こじま 本店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact こじま 本店

住所 :

No, Habikino, 〒583-0884 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87987
Webサイト : https://s.tabelog.com/osaka/A2708/A270801/27023662/
街 : Osaka

No, Habikino, 〒583-0884 Osaka,Japan
猫師 on Google

実家への通り道付近にあるこちらの店。 昔から車で通った時に見かけて店の存在は知ってました。 最近インスタで見た写真が良い肉で美味しそうだったので用事で実家へ帰る途中に嫁さんと寄ってみました。 駐車場は店の前と道を挟んだ反対側にもあります。 が、お店が盛況でどちらも満車。 近くにはコインパーキングは無いので待つことに。 約20分待ってようやく駐車出来ていざ入店。 店は昔ながらの大衆焼肉屋さん。 というのも、こちらは1978年に創業した地元密着の老舗焼肉屋さん。 歴史があってしかもこれだけ大盛況なのは、地元民に愛されている証拠ですね。 店は正直古い。 でも、この古さが何だか懐かしくて良い! 私らは奥の座敷に。 掘りごたつではなく畳に座布団なのであぐらがかけない私は辛い。 でも座布団を4枚重ねで耐えましょう、笑 では、車で来たのでカルピスで乾杯! では頂きま〜す^ ^ ちなみに、こちらのお肉は他の店の約1.5〜2人前くらいあります。 なので表示金額が高く感じますが決して割高というわけではありませんよ。 ◆キムチ300円 酸味が少なく濃い旨味が印象的な日本人向けの美味しいキムチ。 ◆生センマイ1050円 なんと白センマイが出てきました! 外の黒い皮を取って綺麗に洗って出来る白センマイは手間がかかるそうです。 普通の黒いセンマイと違いグロテスク感がなく癖もなくコリコリした食感が心地よくて美味しい♪ ◆炙りうちひら1500円 ウチヒラは特に脂が少ない赤身肉の部分。 だから肉自体に旨味は少ないと思います。 ちょっと厚めで出てきたので肉自体の旨味の少なさを感じてしまった。 ゴリゴリに繊維を感じる食感。 もっと薄切りで出てきたら感想は変わったかも、汗 ◆上塩タン2300円 細長〜い切り方のタンは厚みがありますね。 サッと焼いてレモンを絞って食べると適度に柔らかくて肉の甘さが感じられます。 極上!とまではいきませんが美味しいタンです^ - ^ ◆特選お肉の盛合せ3種3000円 上ハラミ、上カルビ、上ロースの3種類。 ハラミは独特の風味と食感がたまりません♪ カルビは脂が甘くて悪も柔らかくて美味い♪ ロースは凄く柔らかくてウマーでした。。 ◆ホルモン ミノ、てっちゃん、赤センマイ ホルモン4種盛り合わせ注文したら品切れで3種類しかないとの事。 それで良いよ〜って言ったら3種盛り作ってくれました。 が、価格控えてなかったので忘れた、汗 ここのホルモンはツヤツヤに輝いていて新鮮なのが分かります。 旨味が強く臭みが一切ないので食べやすい。 どれも美味しかった。 かなりの老舗で造りは古いけれども肉質は良くて美味しかった^ ^ 常連の方も多いようで店員さんと楽しそうに話しているのも印象的。 こういう店がこれからも長く続くのはとっても良い事。 これから先もずーっと頑張って欲しい。 ご馳走さまでした!
This shop located near the way to your home. When I went by car from old days I saw it and knew the existence of the store. The picture I saw at Insta recently seemed to be delicious with good meat, so I decided to go with my wife on my way home. There is a parking lot in front of the store and on the other side of the street. But the shops are prosperous and both are full. There is no coin parking nearby, so wait for it. Wait for about 20 minutes and finally you can park your car. The store is a traditional mass barbecue restaurant. For example, here is a long-established Yakiniku restaurant that has been in close contact with the local community, founded in 1978. There is history, and what is so prosperous is evidence that it is loved by the locals. The store is honestly old. But you may miss this old age! We are in the back room. It is not hot and dull, so I don't feel comfortable. But let's endure with 4 cushions, lol Then we came by car so we had a toast with Carpis! Then you have me ^ ^ By the way, this meat is about 1.5-2 servings of other stores. Therefore, the displayed amount of money feels high, but it is not necessarily expensive. ◆ Kimchi 300 yen A delicious kimchi for Japanese people with low acidity and impressive deep flavor. ◆ Raw sen My 1050 yen What a white senmai came out! White Senmai that can be taken outside black skin and washed cleanly takes time and effort. Unlike ordinary black snails, there is no grotesque feeling and the texture is crispy and delicious without a wrinkle. ◆ A wandering 1500 yen Uchihira is a portion of lean meat that is particularly low in fat. So I think the meat itself is less delicious. As it came out a bit thick, I felt the lack of taste of the meat itself. Texture that feels fiber to gori gori. Impressions may have changed if you came out with more thin slices, sweat ◆ Upper salt tongue 2300 yen There are thick and thin tongues. If you bake it quickly and squeeze the lemon, you can feel the softness and sweetness of the meat. Superb! I do not go to, but it is a delicious tan ^-^ ◆ Assorted 3000 yen for assorted meat specialties Upper Harami, Upper Calvi, Upper Loin 3 types. Harami's unique flavor and texture do not stay ♪ Calvi is delicious because the fat is sweet and evil is also soft and delicious. Loin was very soft and ummer. . ◆ Hormons Mino, Teppan, Red Senmai Assorted 4 kinds of hormones If you have only 3 kinds out of stock. That's good I said-I made three varieties. But I forgot the price, so I forgot, sweat You can see that the hormones here are shiny and fresh. It is easy to eat because it has a strong taste and no odor. All were delicious. It is quite old-fashioned and old but the meat quality is good and delicious ^ ^ There are also many regulars, and it is also impressive that they are talking happily with the clerk. It is very good that such a store will continue for a long time. I hope I will do my best from now on. It was a feast!
ぎゃるまま日記 on Google

