地鶏割烹 河松

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 地鶏割烹 河松

住所 :

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Webサイト : https://kawasho.gorp.jp/
街 : Saitama

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan
青木孝文 on Google

2020年11月6日(金)に地鶏割烹 河松を訪れました。 お店の造りはカウンター席と個室があります。 客層は老若男女幅広いですが訪れた時のお客さんは特に年配の方が多かったです。 店内ではピアノ曲が流れていました。 良い雰囲気のお店です。 お店に入り個室に通されると熱いお茶が出されました。 お店の人のテキパキとした接客も良いです。 メニューは税込表示になっています。 レジカウンターはなく、会計は各席でします。 ランチメニューの河松肉そばにゴボウのかき揚げをつけました。 河松肉そばは税込850円でゴボウのかき揚げは税込150円であり合計で税込1000円でした。 河松肉そばは温かいものと冷たいものを選ぶことができるので温かいものを選びました。 具材は鶏肉、白ネギであり、白ネギがたっぷりと入れられています。 鶏肉はコリコリとした食感で噛みしめるほどに味わいがあり、白ネギは清涼感があります。 ゴボウのかき揚げはサクサクとしてゴボウの香ばしい風味がします。 スープに浸かってふやけた部分は味わいがあり後をひきます。 蕎麦は太めで濃いネズミ色をしています。 少しもちもちとして食べ応えがあり、風味と味わいが良いです。 鶏で出汁が取られたスープは、ほのかな甘みがして味わいがあります。 大変に美味しかったです。
On Friday, November 6, 2020, I visited the local chicken cooking Kawamatsu. The store has counter seats and private rooms. The customer base is wide, regardless of age or gender, but when I visited, there were many elderly people in particular. A piano piece was playing in the store. It's a shop with a nice atmosphere. When I entered the shop and passed through a private room, hot tea was served. The customer service of the shop staff is also good. The menu is tax-included. There is no cashier counter, and accounting is done at each seat. Kakiage of burdock was added to the soba noodles of Kawamatsu on the lunch menu. Kawamatsu meat soba was 850 yen including tax, and burdock kakiage was 150 yen including tax, for a total of 1000 yen including tax. Kawamatsu meat soba can be either warm or cold, so I chose the warm one. The ingredients are chicken and white onion, and plenty of white onion is included. The chicken has a crunchy texture and is so tasty that you can chew it, and the white onion has a refreshing feeling. Kakiage of burdock is crispy and has a savory flavor of burdock. The part that is soaked in the soup is tasty and will leave you behind. Soba is thick and has a dark murine color. It is a little chewy and has a good taste, and has a good flavor and taste. The soup made from chicken has a slight sweetness and taste. It was very delicious.
M I on Google

ランチで冷たい肉そばを注文しました。 透明なお出汁で薄味なのかと思いましたが、しっかりした味でとても美味しいお蕎麦でした。 夜も行ってみたいと思いました。
I ordered cold meat soba for lunch. I thought it was a clear soup stock and had a light taste, but it was a very delicious soba with a solid taste. I wanted to go at night as well.
ふなお on Google

水曜日17:30に予約なしで女1人で行きましたが、ありがたいことにカウンターへ通していただき、気になってた親子丼と焼き鳥3本盛り合わせ、烏龍茶を注文。親子丼は1つ2人前とのことでハーフサイズのご飯少なめでお願いしました。お会計は4千500円くらい。 高めの親子丼は味が薄めのところもありますが、そんなこともなく丁度いい味付け。美味しくて2人前でも食べられる…次来たらハーフにしないな笑 焼き鳥はレバーにトリュフ塩をお好みでつけて食べるスタイルで、これが合って美味しかった。大衆居酒屋の焼き鳥しか食べたことないので、こんなにやわらかくて美味しいものなんだな、と。笑 店内も居心地がよくてまた来たいです。
I went alone at 17:30 on Wednesday without a reservation, but thankfully I had them go to the counter and ordered the oyakodon, 3 yakitori assortment, and oolong tea. Oyakodon is for one or two servings, so I asked for a small amount of half-sized rice. The bill is about 4,500 yen. The high-grade oyakodon has a lighter taste, but it's just the right seasoning. It's delicious and can be eaten for two people ... Don't halve it next time Yakitori was a style of eating with truffle salt on the liver as you like, which was delicious. I've only eaten yakitori from a popular izakaya, so it's so soft and delicious. Smile The inside of the store is also comfortable and I want to come back again.
卵かけご飯 on Google

It is near Takashimaya, about a 5-minute walk from the east exit of Omiya Station. It was a high-class restaurant, so it was difficult to enter, so I took the plunge for lunch. I received 850 yen for cold soba noodles. The noodles are chewy and the soup has a refreshing taste, so I drank it! After all lunch is advantageous! Since it is a private room, you can rest assured even in the corona. The inside of the store was clean and the customer service was excellent.
かなえ on Google

