Renault Nagoya Chuou - Nagoya

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Renault Nagoya Chuou

住所 :

5 Chome-2-3 Chiyoda, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 460-0012
Webサイト :

5 Chome-2-3 Chiyoda, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0012, Japan
杉本保弘 on Google

I tried on Twingo, but it was quite interesting. The shop itself is in the corner of Nissan, and although it is somewhat lonely, it will respond if you make a request for a trial ride. Recommended for those who are tired of Japanese small cars.
Ha chi on Google

I was indebted when I was riding a Renault car. Thank you for your friendly sales and kind mecha.
X X on Google

スタッフ【営業マン】のやる気が全くない。 試乗もしたけど、終わってから色々こん詰めて話をしたかったのにパンフだけ渡して見させるだけ、お茶もなし、買い替えを考えてたけどここでの対応はありえないので、こちらなルノーでは検討致しません。購入も考えた方がよさそう。 車の説明もあまり…詳しくないのかも?
There is no motivation of the staff [salesman]. I did a test drive, but after finishing I wanted to talk about it variously, but I just gave you a pamphlet and gave me a look, no tea, I was thinking about replacing it, but there is no correspondence here, so I will consider it at Renault here I will not do it. It seems better to consider purchasing. The explanation of the car is not too much ...
佐藤健 on Google

ここは日産内にある一つのブース程度で、結局販売は日産の人が全て対応します。 日産をよく知ってる人なら、当たり前ですが、基本売る気もなく、店に入っても対応伺いに来る事無く、放置プレイ。なので、用がある人は、客の方からアプローチしなければならず、ルノーの車を試乗しようとしたときも、当然放置プレイされたので、自ら試乗をお願いして、試乗しました。 試乗後、車の良さをアピールすることもなければ、売るためのアプローチもなく、「買いたければ売りますけど?」と言わんばかりの態度で、カタログもらってそのままサヨナラしました。
This is just one booth in Nissan, after all Nissan responds to sales. If you are familiar with Nissan well, it is natural, but there is no reason to sell fundamental, even if you enter the store, I will leave abandoned without coming to the correspondence inquiries. So, people with a need to approach from the customers, when trying to ride a car of Renault, as it was naturally abandoned playing, I asked the test ride himself and asked for a test ride. After trial riding, I did not appeal the goodness of the car, there was no approach to selling, and I said "I will sell if I want to buy it," but it gave me a catalog and it was good as it was.
O matsubo on Google

日産にリーフの充電をしたついでに寄りました。 メガーヌRSの試乗をお願いした女性スタッフの対応は接客業務として最低レベルで、売る気も自社製品を紹介する気も感じられませんでした。 試乗を対応してくれた若い男性スタッフは対応もよく、スポーツカーに興味を持ってる客の事を分かってるなという感じで好印象でした。 店を去る際に道路に出るまでの見送りがないのがちょっとマイナスポイント
I came down to Nissan after charging the reef. The correspondence of female staff who requested Megane RS to test drive was the lowest level as a customer service, and I did not feel like selling or introducing my own products. The young male staff who responded to the test ride was well corresponded and it was a good impression with the feeling that he knows the customers who are interested in sports cars. A slight minus point is that there is no official window to leave the store before leaving the store
dai dai on Google

トゥインゴGTの商談に訪れたのですが、対応された女性の営業スタッフの接客が最低でした。現車・試乗車が無いとの事でカタログだけ渡されて終わり。一方的に捲し立てるような対応で商談も何も話も出来ず、又こちらの購入意図も聞かず、僅か3分程度の接客で非常に不愉快な思いで店を出ました。 正直、車が良くても販売店の対応が悪いと購入意欲がなくなってしまいます。非常に残念な店でした。
I visited the Twingo GT business talk, but the service was the lowest for the female sales staff. Only the catalog is passed because there is no current car or test ride, and it is over. I could not talk about business negotiations or anything because I was a single-handed response, and did not ask this purchase intention, and left the store with a very unpleasant feeling for just three minutes of customer service. Honestly, even if the car is good, if the dealer's response is bad, the willingness to buy will be lost. It was a very disappointing store.
かずとしひらの on Google

あんまり書き込みで、接客が良くないとの事だったので、そこらへんは割り切って行ったものの、書き込みほどひどい接客では無かった。 新型のキャップチャーの発表後、最初の週末で頑張ってたのだろうか? いたって普通の接客だと思う。
It was written so much that the customer service was not good, so I went all the way, but the customer service was not as bad as the writing. Did you work hard on the first weekend after the announcement of the new Capture? I think it's just normal customer service.
monkey Smile on Google

ここの店員は客を客と思っていない態度です。 何度かリーフの充電に寄りましたが一度として 「いらっしゃい」と言われたことがありません。 どなたかが書いていましたが放置プレイ状態です。 色んな日産で充電しましたが豊明市のローソン寄りの日産以外は基本接客業ではないですね。
The clerk here does not consider the customer as a customer. I stopped by charging the Leaf several times, but once I have never been told "Welcome". Someone wrote it, but it's in a neglected play state. I charged it with various Nissan, but it is not a basic customer service business except Nissan, which is closer to Lawson in Toyoake City.

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