Sekiya Station - Niigata

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sekiya Station

住所 :

1 Yayoichō, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8147, Japan

Postal code : 951-8147

1 Yayoichō, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8147, Japan
ぬ“ジョン・スミス”ね on Google

自転車の盗難が驚くほど多い。自転車のライトでさえ取り外されて盗まれる。 これ以上増えない前にはやく防犯カメラをつけるべき。 自分自信は1年に一回のペースでなにかしら盗まれてます。
There are surprisingly many bicycle thefts. Even bicycle lights are removed and stolen. You should put on a security camera before it increases any more. My self-confidence is stolen at a pace of once a year.
Isao Suzuki on Google

新幹線の切符購入に立ち寄りました。 券売機では購入できず有人窓口購入のみで対応時間が以下のように限られています。 営業時間 ・7:45~17:45 窓口休止時間帯 ・11:15-11:45 ・13:00-14:00 ・16:00-16:30 ご注意下さい。
I dropped in to buy a Shinkansen ticket. Ticket vending machines cannot be purchased and only manned counters can be purchased, and the response time is limited as follows. business hours ・ 7: 45-17: 45 Window suspension time ・ 11: 15-11: 45 ・ 13: 00-14: 00 ・ 16: 00-16: 30 be careful.
千種由嗣 on Google

島式ホーム1面2線に橋上駅舎を有する地上駅 新潟駅が統括管理する業務委託駅で、駅業務はジェイアール新潟ビジネスが受託している。改札口には自動改札機が3通路設置されており、全通路でSuica等のICカードが利用できる 営業時間は写真の通りで 途中営業外の時間帯もあります。 入口は1階部分 改札は二階部分 ホームは1階部分です どちらの入口から入っても同様です
Ground station with Hashigami station building on line 1 and 2 of island platform This is a business consignment station that Niigata Station manages, and JR Niigata Business is entrusted with the station business. There are three automatic ticket gates installed at the ticket gates, and you can use Suica and other IC cards in all the passages. Business hours are as shown in the photo, and there are times when business is closed on the way. The entrance is on the 1st floor, the ticket gate is on the 2nd floor, and the home is on the 1st floor.
a ! on Google

Barrier-free support at the island-style platform with 1 side and 2 lines
オザワアヤ on Google

I think it's pretty at the station on the Echigo line. I like the waiting room, but I also like the bench in front of the waiting room because it's open. The cleaner always keeps it clean and my head goes down.
Guide Local on Google

新潟市が支援して駅を橋上駅に改築したそうです。 小規模ながら駅員さんは2人勤務?なのか、ベテランの男性がお2人いらっしゃいました。 最近は陽気で対応の良い駅員さんがいらっしゃるので、気持ちよく利用できます。^^ 発車標は英語非対応、各入口とエレベータ付近にある盲導鈴(新潟市が保有)は長い間故障しています。
It seems that the station was rebuilt into Hashigami Station with the support of Niigata City. Is there two station staff working on a small scale? Somehow, there were two veteran men. Recently, there are cheerful and responsive station staff, so you can use it comfortably. ^^ The platform display does not support English, and the blind bells (owned by Niigata City) near each entrance and elevator have been out of order for a long time.
ヘルメッポ on Google

時計の位置が悪く見づらいうえに分かりにくい。 トイレ内にある手洗い場の水の勢いが異常なほど強い。点検してないから強いことすらわかってない。
The position of the clock is bad and it is hard to see and understand. The momentum of the water in the restroom in the toilet is unusually strong. I haven't checked it, so I don't even know it's strong.
ツン君翁 on Google

This is the second station from Niigata Station on the Echigo Line. It is a peaceful station.

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