Shinpachi-chaya - Kyoto

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Front Page | 京都嵐山新八茶屋 -

新八茶屋について 京都嵐山を流れる大堰川(桂川)。観光名所でもある「渡月橋」のたもとに、新八茶屋はある。その物語が始まったのは1941年(昭和16年)。日本料理店として創業し、土産物店へと商いを広げる。1986年(昭和61)京都の顔となる商品をと「新八の抹茶ソフトクリーム」を生み出す。4年後には1日4000個を販売。嵐山が抹茶色に染まることになった。1993年(平成5年)新たな展開として京ジェラートを開発。イタリアンジェラートの伝統を守りながら、和食材の桜もち、嵯峨豆腐、抹茶浮島などの地産紹介を目指す。2010年(平成22年)には、イタリア国際ジェラート大会で3位入賞。日本人ジェラテリ ...

Contact Shinpachi-chaya

住所 :

37-17 Sagatenryuji Tsukurimichicho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 616-8384, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 616-8384
Webサイト :

37-17 Sagatenryuji Tsukurimichicho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 616-8384, Japan
JerJer B (Jeremy) on Google

The worst service and taste in all of Japan. 日本一まずい. 日本一失礼. In over 11 years in Japan I've been been treated with such insults. Absolutely racist and incompetent staff without and sense of service. The taste of the "I've cream" only made things more vile. How can such a shop deign to serve tourist from all over the world? They openly laugh at Chinese guests and mock my family.
ross kuraya on Google

Sakura Mochi Gelato is the bomb!!! Best gelato in Arashiyama, trust me!
Clara Tan on Google

Trying their cherry blossom flavor and it was quite good. I didn't know what exactly cherry blossom taste but i could smell some flower scent, and tasted like a rose tea, or yeah something like that. The price was quite pricey, maybe because located at tourist spot.
Zoe Leung on Google

I tried the green tea soft serve and it was really average. The tea scent is not strong enough and the flavor didn't last. It melts quite quickly. The cone is nice though. The staff's attitude was quite poor - passing the ice cream rudely and stared at me when I asked for a spoon (but I believe it should be a rare case as the girl might have a RBF lol).
Kitty Kitty on Google

I am from Hong Kong, and I find the customer service perfectly fine. Green tea ice-cream around the area ranges from 3000 to 5000 yen. Shinpachi is reasonably priced, their gelato seems to have a finer texture than the soft serve. I tried the green tea flavor with red beans, tasted great. The cone was crisp :)
Edmond Lau on Google

Really good tofu, pumpkin and hojicha flavors. They’re able to really extract the essence of the ingredient. Better than “normal flavors” of what we had in Italy
Toshi Ghani on Google

Good variety of ice creams, Italian style dessert and iced drinks. Location is very convenient and they have some standing tables inside. They use fresh ingredients to make their ice creams, which makes it less sweet than commercial ice cream. Also it’s a healthier alternative I think to other commercial ice creams.
Todd Hooper on Google

The gelato here is delicious. They have some Japanese flavors such as green tea and sakura mochi (cherry blossom rice cake). It’s close to the river, so you can sit by the riven while you eat your gelato.

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