焼肉こじま 離れ

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉こじま 離れ

住所 :

Amamihigashi, Matsubara, 〒580-0032 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87989
Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/ge6cnng40000/
街 : Osaka

Amamihigashi, Matsubara, 〒580-0032 Osaka,Japan
岸大介 on Google

ご飯が進む味付けでもやしナムル等の一品ものも美味しかった^ ^
Even with the seasoning that the rice goes on, one dish such as bean sprouts namul was delicious ^ ^
玉田大地 on Google

The atmosphere was good and the staff were very friendly! The meat was delicious, so I'm satisfied.
ティモンアレン on Google

The meat was sliced ​​thick, so it was delicious! It was good that the staff was also lively.
たなか on Google

I bought a salted tongue bento, but it's salty and I can't eat it. It's like eating salt directly. I will never buy it again, it only contains a small tongue and it is not worth more than 2000 yen.
クック on Google

出てくるのが遅すぎる… 大人気?上ハラミ(1900円) 誰に人気なんですかね?美味しくない 塩タン(1800円)で明らかにタン先の部分が出てくるし、中落ちカルビ(1200円)は変色してるところが出てきました。この味とこの立地、雰囲気でこの値段は高いなぁと思います。 色んな焼肉屋行きましたが、この店は二度と行きません。
It's too late to come out ... Very popular? Upper skirt steak (1900 yen) Who is it popular with? Not tasty The salt tongue (1800 yen) clearly shows the tip of the tongue, and the medium-sized ribs (1200 yen) are discolored. I think this price is high because of this taste, this location, and the atmosphere. I went to various yakiniku restaurants, but I will never go to this restaurant again.
北川正美 on Google

ランチで伺いました。 店内は綺麗で清潔感が有りました。 ライスとスープ(ワカメスープ)のセットを頼みましたが、しょっぱい事しょっぱい事、味味して出してるのかなと思う程の濃さで残しました。 お肉は上タン、上ハラミ、上ロース、上カルビは美味しかったです。 お値段的にはお肉の質からしたら少しお高いかなと思いました。 通常行ってる焼肉屋さんから比べるとお値段から考えて、期待し過ぎてたのかも知れませんが。 機会が有れば食べに行くかもですかね。
I visited for lunch. The inside of the store was beautiful and clean. I ordered a set of rice and soup (seaweed soup), but I left it so salty and salty that I thought it was served with a taste. The meat was top tongue, top skirt steak, top loin, and top ribs were delicious. I thought that the price was a little expensive considering the quality of the meat. Compared to the usual yakiniku restaurant, I might have expected too much considering the price. Maybe I'll go eat if I have a chance.
ぎゃるまま日記 on Google

河内天美 駅近くの『焼肉こじま離れ』で焼肉♪羽曳野の人気店焼肉屋も通う、「焼肉こじま」の姉妹店です♪ 2020.3にオープンしたばかりで店内ぴかぴか♪換気もしっかりしていてクリーンな店内です♪ スーパードライ(500円) もやしナムル(300円) キムチ盛り合わせ(300円) ごま油をつけて食べると激うま♪キムチは軽く焼いても美味しい ~♪ 幻の生白センマイ(1,200円) とても柔らかくて喉ごしバツグン♪自家製のポン酢と頂くと激うま ♪ 上タン塩(2,400円) タン元の上質な部位でした。輪切りではなく斜めにカットしているそうです♪厚切りなのにとても柔らかいタンでした♪ 炙りうちひら(1,500円) 程よく脂ののった希少部位のウチヒラです。とても柔らかくて卵ポン酢で頂くと最高♪ 特選焼きしゃぶ(3,000円) 脂のりのり!さっと数秒炙ってレアで頂きました♪ご飯が欲しくなる美味しさです♪ 上お肉の盛り合わせ(3,000円) ロース カルビ ハラミ ホルモン盛り合わせ(ミノ、小腸、ハチノス) とても鮮度のいいホルモンです。プリプリでお酒がすすみました♪ ゆずシャーベット(250円) 精肉店直営ならではのリーズナブルな価格で鮮度のいい お肉を堪能できました♪
Yakiniku at "Yakiniku Kojima Away" near Kawachi-Amami Station ♪ It is a sister store of "Yakiniku Kojima", which is also a popular restaurant in Habikino. It just opened in 2020.3 and the store is shiny ♪ The ventilation is good and the store is clean ♪ Super Dry (500 yen) Bean sprouts namul (300 yen) Assorted kimchi (300 yen) If you eat it with sesame oil, it will be very delicious ♪ Kimchi is delicious even if you bake it lightly ~ ♪ Phantom raw white omasum (1,200 yen) It's very soft and throaty ♪ It's super delicious when served with homemade ponzu ♪ Beef tongue salt (2,400 yen) It was a high-quality part of the tongue. It seems that it is cut diagonally instead of sliced ​​♪ It was a very soft tongue even though it was a thick slice ♪ Grilled Uchihira (1,500 yen) It is a rare part of Uchihira that is moderately greasy. It's very soft and it's best to have it with egg ponzu ♪ Special grilled shabu-shabu (3,000 yen) Nori seaweed! It was roasted for a few seconds and was rare ♪ It is delicious that you will want rice ♪ Assorted top meat (3,000 yen) Loin Calvi Harami Assorted hormones (Mino, small intestine, reticle) It is a very fresh hormone. Alcohol went on with prepuri ♪ Yuzu sorbet (250 yen) Good freshness at a reasonable price unique to a butcher shop I was able to enjoy the meat ♪
下吉政信 on Google

ここのお肉は値段は少し張りますが 払う価値はあります!! 記念日なども祝ってもらっている他のお客様もいたので、サービスの良いお店だなと感じました? 新人さんも居ましたが、しっかり指導している様子も見れたので 応援したくなりました?
The meat here is a little expensive, Worth paying! !! There were other customers who were celebrating anniversaries, so I felt that it was a good service shop ? There was a newcomer, but I could see that he was giving guidance. I want to support you ?

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