It is a long-established store of grilled meat located in the immediate area of ​​Mihara Rotary. The parking lot is full enough to think whether you are coming by one person truck. It is in a difficult location to go by train. It is thick cut and quite reasonable because there are many people. I am impressed by the loin that seems to bite even without teeth! Good-grilled carbi will also be served in good quality!
atoo fry on Google

昭和53年2月9日創業の羽曳野の超有名焼肉店。 近所の屠殺場から仕入れてくるお肉は鮮度抜群。 どのお肉を食べても感動の嵐。 一品系も見事なくらいお酒にピッタリ。 接客も素晴らしく、しっかりと商品内容を理解していてこちらが1を聞けば求める情報を上回る情報を提供してくれます。 駅から遠いという不便な地でも予約しないと入れない位の人気店になるのが納得というよりも当然と思える泣きたくなるほど感動した焼肉屋さんでした。
A super famous yakiniku restaurant in Habikino, founded on February 9, 1978. Meat purchased from a nearby slaughterhouse is outstandingly fresh. No matter what meat you eat, you will be moved by the storm. One dish is perfect for alcohol as well. The customer service is wonderful, we understand the contents of the product firmly, and if we listen to 1, we will provide more information than we want. It was a yakiniku restaurant that was so impressive that it made me want to cry rather than be convinced that it would not be possible to enter a popular restaurant without making a reservation even in an inconvenient place that is far from the station.
teoteo on Google

