Sakura Central Clinic - Kariya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakura Central Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-205 Shinmeicho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 448-0034

3 Chome-205 Shinmeicho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0034, Japan
ma aho on Google

Even in times of congestion, it is possible to see a doctor in a relatively short waiting time. The waiting time is about 30 minutes/10 people, which is less than half that of any hospital. Probably because the staff is veteran.
Akarui Mirai on Google

The teachers, nurses and receptionists feel good.
粗しょ on Google

呼吸器内科 喘息等に強い 先生がすごく話を聞いてくれる 先生は淡々としているので、印象は良くないかもしれないが、質問中心にしっかりと診察してくれる 聴診器等は使わないことが多い 人気なのか、混んでいる スタッフは少ない でも手際はよい
Respiratory medicine Strong against asthma, etc. The teacher listens to me very much Since the teacher is plain, the impression may not be good, but he will give a thorough examination centered on questions. Stethoscopes are often not used Is it popular or crowded There are few staff But it's smart
kastomer gaagle on Google

It is easy to wait because you can drink drinks in the waiting room, the teacher is kind, and the nurses teach you carefully one by one when you receive the medicine. I do not know if I am a great doctor, but it is a nice place
しょーきち on Google

Has it ever took in the past with influenza but could not make myself out by of that there is no need in spite of here told me I want you to put out the antipyretics. I couldn't sleep at the high temperature of 41 degrees, and my food was too dry to get wet. I know that using antipyretics isn't always a good thing, but it's important to have an attitude that can help cure the disease a little.
腹筋板チョコ on Google

月曜日に診察してもらい、よくならなかったので金曜日の18時に行きましたが大勢の人がいました。45分経った頃に診察してもらいましたが忙しいのか先生はイライラしてるように見えました。質問も食い気味に聞かれて喉のできものがあると伝えると調べてくれましたがどこにあるかわからないような雰囲気でした。結局違う薬を処方されて看護師さんから薬が強力なので1日1錠で飲んで下さいと言われました。その晩に薬を飲んで朝起きたときから頭痛が酷くて風邪のせいなのか薬のせいなのかわかりませんが処方箋には副作用は記載されていませんでした。なので調べたらその薬にはいろいろと副作用がありました。いくつか当たっている副作用があったのでその薬は飲まないようにしました。それからは頭痛は徐々に治まっていきました。単純に風邪が治りつつあるだけかもしれませんが副作用があるなら記載してほしかったです。 今回の件でまた行きたいとは思わなくなりました。看護師さんは良い人なのでそこは良かったです。
I had a medical examination on Monday, and since it didn't improve, I went there at 18:00 on Friday, but there were many people. After 45 minutes I had a consultation, but the teacher seemed frustrated if he was busy. When I asked her about the question, she told me that there was something in her throat, so she looked up, but I couldn't tell where it was. After all, I was prescribed a different medicine and my nurse told me that it was so powerful that I should take one tablet a day. I didn't know if I had a bad headache and had a cold or medicine because I woke up that morning and woke up in the morning, but the prescription did not mention any side effects. So I looked up and found that the drug had various side effects. I didn't take the medicine because there were some side effects. Then the headache gradually subsided. It may be just that the cold is healing, but I wanted you to list it if it has side effects. I don't want to go again in this case. The nurse was a good person, so it was good there.
蜜柑星未完成 on Google

先生が話をよく聞いてくださします。友人は大きな病気を発見してもらえたそうです。私は何かのアレルギーで伺ったときに薬を何度か変えてもらって凄く合う薬を発見できました。とてもフレキシブルに対応してもらえるので先生が大好きです。子供の予防接種はいたがらないのでここです! 予防接種が痛くない。 看護師さんがベテラン揃いだからでしょうか?お薬もその場 でもらえます。
The teacher listens well. My friend found a big illness. When I asked about allergies, I had to change the medicine several times and found a medicine that fits well. I love teachers because they are very flexible. It's here because you don't want to have children vaccinated! Vaccination does not hurt. Is it because nurses are all veterans? Drugs on the spot I can get it.
里芋 on Google

先生はややあわただしい雰囲気だが 説明が下手でもちゃんと聴いていてくださり、 それをもとに診断してくださるので、 できるだけ正確に細かく症状や経過を話すほうが良い。 看護師さんや受付の方はほかの医院と比べると 人数は少ないがてきぱきと無駄なく動き少数精鋭である。 院内処方なので看護師さんが薬の説明をしてくださる。
The teacher is a little busy Even if you are not good at the explanation, please listen carefully. I will make a diagnosis based on that, It is better to talk about symptoms and progress as accurately as possible. Compared to other clinics, nurses and receptionists Although the number of people is small, they move quickly and without waste, and are elite. Because it is a prescription in the hospital, the nurse will explain the medicine.

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