Baskin Robbins - Kyoto

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Baskin Robbins

住所 :

25ー1 Saiinoiwakecho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 615-0035
Webサイト :
Description : Colorful ice cream parlor chain known for its many flavors plus sorbet & yogurt.

25ー1 Saiinoiwakecho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-0035, Japan
ヒロ on Google

The flavors are the same as other stores. There are also seasonal ones and ice cakes. Personally, I like berry ice cream. Berry Berry Strawberry is delicious.
CAMELLIA on Google

店員さんの接客は正直よくない。数年にわたり何度も利用したことがあるが、常時バイトって感じが否めない対応で、可もなく不可もなく。 イオンの入り口のすぐ先にあるので、そこに設けられている飲食スペースが冬場は寒過ぎる、、、((( ;゚Д゚))) 逆に夏場はアイスが熱波ですぐ溶けます、、、(;´A`) すぐ目につく場所にあり、さらに待ち時間必須なエレベーター前に店舗を構えているので、購買しやすい反面、子供にも毎回ねだられてしまうという親として厄介なところも。 商品自体は普通に美味しいです。
The customer service of the clerk is not good. I've used it many times over the years, but it's always possible to feel like a part-time job. Because it is just ahead of the entrance of the ion, the food and drink space provided there is too cold in the winter, (((; ゚ Д ゚))) On the other hand, in summer, ice melts immediately with heat waves ... (; ´A `) The store is located in front of the elevator, which is immediately noticeable and requires a waiting time, so it is easy to buy, but it is also a difficult place for parents to be asked by children every time. The product itself is delicious.
ko fish on Google

混んでいるのにアプリでまごまごしてしまいました。列を外れて悪戦苦闘していると店員さんが出てきて、笑顔で、できましたか?と聞きに来てくれました。優しさに感謝です。 アイスもおいしかった!
Even though it was crowded, I was confused by the app. When I was out of line and struggling, a clerk came out and asked me if I could do it with a smile. Thank you for your kindness. The ice cream was delicious too!
夏風 on Google

AEON MALL Satoru Gojo (ー ◾Д◾ ー) ?? I haven't been to Thirty One because it's in the area development.
利男田中 on Google

It's a delicious ice cream that I don't eat much because it's cold, but I want to eat it every day when it gets warm ?.
岡波泰一郎 on Google

There is always a line, and now it's being renewed and is closed.
末澤みな実 on Google

I think thirty one ice cream is different from the others! I like it better than Haagen-Dazs (^ω^) I like the flavors that match the season and the stable and delicious standard flavors that you will never get tired of whenever you go! I think the season flavor is one of the things that impresses me with its slightly punchy and interesting naming! It would be great if AEON MALL Gojo store also sells crepes! I once ate it at Yodobashi shop, but it was so delicious (^ω^)! I am happy that I always serve customers with a smile!
三谷良輔(ろんぱ) on Google

イオンモール京都五条の南側入り口すぐにあるアイスクリーム屋さん。 店員さんは愛想良く、子どもにも丁寧な接客をしている。 商品は、他のチェーンと変わりなし。
An ice cream shop near the south entrance of AEON MALL Kyoto Gojo. The clerk is friendly and treats children politely. The products are the same as other chains.

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