焼肉の聖地…羽曳野まで 美味しい〜王道な焼肉を求めて遠征です。 最近焼肉で不完全燃焼で悶々としていたのです。 夫の運転で出かけました。 堺羽曳野線をドーーンと行くだけでわかりやすい立地。 駐車場もあるので便利です。 見た目年季の入った外観。 創業41年くらいの老舗焼肉店のようです コレコレ…求めていた感じ(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) 混み合う前の開店と同時17時にお邪魔します。 ひとり焼肉も出来そうなカウンターもあり、 ファミリーで寛げそうな御座敷もあります。 とりあえず飲み物から注文 ◆中ジョッキ¥480 ◆アサヒスーパードライゼロ¥450 ジョッキが凍っていました 夫は運転なのでノンアルコールで… サラダは焼肉店で注文しない夫婦なので キムチやナムルを注文! ◆もやしナムル¥300 ノ゚ω゚)ノ*.オオォォォォォォォー なんてボリューム満点 まるでモンブランみたい… いや、豆もやしですがw旨し。 ◆自家製キムチ(白菜)¥300 あっさり目なキムチでした。 ◆生センマイ¥1050 コチラの看板メニュー的な生センマイ。 黒い部分が掃除されて白いセンマイ。 食感も良く美味しい〜。 ◆上タン¥2300 厚みがちょうど良い感じ。 6㎜〜7㎜くらいかな 手切りだそうで、何ミリとか聞いてもわからない(笑) そこが素敵。 肉の個体に合わせて切り方を変えるそうです。職人ワザ。 ◆炙りウチヒラ¥1500 ウチヒラLOVE♡な私…これは注文しとかないと… さっと炙り黄身ダレ(自家製)でまったりと。 美味しい〜(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) ウチヒラのすき焼きが好きですが、 焼肉だけど食べ方がすき焼きみたいで大満足 ◆特撰お肉の盛り合わせ3種¥3000 色んな種類が食べたいので盛り合わせで注文。 コチラのお店の1人前は150〜160gあるそうなので、 色々1人前で食べると食べきれないだろうな… 内容は半人前ずつ盛り合わせた 上ハラミ、上ロース、上カルビ 提供前に切り、さっとタレを掛けてるそうなので、 どっぷりタレに浸かっておらず… 肉のおいしさがわかります。 ◆ホルモン4種盛り合わせ¥1600 テッチャン(シマチョウ)、ミノ、アカセン、ハチノス ホルモン美味しい〜 オリジナルの味噌ダレがまた美味しい。 ◆卵かけご飯¥350 壁に貼ってあったポスターを見て注文 これは夫と半分こしました。 宝友卵と言うブランド卵みたい。 醤油もオリジナルみたい。 旨味たっぷりな醤油でした。 ◆アイスクリーム¥250 バニラと柚子シャーベット いつもならクッパとか頼むんだけど お腹いっぱいになったので、軽くアイスを注文 バニラと柚子シャーベットも半分こしました。 羽曳野…さすが焼肉の聖地。 焼肉不完全燃焼から脱却できました。 ほんまに美味しいし、良いお店〜。 メニューも豊富なのでまた遠くても行きたい。 また来年のクリスマスイブに行けたらいいな〜 美味しかった ご馳走さまでした。
Sacred place of yakiniku ... to Habikino It is an expedition in search of delicious ~ royal road yakiniku. Recently I was worried about incomplete burning with yakiniku. I went out driving my husband. Easy-to-understand location just by going to Sakai Habikino Line with Dawn. It is convenient because there is also a parking lot. The appearance with the appearance season. It seems like a long-established yakiniku restaurant that has been around for 41 years Korekore… feeling we wanted (((o (* ▽ *) o))) We will bother you at 17:00 at the same time as the opening before crowding. There is also a counter that can be made by yourself, There is also a parlor that seems to be relaxing for the family. Order from drink for the time being ◆ Medium mug ¥ 480 ◆ Asahi Super Dry Zero ¥ 450 The mug was frozen My husband is driving and is non-alcoholic ... Salad is a couple who does not order at a yakiniku restaurant Order kimchi and namul! ◆ Sprout Namul ¥ 300 ノ ω ノ) ノ *. オ オ ォ ォ ォ ォ ォ ォ ォ What a perfect score It's like Mont Blanc ... No, it's bean sprouts, but w. ◆ Homemade Kimchi (Chinese cabbage) ¥ 300 It was a simple kimchi. ◆ Raw Senmai ¥ 1050 Click here for a signboard menu. The black part is cleaned and the white spring is clean. The texture is good and delicious. ◆ Upper tongue ¥ 2300 Feeling that thickness is just right. Maybe 6 ~ 7㎜ It seems to be a hand-cut, and even if I ask how many millimeters I do not understand That is wonderful. It seems that the cutting method is changed according to the individual meat. Artisan trick. ◆ Broiled Uchihira ¥ 1500 Uchihira LOVE ♡ I ... I have to order it ... Quickly roast yolk sauce (homemade) and relax. Delicious ~ (((o (* ▽ ** o) o))) I like Uchihira sukiyaki, It's yakiniku but it's like sukiyaki ◆ Assorted special meat 3 kinds ¥ 3000 I want to eat various kinds, so I ordered a platter. It seems that one person here is 150-160 g, I guess I can't eat it if I eat it in one serving ... Assorted contents for half a half Upper Harami, Upper Loin, Upper Rib It seems that they are cut before serving and are quickly sauced, I'm not soaked in the sauce ... You can see the taste of the meat. ◆ 4 kinds of hormones ¥ 1600 Tetchan (Small Butterfly), Mino, Acacene, Hachinos Hormone is delicious ~ The original miso sauce is also delicious. ◆ Egg rice over ¥ 350 Look at the poster on the wall and order This was half with my husband. It looks like a brand egg called Hoyu egg. The soy sauce is also original. The soy sauce was full of umami. ◆ Ice cream ¥ 250 Vanilla and citron sherbet I usually ask for Bowser I'm full, so I ordered some ice cream Vanilla and citron sherbet were also rubbed half. Habikino ... A truly sacred place for yakiniku. You have escaped from incomplete burning of yakiniku. Really good and good shop ~. The menu is abundant, so I want to go there again. I hope we can go to Christmas Eve next year again was delicious It was a feast.
Marsha on Google

