home were also good souvenirs. If there is no heating, it will be ☆ 5)
ぼう on Google

湯滝の宿の名に偽り無し。ダバダバ溢れ出る源泉の迫力がものすごい。 宿は日本秘湯を守る会会員で、風呂に洗い場が無いのは事前に承知。石造りの歴史ある風呂がとても興味深い。 料理も上手いし、米も上手い。酒は飲み放題(ビールは除く)。チェックアウト時には可愛い猫が三匹相手をしてくれる。触り放題で黒猫はずっと撫でていたい毛並みの良さ。 雪が溶けたらまた訪れたい温泉です。
The name of Yudaki no Yado is true. The power of the source that overflows is amazing. The inn is a member of the Japan Association of Secluded Water, and I know in advance that there is no washroom in the bath. The historic stone bath is very interesting. Good at cooking and good at rice. All-you-can-drink alcohol (excluding beer). At checkout, three cute cats will play with you. The black cat has a nice coat that you want to keep stroking with all you can touch. It is a hot spring that you want to visit again when the snow melts.
上杉 on Google

若女平登山口に近くに一泊させて頂きました。温泉、施設、食事、接客どれをとっても非常に満足。一人で利用しましたが贅沢感を味わうことが出来ました。 建物は古さを十分に活かされており不便を感じることなく清潔でした。山情報にも丁寧に受け答え頂き感謝しております。 また来たいと思える良い温泉宿です。
We stayed overnight near the young woman flat climbing entrance. I am very satisfied with the hot springs, facilities, food, and customer service. I used it alone, but I was able to enjoy the feeling of luxury. The building was very old and clean without any inconvenience. Thank you for your polite response to the mountain information. It is a good hot spring inn that you will want to visit again.
Yi-Pin Fang on Google

Historical Japanese style hot spring hotel. Cold water from a water fall and hot spring water flow in a bath pool, which is an interesting experience.
aaron meldahl on Google

Went here on a side trip from Yonezawa by car in September. Road was not crowded at that time of year. It was so worth making the trip. The inn itself is hundreds of years old, so worth seeing in itself before disaster strikes like the fire that destroyed the original Higashiya nearby. Just visited for the baths, and the staff was welcoming and friendly. The bath itself was very small but almost a religious experience. There are fountains of scalding water that come right out of the wall -- the temperature varies considerably so you have to wait until it's just right. The bathing pool appeared to be made of black volcanic rock and you have to sit very close to others but for some reason it's not awkward. The spring water is clear with flecks of white, not strong smelling. If you have time, walk down to the nearby waterfall for an amazing view.
Green Odori on Google

Visited here for a day trip. Maximum six people at a time are allowed to take a bath. When I visited here, already five were in the bath. No shower, no faucet. Take a water from bath pool for body wash. The water is clear with floating white sediments. Slightly salty. The buildings are old but well maintained and very clean. The owner is nice.

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