パンドールまるたけ - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パンドールまるたけ

住所 :

Shinsakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0007 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89899
Postal code : 460-0007
街 : Aichi

Shinsakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0007 Aichi,Japan
Mar on Google

今回はパンドールまるたけさんじゃなく、若宮通りの銀杏を見にきました。 上を見ると黄葉見頃ですが、足元は葉っぱが積もっています。 掃除大変ですね??
This time, I went to see Ginkgo on Wakamiya-dori instead of Pandor Marutake-san. Looking up, the yellow leaves are in full bloom, but the leaves are piled up at your feet. Cleaning is hard ??
H “C” C on Google

There are many hard breads, which is my favorite hardness and taste. If you go late, the item you are looking for may be sold out, so go early. Milk France seems to be the most popular and certainly delicious. I think they are all delicious.

ハード系フランスパンが美味しい! 前回食べた時は硬すぎ!?と思ったけれど、今回は硬さの中にはもっちり感が感じられてとても食べやすかったです。 店内のインテリアが硬派なのが商品のイメージと合っていて個性ある素敵なパン屋さんです。
Hard French bread is delicious! When I ate it last time, I thought it was too hard !? But this time, I felt a chewy feeling in the hardness and it was very easy to eat. The interior of the store is rigid, which matches the image of the product and is a unique and wonderful bakery.
Kaoru Trip on Google

美味しいですね!! 食パンやハード系から惣菜系まで、どれも美味しいです。 何を買っても間違いないですよ!
delicious! !! Everything from bread and hard to prepared food is delicious. No matter what you buy!
みどり蛙(ゆみっち) on Google

休日の朝8:30頃に伺いました。 開店から時間が間もないからか、まだ並んでいない商品がいくつかありました。 全部を見て選びたいなら、もう少し遅い時間に行く方がいいかもしれません。 ハード系のパンが多かった。 買ったのは、バゲットまるたけ・クロワッサン・パンオショコラ・ラタトゥイユのキッシュ・タルティーヌ・オリーブのパン・ミルクフランスの7点。2000円弱。 ミルクフランスのクリームはそんなに甘さは強くなくて、でも濃厚でパンとのバランスも良くてとても美味しかった。 オリーブのパンは、バゲットラビットのブールのようにモチモチで、これも美味しい。 どれもハズレなくきちんと美味しかったし、価格もそんなに高くない。 いいパン屋さんを知りました。 ちょっと通うには遠いけど、またぜひ買いに行きたいと思います。
I visited around 8:30 in the morning of the holiday. There were some products that weren't lined up yet, probably because it wasn't long before the store opened. If you want to see everything and choose, you may want to go a little later. There were many hard breads. I bought 7 items of baguette, croissant, bread au chocolat, ratatouille quiche, tartine, olive bread, and milk France. A little less than 2000 yen. Milk French cream was not so sweet, but it was rich and well-balanced with bread and very delicious. Olive bread is chewy like baguette rabbit boule, which is also delicious. All of them were delicious without any loss, and the price was not so high. I found a good bakery. It's a long way to go, but I definitely want to go buy it again.
nozomi kato on Google

一番人気の練乳フランスパンが美味しかった。 ガーリックパンもしっかり味がついていて美味しかった。 練乳フランスパンが美味しすぎて、今のところ毎週買いに行っている。
The most popular condensed milk French bread was delicious. The garlic bread was also tasty and delicious. Condensed milk French bread is so delicious that I go to buy it every week for now.
SAYAKA on Google

気になっていたパン屋さん?近くに行くとパンの焼ける香りがしてきました^_^日曜日の10時半頃お客さんもほぼいなくて商品も割と残っていたので色々選べました? キッシュもチキンサンドもクロワッサンも美味しかった✨クリームパンはクリームは美味しかったけど生地は好きな食感ではなかったです?クロワッサンは少し時間が経って形も潰れてしまったのにとってもおいしかった、、これはリピート。キッシュも大きくて結構お腹に溜まります?また他のパンも食べてみたいなぁ(現金決済)
The bakery I was curious about ? When I went near, the scent of baking bread came out ^ _ ^ At around 10:30 on Sunday, there were almost no customers and there were quite a few products left, so I could choose various things ? The quiche, chicken sandwich and croissant were delicious ✨ The cream bun was delicious but the dough didn't have the texture I liked ? The croissant was delicious even though it had collapsed after a while, this Is a repeat. The quiche is big and I'm quite hungry ? I also want to eat other bread (cash payment)
honey the day on Google

very cute store. really loved the redbean & cream baguette. tried the quiche as well the cabbage on top wasn't so nice but still tasty

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