
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 吉岡彌生記念館

住所 :

Shimohijikata, Kakegawa, 〒437-1434 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://yayoi-kinenkan.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Shimohijikata, Kakegawa, 〒437-1434 Shizuoka,Japan
Ra. Rasya on Google

The birthplace and nagayamon are attractive. I'm sorry I can't see the warehouse.
Crow_ Stay Gold on Google

It's a wonderful woman! For medicine and women ❗️
fay thian on Google

東京女子医大設立後も、医療・看護の面から女性のおかれた立場・環境の向上に大変尽力されたことが良く理解できます。 パネルや映像を見たり音声を聴いた後、時代を切り開いた素晴らしい方だと、自然と尊敬の念が湧いてきました。 展示スペースは、さほど広くはありませんが、良くまとまった記念館だと思います。 記念館の裏手は、移築した生家へと続いています。
Even after the establishment of Tokyo Women's Medical College, it is possible to understand that he has made great efforts to improve the position and environment in which women are placed in terms of medical care and nursing. After watching the panel and the image and listening to the audio, the wonderful people who have made the time have come to appreciate nature and respect. The exhibition space is not very large, but I think it is a well-organized memorial. The back of the memorial continues to the relocated home.
Tetsuya Kato on Google

The video introducing Yayoi Yoshioka's background is easy to understand, so it's better to watch it.
K Arizi on Google

As a human being, as a woman, and as a doctor, it is a facility where you can see the footprints of those who have broken through the era when the glass ceiling was thicker than it is today. The birthplace is designed to look inside from the front door. It's relatively close to the Kakegawa interchange, so feel free to stop by and you won't lose. If you don't have a group, it won't be crowded, so you can go with confidence even if you have a corona virus. You must be admitted by 16:30. Please be careful about that.
Yoshitomo Nakamura on Google

女性の医学教育と、職業を通しての女性の立場向上に貢献した吉岡彌生女史の記念館です。 女史の生涯と、成されてきた事を観る事ができます。 また、敷地内には生家が保存されており、こちらも観る事ができます。
It is a memorial hall for Ms. Yayoi Yoshioka, who contributed to women's medical education and women's position through occupation. You can see her life and what has been done. In addition, the birthplace is preserved on the premises, and you can see this as well.
髙見澤豊 on Google

It is a well-organized library. I was in the GW period, but I was the only visitor. You can watch it in about 1 hour. There is also free parking. There is Takatenjin Castle Pass where Yoshioka Yayoi visited at a childhood festival etc. nearby, and you can go hiking.
森昭二 on Google

高天神城跡を訪ねた後にたまたま時間が空いたので、訪ねました。 私はこの吉岡彌生という人は名前すら知りませんでしたが、今よりも女性に対する差別偏見が強い時代に女医になり、更に女性医師の育成と女性の地位向上に努めた人でした。女医の先駆者や東京女子医科大学の創立者というだけでなくとても立派な人だと知りました。そしてこういう女性は大抵独身だったりしますが、この人は家庭を持っていました。それも素晴らしいことだと思います。 記念館には彼女の生涯を紹介したアニメも上映されていますが、彼女の生涯がコンパクトにまとめられていてとても良いと思います。それから記念館の裏手には彼女の生家が移築されています。中に上がれないのが残念ですか、なかなか見応えがあります。 記念館内で彼女のインタビューのテープが流れていましたが、健康の秘訣について聞かれたところで「よく休むこと」と答えていたと思います。ここで言うよく休むとは「よく眠る」ことと思います。やはり大事業を成し遂げるにはよく眠ることが大切なようですね。吉岡先生、ありがとうございました❗
I happened to have time after visiting the site of Takatenjin Castle, so I visited. I didn't even know the name of Yoshio Yasuoka, but I became a female doctor in an era when discrimination prejudice against women was stronger than before, and I was a person who tried to foster female doctors and improve the status of women. I learned that she was not only a pioneer of female doctors and a founder of Tokyo Women's Medical University, but also a very good person. And these women are usually single, but this person had a home. I think that is also wonderful. An animation that introduces her life is also being screened in the Memorial, but I think it is very good that her life is compactly organized. Then her birthplace has been relocated to the back of the memorial. It ’s a shame that you ca n’t go up, it ’s pretty good. A tape of her interview was playing in the memorial hall, but when I was asked about the secrets of health, I think that she answered “well rest”. I think resting well here means “sleep well”. It seems that it is important to sleep well to achieve a big business. Thank you, Dr. Yoshioka ご ざ い

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