Hori Clinic - Kariya

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hori Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-6 Wakamatsucho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0858, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 448-0858
Webサイト : http://www.horiclinic.com/

1 Chome-6 Wakamatsucho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0858, Japan
yuki asou on Google

I had a medical examination about 15 years ago, but I was yelled at by my doctor. Since then, it can't be heard at all and it gets worse. As a result, I could not go. The lowest hospital.
シロ隊員っ!! on Google

It is recovering steadily.
Y I on Google

数年間通いましたが、最近の症状を聞いて、「じゃあ、お薬調整しておきますね」の一言で終わり。 特にアドバイスは無し。 聞いても丁寧とはかけ離れた簡易な回答で、全く役に立たず。 数時間待たされて、たった2〜3分の診察で終了。 別途カウンセラーも設けてありますが、予約待ちで数カ月、カウンセリングと言っても、話を聞くだけでアドバイスは特に無し。 もっと早くに転院すれば良かったです。 症状の軽い方は、薬を貰うだけで済むと思いますので、ここでもいいかも知れませんが、重症だと思う方は、別の病院をオススメします。
I've been there for a few years, but after hearing about my recent symptoms, I ended up with a single word, "Then, I'll adjust my medication." No particular advice. Even if you ask, it is a simple answer that is far from polite, and it is completely useless. After waiting for a few hours, the examination was completed in just a few minutes. There is a separate counselor, but I have been waiting for a reservation for several months, and even if I say counseling, I just listen to the story and there is no particular advice. I wish I had been transferred earlier. If you have mild symptoms, you only need to get medicine, so it may be fine here, but if you think that you are seriously ill, we recommend another hospital.
大石桂子 on Google

代診の廣田って医師、感じがめちゃくちゃ悪かった。今まで2〜3回この人に診察されたけど、その時は普通やったのに、今回は、カルテも読んでない状態で、いつから病気なの?とか初歩的なことを聞かれた。カルテ読めよ!って思った。目も合わさないし、状態話しても、はぁ。しか言わないし、挙句、あなたの言う鬱状態って何?って聞かれた。私の本やネットでの知識が認識違いなら、あなたの考える、もしくは医学的に医師として認識している鬱状態は何かを話すべきだと思う。聞くだけ聞いて、はぁ。で終わらされ、え?違うの?ってなった。 医師として、患者に向き合えないなら、先生と呼ばれる資格はないと思う。 惰性でやってるなら、代診なんてやめて、休診にして欲しい。 もう二度とこの医師の診察は受けたくない。 精神科の医師として、人として尊敬できない。 気悪いわ。
Dr. Kamata was the doctor, and the feeling was so bad. I've been seen by this person 2-3 times so far, but I did it normally, but this time I haven't read my medical charts, how long have I been sick? I was asked something rudimentary. Read the medical record! I thought. Even if my eyes don't meet and I talk about the situation I can only say that, what is your depression? I was asked. If my book or online knowledge is misrecognized, I think you should talk about what depression you think or medically recognize as a doctor. Just listen, huh. Ends with, eh? is it wrong? I got. If you can't face a patient as a doctor, you don't have the qualification to be called a teacher. If you're doing inertia, don't ask for a substitute, and take a break. I don't want to see this doctor again. As a psychiatric doctor, I cannot respect him as a person. I'm sorry.
momocus on Google

追記あり ADHD治療薬コンサータを取り扱える医師がいる。 向かいの名鉄協商パーキングの有料駐車場の駐車券を受付で出せば、1時間分は無料にしてくれる。 初診のときや症状に変化があったと申告したときはちゃんと話を聞いてくれる。特に変わりはないと伝えた場合は診察は1分くらいで済んで、すぐにいつも通りの薬を、出してくれるのでありがたい。 支払いにクレジットカードが使えないのが難点。 ---追記--- 堀先生の予約がとれないので廣田先生に変えた。堀先生が書くカルテは謎の速記記号のような読めない字で書いてあるせいか、診察情報の引き継ぎはうまくできない様子だった。廣田先生に簡単に自分の状態と今までもらってた薬を告げたら、いつも通りお薬をもらえた。
There is an additional note There are doctors who can handle the ADHD drug Concerta. If you issue a parking ticket for the toll parking lot of Meitetsu Kyosho Parking opposite, you can get one hour free of charge. They will listen to you at the first visit or when you declare that your symptoms have changed. If you tell me that there is no particular change, the medical examination will take about 1 minute, and I am grateful that he will immediately give you the usual medicine. The drawback is that you cannot use a credit card for payment. ---postscript--- I couldn't make a reservation for Mr. Hori, so I changed to Mr. Hirota. The medical records written by Dr. Hori seemed to be unable to take over the medical examination information, probably because they were written in unreadable characters such as mysterious shorthand symbols. I briefly told Dr. Hirota about my condition and the medicine I had received, and I received the medicine as usual.
まったりミルクココア on Google

Next to the yakiniku restaurant. When the waiting time is long, it is difficult to just go to a nearby commercial facility to kill time or eat lunch and go home. It was always full.
岡沙織 on Google

高圧的な態度で話を聞く気がない。 なにか言えば「その根拠は?」ここは学会ですか? おくすり手帳や紹介状があれば過去の薬と同じものをくれますので、薬だけ貰えればいい人にはオススメの病院です。待ち時間と診察時間の比率は9:1ですが。 ちなみに、受付の方は優しくて親切な方ばかりです。
I don't feel like listening with a high-pressure attitude. If anything, "What is the basis?" Is this an academic society? If you have a medicine notebook or a letter of introduction, you will receive the same medicine as in the past, so it is a recommended hospital for those who only need to get the medicine. The ratio of waiting time to consultation time is 9: 1. By the way, the receptionists are all kind and kind.
S C on Google

堀先生の診察がとても丁寧です。 淡々としていますが、丁寧に話を聴いて下さるし、「他に何か気になることはありますか?」と必ず聴いて下さるので、困り感をしっかり聴いてほしい方にオススメです。 受付の方やカウセリングの方もとても丁寧な方ばかりです。 診察が丁寧な分、待ち時間が長い(平均1時間ほど)ですが、月曜日と金曜日が予約無しでも診療可なので、その日の早いうちに受付すると、20〜30分ほどで診察を受けられます。
Hori-sensei's examination is very polite. It's plain, but it's recommended for those who want to listen carefully and always ask, "Are there any other concerns?" The receptionists and counseling staff are all very polite. The consultation is polite and the waiting time is long (about 1 hour on average), but since it is possible to have a medical examination on Monday and Friday without reservation, if you accept it early in the day, you can receive the examination in about 20 to 30 minutes.

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