BAKERY PICASSO Asty Tsurumai - Nagoya

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BAKERY PICASSO Asty Tsurumai

住所 :

Chiyoda, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0012 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 460-0012
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Chiyoda, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0012 Aichi,Japan
M J on Google

牛肉ゴロゴロカレーパン、クリームパン、チョココロネを買いました。 私が食べたのはチョココロネです。 クリームがパンの半分くらいまでしか入っていないコロネによく出会いますが、ここのコロネは、クリームがぎっしり入ってました。 これで160円、なんと良心的。 舌触りがなめらかで、くどくない甘さのクリームでした。
I bought beef rumbling curry bread, cream bun, and chocolate cornet. I ate chocolate cornet. I often come across cornets that contain only about half of the cream in the bread, but the cornets here are full of cream. This is 160 yen, how conscientious. It was a cream with a smooth texture and a mild sweetness.
Hanezeve Caradhina on Google

JRの鶴舞駅構内にあります。改札から出ます。 駐車場はありません。 牛肉ゴロゴロカレーパンが有名で、 大きめの牛肉が入っていて確かに美味しかったです。 ただ、サイズも揚げた色も個体差があるのが気になりました。 コーヒーが一杯無料も良いと思いますが、 袋一枚10円はどうかなと。。。。
Located inside JR Tsurumai Station. Get out of the ticket gate. There is no parking lot. Beef rumbling curry bread is famous, It had a large beef and it was delicious. However, I was worried that there are individual differences in size and fried color. I think it would be nice to have a free cup of coffee, How about 10 yen per bag? .. .. ..
ok t on Google

カレーパンが特に美味しい。 味の濃さ、辛さ、牛肉のサイズ、バランスが取れていて行くたびに必ず購入します。 他の惣菜パンも美味しいです。
Curry bread is especially delicious. Be sure to buy it every time the taste is strong, spicy, beef size, and balance. Other side dish bread is also delicious.
鉄道王 on Google

JR鶴舞駅構内にあるパン屋さん、休日の午後に利用してみました。 店内には菓子パン、惣菜パン、サンドイッチなどなど数多くの種類のパンが並んでいて目移りしちゃいますが、ワタクシのお目当ては牛肉ゴロゴロカレーパン、前回別の店舗で買おうとしたら売り切れだったんですよね、この日はまだ早い時間ということで購入することができました。 その牛肉ゴロゴロカレーパンはカレーパングランプリ3年連続金賞受賞というコチラのお店の看板商品であり人気商品。カリッとした心地よい食感の生地の中には2センチもの大きさでカットした牛肉がごろごろ入った豪快なカレー、ここまでしっかりきた肉感が感じられるカレーパンは初めてかもです。それにお肉以外にもしっかりと野菜の食感も感じられますね。カレーの味自体もたっぷりの野菜と香辛料をブレンドした野菜で時間をかけて煮込んであるということで素材の旨みもしっかり溶け込んでいてコクもありすごく美味しかったです。 ほかにも気になる種類のパンがいろいろとあったのでまた近くに来た時には購入していきたいと思います、ごちそうさまでした。
I used the bakery in the premises of JR Tsurumai station on a holiday afternoon. Many kinds of bread such as sweet bread, prepared bread, sandwiches, etc. are lined up in the store, but I'm not sure, but I was aiming for beef purring curry bread, when I tried to buy it at another store, it was sold out. I was able to buy it because it was still early on this day. The beef purring curry bread is a popular product as it is a signboard product of the shop that received the gold medal for the third consecutive year of the curry bread grand prix. This is the first time to have a lively curry with beef cut into a size of 2 cm in a crispy and comfortable texture, and a curry bread that gives you a firm texture. In addition to meat, you can also feel the texture of vegetables. The taste of the curry itself was very delicious as it was cooked for a long time with vegetables blended with plenty of vegetables and spices, and the taste of the ingredients was well melted and rich. There were many other types of bread that I was interested in, so I would like to buy them again when I come nearby again.
akemin on Google

鶴舞公園に来た際に寄ったこちら?✨ チョコチップがこれでもかってくらい たっぷり使用されてるチョコメロンに スイートイモクロワッサン、 粒々ピーナッツ??? 甘いのだけじゃなくウインナーロールに チーズ好きにはたまらないフロマージュも❤️ カレーパンは悩んで今回は買わず? 駅にあるのが便利で鶴舞に来たら ついつい寄ってしまう( *´꒳`* ) またお邪魔します????
This is the place I stopped by when I came to Tsurumai Park ?✨ The chocolate chips are still good For chocolate melon that is used a lot Sweet potato croissant, Grained peanuts ??? Not only sweet but also for wiener rolls Fromage that is irresistible for cheese lovers ❤️ I was worried about curry bread and didn't buy it this time ? It's convenient to be at the station, so if you come to Tsurumai I just get close to you (* ´꒳` *) I will bother you again ????
Bob Chen on Google

Good service
Natasha Jorge on Google

This place is so unexpected but absolutely delicious. It's right inside the train station and right next to Tsurumai park, so it's very accessible. I walked in here on a whim just before taking the train and was blown away. I really enjoyed their matcha croissants, but the absolute stand out item is their curry buns. They are crunchy on the outside and so so flavourful on the inside. After having one my wife and I came back the next morning to buy 3 of them each, they were so good. You must arrive early if you want your first choice however, they sell out quickly!
Devindi Perera on Google

It’s located inside of the Tsurumai Station. Love this place. There are so many varieties to choose.

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