SEO CYCLE Kitasuna - Koto City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact SEO CYCLE Kitasuna

住所 :

セオサイクル北砂店 6 Chome-6-17 Kitasuna, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 136-0073
Webサイト :

セオサイクル北砂店 6 Chome-6-17 Kitasuna, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0073, Japan

On the way back from Arakawa Cycling Road to Sunamo, the ruggedness of the road surface is directly transmitted, so if you think it is strange and get off, the rear wheel will puncture. Unfortunately, I left a flat tire repair tool on that day, and when I was walking while looking for a bicycle shop in my neighborhood, I found a French in hell. Theocycle Kitasuna store was open (2018 Labor Thanksgiving Day). When I asked for repair, he kindly agreed and it was completed in a blink of an eye. We received advice on tires and tubes, and we were sorry for the repair fee alone. I ran safely and managed to return to the remaining 5km. Thank you very much. Elderly people come to apply for inspections while they are in the store, and some people say hello when they pass in front of the store. I think it's a good store that you can rely on in your area. It's far from home (although there are stores of the same type closer), but I think this store will be an option the next time you buy something.
m i on Google

セオサイクルはパンク修理など手慣れた感じで丁寧にやってくれます。 しかし、メンテナンス出来ない人間からすると、ネットで売られている自転車は怖くて買えません。 現在ダイエーはイオンが母体になっていますので、イオンで買った自転車をダイエーに持ち込んでも面倒はみてくれると思いますよ。メンテナンスは買った店に持ち込んで見て貰うのが穏便だと思いますが引っ越しとかで店を変えざるを得なかったりしますね。
Theo cycle will do it carefully with a familiar feeling such as puncture repair. However, for those who can't maintain, the bikes sold online are scary and can't be bought. At present, Aeon is the mother of Aeon, so if you bring a bike that you bought with Aeon to Daiei, it will take care of you. I think that it is easy to bring the store to the store where you bought it and see it, but sometimes you have to change the store by moving.
kaa hosu on Google

お盆休みで開いているお店が少ない中、ネットで探してパンク修理の為伺いました。 混雑状況にもよると思いますが、たまたま私が行った時はすぐに作業に入って頂けたので10分程で終わりました。 毎日のように自転車を使うので、開いているお店が見つかり良かったです! 私が伺った時にはお一人だけでしたが、お店の方は好印象でした。 次に自転車を買う時にはぜひお願いしたいです♫
While there are few shops open during the Obon holidays, I searched online and asked for puncture repair. I think it depends on the congestion situation, but when I happened to be there, I was able to get started immediately, so it took about 10 minutes. Since I use my bicycle every day, it was nice to find an open store! When I visited, I was alone, but the shop was a good impression. The next time I buy a bicycle, I would like to ask for it♫
Eriko Sasaki on Google

いつも地元の人で賑わっていて忙しそうなのに 仕事の速さ、技術が最高レベルです! 安心安全の整備をしてくださいます。 店長さんのお人柄、親切丁寧な接客がすばらしいです。
It ’s always crowded with locals and it ’s going to be busy Work speed and technology are at the highest level! Please maintain safety and security. The store manager's personality and kind and courteous customer service are wonderful.
Nobu Miz on Google

I'm sorry for the response when I brought a bicycle purchased from another Theo, so I don't want to go here if possible.
Hiroyuki Iriki on Google

There are many bicycle shops, but when you buy a bicycle including your family, you can choose SEO CYCLE Kitasuna. I bought a number that wasn't enough with one hand, but I can feel reassured that there is a store manager who has a good personality whenever I visit the store.
on Google

I searched for a bicycle shop near my home and purchased it because of the inconvenience of traveling and specifications for commuting. I liked both the response and the explanation, and it was kind rather than the response of a certain poster. I was able to make a good purchase with explanations such as maintenance after purchase. Next is the store I want to buy.
Deepak Yachamaneni on Google

Great place!! support and guidance and bike maintenance from is impeccable.

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