Shinsekai Su - Osaka

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinsekai Su

住所 :

2 Chome-5-17 Ebisuhigashi, Naniwa Ward, Osaka, 556-0002, Japan

Postal code : 556-0002
Webサイト :

2 Chome-5-17 Ebisuhigashi, Naniwa Ward, Osaka, 556-0002, Japan
Kid Jumbo on Google

店主のお気に入りの連中は贔屓するが他は客とも思っていない。 態度に目をつぶったとしてもそもそも美味しくないのが一番ヤバい。
The shopkeeper's favorite people are favored, but I don't think of others as customers. Even if you close your eyes on the attitude, it is the worst thing that it is not delicious in the first place.
Kim Yeontan on Google

最初店主が不在で帰ってきたと思ったら怒鳴り散らしてきた。 こんなに意味のわからない店はない。論外。 星5付けてるやつがわからない。 行く人は気をつけてください。
When she thought that the shopkeeper had returned home at first, she shouted at me. There is no store that doesn't make sense. out of the question. I don't know who has 5 stars. Be careful when you go.
Hobby DIY on Google

新世界のレストランは、串を頼むとみんな同じソースを共有します。串を漬けるソースは2度漬け禁止となっているが、外国からの観光客、子供などは守っていない気がする、、そのソースを濾してまた使っているので、はっきり言って気持ちが悪い、、 串を食べなかったら観光として雰囲気はいいかな!!
New world restaurants share the same sauce when they ask for skewers. The sauce for pickling skewers is not allowed to be pickled twice, but foreign tourists, children, etc. feel that they do not protect it, because the sauce is filtered and used again, it is clearly uncomfortable, , If you don't eat skewers, wouldn't the atmosphere be good for sightseeing! !
暴君クズ王 on Google

Master is a friendly person. A nice person Teppanyaki dishes are also delicious.
渡辺裕二 on Google

老若男女、社長さんから路上の住人、青い目の人、赤い髪の人、白い人、黒い人、様々な客層の不思議なお店。マスターであるReggae Singerチョッキーさんの人柄で賑わうお店です(飲ませすぎ注意)。料理の腕も確かなんですが、気分や酔い具合で作るメニューも限られて…(そこはご愛嬌)。普通ならメニューには載せない季節毎、日替わりで色んな単品メニューがあるで是非。特に酒のお供に「ねぎ野郎」、これはハマります。す。Reggae&HIPHOP好きは素通り厳禁!
A mysterious shop for people of all ages, men and women of all ages, residents on the street, people with blue eyes, people with red hair, people with white, people with black. It is a shop full of the personality of the master, Reggae Singer Chocky (please be careful not to drink too much). I have good cooking skills, but there are limited menus that I can create depending on my mood and how much I'm getting drunk. There are various daily menus that are not included in the menu, which are different from the normal season, so it's definitely recommended. Especially, "Negoro" is a great companion for sake. You Reggae & HIPHOP lovers are strictly prohibited!

伝説のお好み焼き屋 ”新世界す。”にお邪魔しました。合う人と合わない人いると思いますが最高を求めるならそんなもんでしょ!飛び込んで下さい!自由な店主との?タイミングが合えば最高のお好み焼きが味わえますよ? メチャメチャおすすめします? ガタガタ言ってるレビューは素人ですよwここは新世界ですから悪しからず?
I visited the legendary okonomiyaki "Shinsekai". I think there are people who match and people who don't, but if you want the best, that's right Please jump in! You can taste the best okonomiyaki if you match the timing with the free shop owner? I recommend it! The review that is rattling is an amateur w This is a new world, so it's not bad
Matt Andrews on Google

This place refused to cook any food after making me buy a drink. The owner could see that I was not happy and he started to get threatening. I left the place with my drink at the table undrunk. I guess the reviews of this place are fake and this place is some kind of scam.
DAFT PUT on Google

The owner was super friendly and the okonomiyaki was amazing!!!! Also he speaks really great english so no need to worry about language barrier!

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