The parking lot in front of the store is exclusively for mini cars, and there are 4 or 5 ordinary cars on the opposite side of the Sakaiha Hikino line, but it is difficult to go to the other side because the intersection of the fields is near and there are always many cars. For ordinary cars, go west on the Habikino line from the beginning. The family set is 5500 yen and the upper meat set is 3300 yen. Especially the top is good and delicious.
たくパパ on Google

2月限定で生ビール43円キャンペーンに引かれて、12時オープンから来店。 人気の白センマイからスタートし、タンとハラミとココロと?の刺身、タン4種盛り合わせ、ロース、カルビ、上ハラミ、ミノ、チョウ、コリコリ、アカセンと、何を食べてもとにかく旨い??✨ 非常にレベルの高い焼肉屋が羽曳野にあるとは驚き?‼️ 店員さんもテキパキ動いて、最後にお土産まで頂き、お腹も心も大満足のお店でした?リピート確実?
Only in February, I was drawn to the draft beer 43 yen campaign and came to the store from 12:00. Starting from the popular white omasum, with Tan, Harami, and Heart? Sashimi, assorted 4 kinds of tongue, loin, ribs, upper halami, rumen, butterflies, coricoli, akasen, whatever you eat is delicious ??✨ It's amazing that there is a very high level yakiniku restaurant in Habikino ?‼ ️ The clerk also moved quickly, and at the end I got a souvenir, and I was very satisfied with my stomach and heart ? Repeat sure ?
食べ歩きおじさん on Google

Visited on weekday nights. Although it was a corona storm, the store was almost full. Should I make a reservation? The parking lot is in front of the store and across the road. If you're not used to parking, it might be a little difficult. I'm not good at driving, so I was a little narrow and scared. It's the essential taste, but it's definitely delicious. As expected, it is Habikino. However, considering the price, it is a price. It feels like you can eat good meat at a reasonable price. It was a treat.
Tap 4 on Google

タンが美味しかったです。 全てのメニューで「上」がつくものを頼むのがおすすめです。 美味しい焼肉が食べれるお店です。 ご飯も炊きたてで美味しいお米でした。 クッパは出汁があっさりとしたお味でお気に入りです。 駐車場は店の前にあるスペースは軽自動車用で普通車は道の向かいの駐車場を利用します。
The tongue was delicious. It is recommended to order the ones with "upper" in all menus. It is a restaurant where you can eat delicious yakiniku. The rice was freshly cooked and delicious. Bowser is my favorite because it has a light soup stock. The parking lot in front of the store is for light cars, and ordinary cars use the parking lot across the road.

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