ホルモン屋 こじま 松原本店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ホルモン屋 こじま 松原本店

住所 :

Shindo, Matsubara, 〒580-0015 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87897977
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/osaka/A2708/A270801/27122131/
街 : Osaka

Shindo, Matsubara, 〒580-0015 Osaka,Japan
琵琶湖太郎 on Google

The customer here stopped on the street of 309 in front of the store, and the clerk was seeing off on the street, which was an obstacle. Can you do it in the store or in your own parking lot? We may be satisfied, but for the people around us, the course is blocked and it is extremely annoying.
A S. on Google

クセになるタレでまた食べたくなる味でした!! とてもおいしかったです! スタッフさんも元気で愛想が良かったです! また行かせてもらいます!
It was a addictive sauce that made me want to eat it again! !! It was very delicious! The staff was also energetic and friendly! I will go again!
toshiaki o on Google

羽曳野の有名店こじまの直営店。 ホルモンはくさみもなく、 味噌ダレとの相性も良かったです。 1人当たり3500円くらいかな。 決してお店は広くはないので予約がおすすめ。
Habikino's famous store Kojima's directly managed store. Hormones are not dull, It goes well with miso sauce. It's about 3500 yen per person. The shop is not large, so it is recommended to make a reservation.
x on Google

特製ダレがまとわりつくハラミは美味しく、値段も720円とコスパもいいですよ! これと漫画盛りご飯でひたすら食べれそう! 上バラ、特選ロースなども味は悪くはなかったが、コスパで考えるとハラミの方が断然満足感。 ネギ塩タン、生センマイ、ハラミあたりをまたリピートしたい! ただ、レバー食べられなかったのは非常に残念…
Harami with a special sauce is delicious, and the price is 720 yen, so the cost performance is also good! You can eat this and manga-filled rice earnestly! The taste of the upper roses and special roast was not bad, but Harami was definitely more satisfying when considering the cost performance. I want to repeat the green onion salt tongue, raw omasum, and harami again! However, I'm very sorry that I couldn't eat the liver ...
高本大成 on Google

