Shinmachimitake Shrine - Ome

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinmachimitake Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-28-26 Shinmachi, Ome, Tokyo 198-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 198-0024
Webサイト :

2 Chome-28-26 Shinmachi, Ome, Tokyo 198-0024, Japan
粒粒あんこ on Google

かなり新しい神社で境内に4つの神社が集まっています! 駐車場も大きく土日は混むらしいです!
It's a fairly new shrine, and four shrines are gathered in the precincts! The parking lot is big and it seems to be crowded on Saturdays and Sundays!
矢野奈緒 on Google

2021/1/23 境内には、御嶽神社の他に摂社の鹽竈神社、天神社水神宮があります。鹽竈神社の隣りの梅の木は、だいぶ蕾が膨らんでおり、1輪だけ咲いていました。もうしばらくすると、視覚、嗅覚でも御嶽神社を楽しめる時期になると思います。 あと、今年の豆まきは中止の掲示がされており、残念でした。
2021/1/23 In addition to the Mitake Shrine, there are Shiogama Shrine and Tenjinsha Mizujingu Shrine in the precincts. The plum tree next to Shiogama Shrine had a lot of buds and only one flower was in bloom. After a while, I think it will be time to enjoy the Ontake Shrine visually and olfactoryly. Also, it was a pity that this year's bean-sowing was canceled.
Yuji Muroi on Google

Unfortunately it was raining, but there were still people who were visiting ?
桃太 on Google

?前回、桜の咲くシーズンに参拝させて頂きました。 御神木は大きな垂れ桜? また、色々な種類の桜も植えられていて参拝も楽しいです? ?先日、11月に訪れた時には、秋と春に咲く10月桜が咲いていました?
? Last time, I visited the cherry blossom season. Shinboku is a big hanging cherry tree ? Also, various kinds of cherry blossoms are planted and it is fun to worship ? ? The other day, when I visited in November, the October cherry blossoms that bloom in autumn and spring were in bloom ?
たま“tamatyan”ちゃん on Google

Shinmachi Mitake Shrine was founded by Masakiyo Yoshino Oribe Nosuke, the founder of Shinmachi reclamation, as a guardian of the village in 1616, calling it Mitake Daigongen at the same time as the completion of Shinmachi village reclamation. It is said that he received a red seal of 3 stones from the Edo Shogunate. It is said that it was listed as a village shrine in the 6th year of the Meiji era and enshrined the Fuji University shrine in the 2nd year of the Taisho era.
on Google

It was my first visit in the summer. Although it was a hot summer, the precincts were refreshing and I was able to thank God for his gratitude. It was not popular with the office, so I visited from the nearby Miyaji-san's home and received the red stamp and amulet. thank you very much! Tenjin Shrine, Mizu Shrine, and Shiogama Shrine were also excellent. The parking space was wide and it was easy to visit. Thank you.
田中美菜 on Google

社務所で各種御札絵馬おみくじ販売 七五三 お宮参り 初詣に最適 御札人形等のお納めするお社があります 地域写真家有名な桜や秋は菊品評会開催 十月桜も咲き 初詣や七五三には焼きそば等の露店が出ます 社内の 3つのお社に19時頃まで 拝殿に電気が灯り手水舎も一年中使え 遅くなってもしっかり参拝出来ます 神社敷地内に神楽殿やトイレ(昼間のみ)や30台位停められる駐車場 神社敷地隣に宮司宿舎もあり社域はしっかり管理されています 神社の前は道路はさみ公園は 牡丹園と古井戸古墳 噴水もある大きい公園で そちらのトイレは電気が点いて24時間使えます ご祈願の待合室は社務所受付横の玄関入った左手ですね *稲荷神社 戦没者慰霊碑はありません
Various bills of votive tablets are sold at the office. There will be a stall Electricity is lit in the hall of worship until around 19:00 at the three companies in the company, and the Chozuya can be used all year round. There is a Kagura hall, a toilet (only in the daytime), and a parking lot where about 30 cars can be parked on the shrine grounds. Road scissors park in front of the shrine In a large park with a peony garden and an old well fountain The toilet there is on and can be used 24 hours a day The prayer waiting room is on the left side of the entrance next to the reception desk of the office. * There is no memorial to the war dead at Inari Shrine
りんりん on Google

The season when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom is wonderful. The precincts are full of cherry blossoms, and the park next door will be beautiful with flowers that are not cherry blossoms. I've cut branches since long ago, so I'm a little unsatisfied, but it's fine, so please go. Cars can also be parked on the gravel in the precincts.

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