中津唐揚げ ぶんごや 大宮店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中津唐揚げ ぶんごや 大宮店

住所 :

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://bungoya-omiya.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Saitama

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan
なべすん on Google

味付けがちょうど良い! むね肉を選んでもパサパサした感じはなく、ジューシーで美味しい。 自家製の燻製もどれを食べても美味しかった。 今は離れてしまいなかなか行けないが、近くに寄った際はまた行きたいです。
Seasoning is just right! Even though I chose meat, it did not feel like being pastry, it is juicy and delicious. Even if you eat homemade smoked food, it was delicious. I can not readily go away now, but I want to go again when I go nearby.
Nuko on Google

子供と二人でのランチ利用でしたが、とても丁寧な接客で雰囲気も落ち着いていました。 唐揚げと薫製はほんとに美味しかった! 再来します。
It was a lunch with a child and two people, but the atmosphere was calm with a very polite customer service. The fried chicken and smoked food were really delicious! I will come again.
大熊知之 on Google

A restaurant where you can eat fried rice from Nakatsu. It is a takeaway day and a restaurant at night. Well, it's an important taste ... but it's normal. The taste is fainter than the original Nakatsu. After all, even if there is a main store in Nakatsu, if it comes to Kanto, will it become a taste of Kanto ... It is disappointing.
名倉瞳 on Google

Used several times for dinner. It seems that many people use it on dates. This time, I used the take-out of fried chicken for the first time. It is easy to understand because you can buy by specifying the gram, amount, and part. When using lunch or dinner, the stairs are steep and narrow, so avoid it when you have luggage or shoes on heels. The taste is great.
深山雄太 on Google

唐揚げ、気づいたらなくなってしまってました笑 いくらでも食べれそうです!
Fried chicken, I didn't notice it anymore lol You can eat as much as you want!
No Ot on Google

以前は近所に住んでたのでよく行ってましたが、10年ぶり位に来てみました 相変わらず唐揚げ美味しかったです! ランチにもう少しおかずあったら嬉しいかな
I used to live in the neighborhood so I used to go there, but I came here for the first time in 10 years. The fried chicken was delicious as usual! I wish I had a little more side dish for lunch
深澤愛 on Google

入った瞬間燻製の良い香りと、穏やかな店主さんに出迎えられ、一気に私のテンションが上がりました! おひとり様肉LOVE女性に朗報です。このお店は一人でも楽しみやすいお店ですよ! 3階の客席に上がればアルコールの容器からしてオシャンティー。はい、お冷きました、デトックスウォーターですよ!柑橘系好きな私には嬉しさアップ。そしておしぼりの良い香りよ…。 喫煙可なのは少し残念ではありますが、燻製だし、最近肩身狭そうな喫煙者には優しいお店ですね。 はい、大事なのは料理です! 来たよ、グラスに盛られた生野菜サラダ…こんな盛りつけあったのか!自家製ドレッシング、ウマウマ♡アレルギーまで確認してくれる可愛いお姉さんの気遣いは見習いたいところ。 濃厚なオニオンスープも大変美味しゅうございます。 料理は目で食べるとは、こういう事を言うのですね!! そしてメインディッシュ!ドドン!!とばかりに肉!(ぶ厚切り燻製ベーコン3切れ)肉!!(ぶっといフランク)肉!!!(ここは唐揚げもメインです)野菜!(赤、黄パプリカ、オクラ風見た目のピーマン、カボチャ、じゃがいも、玉ねぎ、ハートにんじん…もっとあったかも)、きのこ!(しいたけ、エリンギ)他にもポテトサラダ?にレモンとライムも添えられて… こんなにボリューミーなのになんでこんなにオシャレに盛れるの? いつも大事に肉を食べる私ですが、今日は大口で食べれました。 野菜は焼いてあるのにジューシーで瑞々しくて大変美味です♡ 人間って美味しいものを口いっぱい頬張ると咀嚼が増えるんですね。 食後のルイボスティーもほっとする味でとても美味しかったです。 こんなにボリューミーで美味しいのに、ランチはサラダ、スープ、パンorごはん、ドリンクつきで税込1040円。 いや、安すぎでしょ。コスパ良すぎでしょ。また行きます♡ もう満足感しかありません。いえ、満腹感もありました。 普段、クチコミは参考にするばかりで書かないんですが、オススメしたくて書きました。 暖かい店員さんとオシャレな空間と美味しい料理に癒されたい方は是非足を運んでみてください。 おひとりでも入りやすいお店です! では初レポ故に(だといいなぁ)内容が長いばかりでまとまりなくなりましたが、以上です!
The moment I entered, I was greeted by the nice smoked scent and the gentle shopkeeper, and my tension rose at once! Good news for one person meat LOVE women. This shop is easy to enjoy even by yourself! If you go up to the audience seats on the 3rd floor, you can get an ocean tea from an alcohol container. Yes, it's cold, detox water! I'm happy because I like citrus fruits. And it has a nice scent ... It's a little disappointing that you can smoke, but it's smoked and it's kind to smokers who seem to have narrow shoulders these days. Yes, the important thing is cooking! I'm here, a glass of raw vegetable salad ... I wonder if there was such a serving! Homemade dressing, horse ♡ I want to emulate the care of a cute older sister who confirms allergies. The rich onion soup is also very delicious. Eating food with your eyes means something like this! !! And the main dish! Dodon! !! Just meat! (3 slices of thick-sliced ​​smoked bacon) Meat! !! (Buttoi Frank) Meat! !! !! (Mainly fried chicken here) Vegetables! (Red, yellow paprika, okra-looking peppers, pumpkins, potatoes, onions, heart carrots ... maybe more), mushrooms! (Shiitake, King trumpet) Other potato salad? With lemon and lime ... Why is it so fashionable because it's so voluminous? I always eat meat carefully, but today I was able to eat it in large quantities. Even though the vegetables are baked, they are juicy, fresh and very delicious ♡ When humans chew delicious foods with their mouths full, chewing increases. The rooibos tea after the meal was also very delicious with a relaxing taste. Even though it's so voluminous and delicious, lunch includes salad, soup, bread or rice, and drinks for 1040 yen including tax. No, it's too cheap. Cospa is too good. I will go again ♡ I'm just satisfied. No, I felt full. Normally, I don't write word-of-mouth communication just for reference, but I wrote it because I wanted to recommend it. If you want to be healed by the warm staff, stylish space and delicious food, please come visit us. It's a shop that is easy to enter even by yourself! Then, because it was my first report (I hope), the content was just long and uncoordinated, but that's it!
Cathy Ichikawa on Google

It’s my third time to order thru Uber-eats.. I really like the chicken here especially the seseri (neck)?

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