関東で山形冷たい肉そばを出しているお店でこれだ!と思う所があまり無かったのですが、ここは蕎麦、つゆ、鶏肉のどれもがとても味が近くて、美味しかったです。 強いて言うなら、山形の肉そばはつゆの甘みがもう少し強いですが(山形でもお店にも寄ってちがいますが…)、最後まで飽きずに一気に食べられるお味だと思います。 蕎麦は肉そばに合う喉越しのある太さや風味が丁度いいもの、鶏肉は親鶏特有の噛みごたえのあるもので、鶏屋さんだけあり、とても旨味があって美味しかったです。 大宮で地元の味が食べられるとは…また行きます!☺️
This is a shop that serves Yamagata cold meat soba in the Kanto region! I didn't think so much, but the soba, soup, and chicken all tasted very close and delicious. Speaking of force, Yamagata's meat soba has a slightly stronger sweetness of soup (although it may be different from Yamagata or shops ...), but I think it's a taste that you can eat all at once without getting tired until the end. The soba has a nice thickness and flavor that goes well with the meat soba, and the chicken has a chewy texture peculiar to a parent chicken. There is only a chicken shop, and it was very delicious and delicious. If you can eat local flavors in Omiya ... I will go again! ☺️
浅見仁一郎 on Google

娘と大宮に買い物に行った際、ランチで利用しました。 ランチを食べる予定だった別のお店が定休日で良い店はないかと街を歩いていたとき、河松さんの目を引く外観を見つけました。 割烹とい単語が目に入り、気軽にランチという店ではないのかもと思いましたが、看板を見る限りでは大丈夫そう。 山形名物の肉蕎麦にも興味が湧き、入店。 外観から想像出来るようにお店は細長い感じで個室が縦に並んでいます。 コロナ対策に関しては一通りに対応はされているのでそちらを気にされる方も安心して利用できます。 娘は肉蕎麦と親子丼のミニミニセット、私は肉中華大盛りにゴボウのかき揚げをトッピング。山形の蕎麦は冷しが基本らしいてです。肉が入っているから温かい方が普通なのかと思っていたので意外でした。 肉中華は中々新鮮な食感でした。スープは醤油ベースでシンプルな味わい。飽きがこないので思わず最後まで飲み干しそうになりました。サクサクのかき揚げも良く合いました。 私の食べる量だと大盛りで満足。軽めのランチなら普通盛りかなという感じです。 今はコロナで夜の営業はされていないようですが、いつか地鶏料理を食べながらおサケを飲みたいものです。
I used it for lunch when I went shopping with my daughter in Omiya. When I was walking around the city looking for a good restaurant on a regular holiday, another restaurant I was planning to eat for lunch, I found Mr. Kawamatsu's eye-catching appearance. When I saw the word "Kappou", I thought it might not be a restaurant called lunch, but as far as I can see the signboard, it seems to be okay. I was also interested in Yamagata's famous meat soba and entered the store. As you can imagine from the outside, the shop is long and narrow and private rooms are lined up vertically. As for corona countermeasures, all measures are taken, so those who are concerned about it can use it with confidence. My daughter is a mini-mini set of meat soba and oyakodon, and I topped a large serving of meat with burdock kakiage. It seems that Yamagata soba is basically cold. I was surprised because I thought it would be normal to have warm meat because it contains meat. Meat Chinese had a fresh texture. The soup is based on soy sauce and has a simple taste. I didn't get tired of it, so I almost drank it to the end. The crispy kakiage also went well. I am satisfied with the amount I eat. It feels like a light lunch is usually served. It seems that it is not open at night in Corona now, but one day I would like to drink salmon while eating local chicken dishes.
ぬんたら on Google

山形の肉そば(冷)850円、ゴボウ天150円。 お上品にしっかり美味しい(* ´ ▽ ` *)。 そばは少し太めで武蔵野うどん並に腰が強い。150円で大盛になるけど、普通でもけっこう多目。 つゆは関西系の薄い色、甘味が強くほのかに酸味あり、しっかりした醤油と出汁で旨いよ。 肉は薄切りの牛。よく肉そばを名乗れるな!と思える少なさ。1枚チャーシュー乗ってたらチャーシュー麺名乗れる(笑)。 白ネギはどっさりで嬉しい。ゴボウ天は立体的で食べ応えありますね、揚げたてサクサクで旨い♪。 山形行ったことないけど、こっちの方が美味しいんじゃないのかな?(笑)。 ご馳走さまでした~(*´∀`)
Yamagata meat soba (cold) 850 yen, burdock heaven 150 yen. Elegant and delicious (* ´ ▽ `*). The buckwheat noodles are a little thick and as strong as Musashino udon noodles. It will be a big success for 150 yen, but it is quite a lot even if it is normal. The soup is a light Kansai color, has a strong sweetness and a slight acidity, and is delicious with solid soy sauce and soup stock. The meat is sliced ​​beef. Don't call yourself meat soba! There are few things that I can think of. If you ride one piece of char siu, you can call yourself the char siu noodles (laughs). I'm glad that the white onions are full. Burdock heaven is three-dimensional and has a satisfying taste, it is crispy and delicious ♪. I've never been to Yamagata, but I think this one is more delicious. (smile). Thank you for the treat ~ (* ´∀ `)
ニタシゲユキ on Google

I had meat soba for lunch. The sweet juice was delicious to my liking. Corona measures are perfect, the inside of the store is quiet, and I want to go at night this time.

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