〝肉屋が通う焼肉屋〟『焼肉こじま』さんが手掛けるホルモン専門店が3/31にオープン? 4/30までは『名物こじまホルモン』が100円で食べられるってことで早速家族で行ってきました?‍?‍?‍? 場所は松原市で309号線沿いですね?️ お店の横にも3台くらいの駐車場があるけど、少し離れたところにも5台置ける駐車場があるようで、地図の看板が大きく出てました。 今日食べたのはこんな感じ♪ ************************************ ⏺️中ジョッキ 380円 ⏹️大ジョッキ 580円 ◆キムチ盛り合わせ 380円 ◆もやしナムル 300円 ◆タン 680円 (1人前) ※追加で2人前 ◆ココロのお刺身 580円 ◆新鮮炙りレバー 680円 ◆バラ 980円 (1人前) ◆ハラミ 480円 (1人前) ※追加で2人前 ◆《本日のおすすめ》たっぷホルモン盛り1,480円 ※200g ・こじまモルモン ・タン下 ・ハチノス ・上ミノ ◆こじまホルモン 100円×4 (通常 480円) ◆大ごはん 300円×2 ◆ユッケジャンクッパ 580円×2 ************************************ ◆キムチ盛り合わせ 白菜、胡瓜、大根のオーソドックスな3種類で程よい辛さなのでそのままでも食べられますね?? シャキッとした食感がしっかりしていてビールのアテとしても最高やね♪? ◆タン とりあえず試しに1人前を注文したんやけど、見るからに美味しそうなタンやんか! レモンを絞って食べてみたら家族全員が絶賛!?結局2人前追加しましたよ。 ホンマは厚切りタンも食べてみたかったけど、こっちが間違いないからって注文させてくれんかった? ◆ココロのお刺身 思ってたよりやわらかさもあったけど、ちゃんとコリッとした食感もあっていい感じやわ。 ◆新鮮炙りレバー 新鮮なのでそのままでも食べらるんやろうけど、一応軽くサッと炙ってからいただきま~す♪ ‼️これも間違いない旨さやで‼️ ◆バラ 予想以上にサシが入ったバラで、ニンニク味噌ダレがたっぷりかかった状態での提供? このニンニク味噌ダレが濃厚で 食欲を掻き立てられるわ~? ご飯と一緒に食べても予想通りめちゃくちゃ美味しい♪ ニンニク味噌ダレはコクがあって美味しいけど、これだけいい霜降りのバラならそのままダイレクト に肉の旨みだけでも食べてみたいかなって思ったわ? ニンニク味噌ダレを全体でなく、半分とかサイドに寄せておいてもえーかもしれんな。 ◆ハラミ 肉々しいハラミで食べごたえもあってみんな美味しいと大好評? てことでまた2人前追加… 個人的にはいろんなメニュー食べたいんやけど? タレは比較的あっさりやけどコクもあって好きなタイプでしたね。 ◆《本日のおすすめ》たっぷホルモン盛り (200g) 日によって提供される部位は違うようですが今日はこの4種類でした4️⃣ ・こじまモルモン ・タン下 ・ハチノス ・上ミノ これまた新鮮で旨かったけど、特にタン下は少しサシも入ってて柔らかさとシコシコとした食感もあって最高や? ホルモンは俺以外そんな好んで食べへんねんけど『こじまホルモン』は結構ハマったようやし追加 で4人前いっとこ♪ これが今日は100円で食べられるなんて素敵やん? ◆こじまホルモン ニンニク味噌ダレの旨みとホルモンの脂の甘みが絶妙に合っててビールもススムで? ◆ユッケジャンクッパ 普通のクッパも好きやけどもっと好きなのがユッケジャンクッパ? 焼肉屋に来たら大体注文してる気がするわ? コチュジャンは無料なので、辛さとコクを加えたいなら入れて食べるのがオススメ♪ 新鮮なホルモンやお肉をリーズナブルに提供してくれるのは嬉しいですよね~?
"Yakiniku restaurant where butchers go" "Yakiniku Kojima"'s hormone specialty store opens on 3/31 ? Until 4/30, I went with my family immediately because I could eat "Famous Kojima Hormone" for 100 yen ?‍?‍?‍? The place is in Matsubara City along Route 309 ?️ There is a parking lot for about 3 cars next to the shop, but there seems to be a parking lot for 5 cars at a distance, and the signboard on the map is big. This is what I ate today ♪ ************************************ ⏺️ Medium beer mug 380 yen ⏹️ Large mug 580 yen ◆ Assorted kimchi 380 yen ◆ Bean sprout namul 300 yen ◆ Tan 680 yen (for 1 person) * Additional 2 servings ◆ Heart sashimi 580 yen ◆ Fresh roasted liver 680 yen ◆ Rose 980 yen (for 1 person) ◆ Harami 480 yen (for 1 person) * Additional 2 servings ◆ 《Today's Recommendation》 1,480 yen with plenty of hormones * 200g ・ Kojima Mormon ・ Under the tongue ・ Reticulum ・ Upper Mino ◆ Kojima Hormone 100 yen x 4 (usually 480 yen) ◆ Large rice 300 yen x 2 ◆ Yukgaejang Bowser 580 yen x 2 ************************************ ◆ Assorted kimchi The orthodox three types of Chinese cabbage, cucumber, and radish are moderately spicy, so you can eat them as they are ?? The crispy texture is solid and it's the best as a beer ♪ ? ◆ Tan For the time being, I ordered one serving as a trial, but it looks delicious to see! When I squeeze the lemon and eat it, the whole family praises it! ? After all, I added 2 servings. Honma wanted to try thick-sliced ​​tongue, but he didn't let me order because this was definitely the case ? ◆ Sashimi of heart It was softer than I expected, but it also has a nice crunchy texture. ◆ Freshly roasted liver It's fresh so I'll eat it as it is, but I'll have it lightly and quickly roasted ♪ ‼ ️ This is definitely a good taste! ️ ◆ Rose It is a rose with more sashimi than expected, and it is served with plenty of garlic miso sauce ? This garlic miso sauce is rich You can stir your appetite ~ ? Even if you eat it with rice, it's insanely delicious as expected ♪ Garlic miso sauce is rich and delicious, but if it's such a nice marbled rose, it's direct I wanted to eat just the taste of meat ? It may be good to put the garlic miso sauce in half or on the side instead of the whole. ◆ Harami It is very popular because it is delicious with meaty skirt steak and it is delicious ? By the way, 2 servings will be added again ... Personally, I want to eat various menus, but ? The sauce was relatively light but rich, so I liked it. ◆ 《Today's Recommendation》 Plenty of hormones (200g) It seems that the parts provided differ depending on the day, but today there were these 4 types 4️⃣ ・ Kojima Mormon ・ Under the tongue ・ Reticulum ・ Upper Mino This was also fresh and delicious, but especially under the tongue, there was a little sashimi and it had a soft and chewy texture, so it was the best ? I don't like to eat hormones other than me, but I added "Kojima Hormone" as if I was quite addicted to it. It's 4 servings ♪ It's nice to be able to eat this for 100 yen today ? ◆ Kojima Hormone The taste of garlic miso sauce and the sweetness of the fat of the hormone are exquisitely matched, and the beer is also smooth ? ◆ Yukgaejang Bowser I like normal Bowser, but I like Yukgaejang Bowser more ? When I come to a yakiniku restaurant, I feel like I'm usually ordering ? Gochujang is free, so if you want to add spiciness and richness, it is recommended to add it and eat it ♪ I'm glad that you can provide fresh hormones and meat at a reasonable price ~ ?
Hideki T on Google

It was delicious at a reasonable price. I want to go eat again.
クック on Google

前に来た時よりも味は落ち、値段は上がっている… タンの盛り合わせは、正直ガッカリです… 色もかなり悪いので、再訪はない‼︎
The taste is lower and the price is higher than when I came before ... The tongue platter is honestly disappointing ... The color is also quite bad, so I will not return! ︎
近沢名恵 on Google

バラ肉、ハラミ、ホルモン、全部美味しかったです。ニンニクがっつりの黒ダレが病みつきになる美味しさ。このタレ、鉄板が焦げ付きやすいですが、言えばすぐ替えてくれます。 お店も店員さんも雰囲気もよいです◎
The ribs, skirt steak, and hormones were all delicious. The deliciousness of the garlic-rich black sauce is addictive. This sauce and the iron plate are easy to burn, but they will change it immediately. The shop, the clerk, and the atmosphere are good ◎

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