
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 海藤花

住所 :

Shimosakunobe, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.sushi-kaitoge.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shimosakunobe, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
Z2オヤジ on Google

こちらのレビューは以前も書きましたが うっかりして消してしまい、再度書かせて頂きます。 場所的には溝の口駅から歩いて3・4分くらいの 高津区役所の向かいあたりの路地を入った少し入り組んだところにあります。 海藤花さんは知人に紹介してもらった店ですが カウンターと座敷があり、元気が良い大将とバイトの若者で切り盛りしています。 兎に角ネタの種類と新鮮さがウリらしく旬の魚が食べられる店です。 それと創作料理が色々あり、安くて旨くて毎回楽しみにしています。 これからも頑張って下さい。ご馳走様でした。
I wrote this review before I accidentally erased it and will write it again. In terms of location, it's about 3-4 minutes on foot from Mizonokuchi Station It is located in a slightly complicated place in the alley opposite the Takatsu Ward Office. Mr. Kaito is a shop introduced by an acquaintance. There is a counter and a tatami room, and it is served by a cheerful general and a young man who works part-time. It is a restaurant where you can eat seasonal fish with the variety and freshness of the horned fish. Also, there are various creative dishes, which are cheap and delicious, and I look forward to them every time. please keep trying your best. It was a treat.
北村梓 on Google

やや高いけど、めっちゃ新鮮で美味かった!1週間仕事頑張った後自分に最高のご褒美。次回は各種お握り頂きたいと思う。 (生ビール+大トロ+車海老+サバ刺身+蟹味噌焼き+日本酒一合=5000円)
It's a little expensive, but it was really fresh and delicious! The best reward for myself after working hard for a week. Next time, I would like you to hold various items. (Raw beer + large toro + car shrimp + mackerel sashimi + grilled crab miso + Japanese sake 1 go = 5000 yen)
rinrinsan 003 on Google

テイクアウトで利用しました。 特上と特上大盛りの違いは煮穴子等が3貫プラスってことなのかな? ウニやイクラも入っているので特上で十分満足できた。 汁物欲しかったけどテイクアウトだと寿司のみですね。 今度はお店で食べてみたい。
I used it for takeout. I wonder if the difference between the special and special large servings is that 3 pieces of boiled conger eel etc. are added. It also contains sea urchin and salmon roe, so I was completely satisfied with it. I wanted soup, but when it comes to takeout, it's only sushi. I want to eat at the store this time.
宮澤光太朗 on Google

You can enjoy sushi quickly, rhythmically, and with delicious ingredients. The rice is a little sushi rice, and the volume is great. Perhaps they will respond if you ask, "Please hold it with a little rice."
クッシー on Google

The large miso soup is characteristic. There was a 1000 yen lunch and the amount was delicious.
かるーたるーかす on Google

大盛りランチを注文。 寿司は勿論、味噌汁も最高。 味噌汁に 握りで出て来た海老の頭を入れると 海老の味噌がまじり 旨い カウンターで旨い握り寿司が食べられます。 握りは柔らかめ
I ordered a large lunch. Not only sushi but also miso soup is the best. For miso soup When you put the head of the shrimp that came out with a grip Shrimp miso mixed delicious You can eat delicious nigiri sushi at the counter. The grip is soft
Hiro on Google

寿司屋を求めて ランチ利用。 特上チョイスしました。 味噌椀が大きくて大満足! トロが美味しかったのと、もーちょっと食べたかったのもあって追加でおすすめ炙り鯵とトロ。 美味しく頂きました。
In search of a sushi restaurant Use for lunch. I made a special choice. The miso bowl is big and I am very satisfied! Toro was delicious and I wanted to eat a little, so I recommend additional grilled horse mackerel and Toro. We had delicious.
Atsuro Wakazono on Google

Warm hearted delicious sushi restaurant

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