Onakatoshirino Suzuki Clinic - Kariya

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Onakatoshirino Suzuki Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-35 Nakayamacho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 448-0026
Webサイト : http://www.onakatooshiri.com/

2 Chome-35 Nakayamacho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0026, Japan
サブ垢 on Google

ホームページに『風邪や予防接種などの一般内科診療も行っておりますので、ご自身やご家族の健康のことならいつでもご相談ください。』とあるのに 子供が高熱で体調悪く診てもらおうと連れていったら 『お子様は診れません』と門前払いでした。 どうにか診て欲しいとお願いしても 子供用の薬が置いてありませんと言われました。 処方箋を出してもらえれば、薬局で出してもらえ るのに…。 まごころなんてどこにあるんですか?地域の健康管理に役立てる?上っ面だけの病院です。
On the homepage, “General medical treatments such as colds and vaccinations are also available. Please feel free to consult us about the health of yourself and your family. ” If a child is taken with a high fever and is not feeling well I paid in front of the gate saying "I can't see my child." Even if you ask me to see you somehow I was told there was no medicine for children. If you can get a prescription, you can get it at a pharmacy But ... Where is the true heart? Can it be used for local health care? It ’s just the hospital.
s m on Google

Even if I say that there is a lack of explanation and a little trouble in my daily life at the time of the medical examination, I feel like I'm saying yes. The impression is not the best of all the hospitals I have ever visited. I chose it because of its location, but I think I changed it as soon as there was another hospital nearby. It is recommended for people near the hospital who are willing to take medicine.
新美東吉 on Google

The flight got stuck in the middle of the night the day before and I couldn't do anything about it, so I went without a reservation right after the hospital opened. When I told him that I couldn't wait while sitting in a chair because of the pain, he made me wait in bed, and he treated me with less waiting time. The staff who responded were also very kind. I would like to take this moment to say thank you.
Andy on Google

医師は とても話しやすくて いい先生だと思いますが、受付の態度が悪すぎ!とにかく目つきは悪いし、話し方も「次の予約取っていきます?」みたいな上からものを言う感じで 通院もためらってしまいます。他の人のクチコミにもある人と同じ人だと思います。行けばすぐ分かります。体が弱って行く場所なだけに 最初の受付であの態度されると 本当に気分が最悪です。
I think doctors are very good teachers, but the reception is too bad! Anyway, my eyes are bad, and the way I speak is like saying “Do you want to make the next reservation?” I think it ’s the same person who ’s in other people ’s reviews. You can see it right away. Because it ’s a place where the body is weakened, it ’s really the worst feeling when it ’s the first reception.

先日こちらで診察していただいた時に切れ痔と診断されました。 整腸剤と軟膏を処方箋していただきましたが、症状は改善されず、痛みは増すばかりで下着も汚れはじめました。 二週間後の予約の日の前日に風邪をひいてしまい次の日に予約無しで受診しましたが3時間待たされたあげく、病状は悪化してると先生に伝えたところ、そのまま軟膏を使用してくださいと患部も診ずに言われるだけ。 風邪をひいて体調が非常に悪かったので、それだけで済むなら予約患者の間に入れて欲しかったです。 次の予約するときも先生は二週間後と言っておきながら受付の方は二週間後は空いてないので無理の一点張り。しかも凄くめんどくさい感じで対応されました。 埒が明かないので、四週間後に予約しました。 その間病状は悪化する一方。 おかしいと思い、他の病院を受診したところ患部が化膿していて痔瘻の可能性があると診断されました。 そのまま真に受けて四週間後に行ってたと思うとゾッとします。 もし、二回目に受診したときにしっかり診ていただいたらこんな事にはなっていなかったと思いますし、苦しい思いもしなくて良かったと思います。 二度とこちらには受診しませんし、もし手術するような事になったら賠償して頂きたいくらいです。 悪化してると言ったにも関わらず、患部も診ずに軟膏塗るしかない? 患者の事なんだと思ってるんですか? 診断ミスにも程がある。 おなかとおしりの専門医?笑わせるな。 受付の方も非常に感じ悪い対応をされ頭にきます。 この評価を見た方に参考になればと思います。 長文失礼しました。 ★追記 その後、豊田市の家田病院にて診察していただき、手術する事になりましたが無事に根治しました。 本当に家田病院の先生方と看護師の方々には本当にお世話になりました。 ここを久々に見ましたが、私のいいねと病院の評価が物語ってますね。 悪い評価には返答しない事に誠意はあるのかと? 家田病院では診察時痛いと思ったことは一度もなかったですが、ここはめちゃめちゃ痛かった! 当時の事を思うと今だに腹が立ちますね!
He was diagnosed with hemorrhoids when he had a medical examination here the other day. I had a prescription for an intestinal and an ointment, but the symptoms did not improve, the pain increased, and my underwear began to stain. Two weeks later, I caught a cold the day before the day of the appointment and went to the doctor the next day without appointment. Just say without seeing the affected part. I had a cold and was very ill, so if that was all I wanted, I wanted to put it in between the reserved patients. When the next reservation is made, the teacher says that it will be two weeks later, but the receptionist is not vacant after two weeks, so it is impossible to make a single point. Moreover, it was supported with a very troublesome feeling. I booked four weeks later as it wasn't clear. Meanwhile, the condition worsens. When I visited another hospital, she was diagnosed with suppuration and a possible fistula. I was terrified when I thought I was going four weeks after receiving it. If I had a second consultation, I wouldn't have been able to do this, and I would be glad I didn't feel sorry. I will never see you again, and I would like you to compensate if you have to do surgery. You have to apply the ointment without examining the affected area, even though you say it's getting worse? Do you think it's about patients? There are some mistakes in diagnosis. Specialist in tummy and buttocks? Do not make me laugh. The receptionist is also feeling very bad and comes to mind. I think it will be helpful for those who have seen this evaluation. I'm sorry for a long sentence. ★ postscript After that, I had a medical examination at Ieda Hospital in Toyota City, and had to be operated on, but was successfully cured. I really took care of the teachers and nurses at Ieda Hospital. I've seen this after a long time, but my likes and the evaluation of the hospital tell the story. Is there sincerity not to respond to bad ratings? At Ieda Hospital, I never felt painful at the consultation, but it was really painful here! I'm still angry when I think about those days!
沼崎よしくん on Google

先生との会話はほとんどありませんでしたが、看護師の対応は優しくとてもよかったです。大腸内視鏡検査を受けましたが、鎮静剤の血管注射を受けて眠っている間に検査は終わっていて目が覚めたら安静室にいました。 人気があるせいか初診の後の大腸内視鏡検査の予約がとれたのが2か月後になりました。
There was almost no conversation with the teacher, but the nurse's response was kind and very good. I had a colonoscopy, but while I was asleep with a sedative injection of blood sedative, the exam was over and when I woke up I was in the rest room. It was two months later that colonoscopy was scheduled after the first visit, probably because of its popularity.
みなみへきる on Google

I went at the same time as the hospital opening time without a reservation. Of course it is priority of reservation, but it was still called to the examination room in around 15 minutes. I was not good at speaking, and I read the symptoms to the teacher. I read it to the end firmly without having a bad face and had a diagnosis. When I took a blood sample, I was very concerned about the nurse, and I was not good at the injection, and I finished it with almost no pain. I was healed by the nurse's polite and soft attitude. The receptionist was also polite. Each person feels differently, but there is nothing wrong with it. Otherwise, many people will not be able to make a reservation and be full.
kasuka minamino on Google

元々痔を患っていたが、今まで見たことない程に出血して別の病気を心配した家族の勧めで診察を受けることに。以前に痔でお世話になった家田病院と悩んだが、近くに専門のクリニックがあったのでこちらを受診。 予約なしの新患でしたが待ち時間も1時間弱と少なく、診察で痔と直ぐに分かったとで一安心。 肛門科のクリニック自体が少なく、近隣にあるのは助かります。
Originally suffering from hemorrhoids, he decided to seek medical attention at the recommendation of a family member who was worried about another illness due to bleeding that he had never seen before. I was worried about Ieda Hospital, which was taken care of by hemorrhoids before, but I visited this clinic because there was a specialized clinic nearby. I had a new patient without an appointment, but the waiting time was less than an hour, and I was relieved that I immediately found out that I had hemorrhoids. There are few proctology clinics themselves, and it is helpful to be in the neighborhood.

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