メンタルクリニック アンセル - Kariya

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メンタルクリニック アンセル

住所 :

Showacho, Kariya, 〒448-0029 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 448-0029
Webサイト : http://anser-cli.jp/
街 : Aichi

Showacho, Kariya, 〒448-0029 Aichi,Japan
とむよーく on Google

I still feel angry at the telephone receptionist who laughs with my nose.
高橋零 on Google

診察は終始半笑いで話を聞かれました こちらの意見も威圧的に否定されました 一切寄り添ってもくれません 挙げ句の果てに体型までいじられました 最低です 何がしたかったのかわかりません 本当に行かない方がいいと思います
The examination was heard with a half-laugh from beginning to end This opinion was also intimidatingly denied Will not snuggle up at all At the end of the phrase, I was tampered with my body shape Is the worst I don't know what I wanted to do I think you really shouldn't go
A I on Google

親身になってくださってお話を聞いていただきました。 2年近くお世話になっていますが、他所で全くきかなかった薬もとても合うように様子を見て調整、処方してくださいました。何度も足を運ぶ負担も軽減してくださるよう配慮していただき、感謝しています。
Thank you for your kindness and listening to us. I've been indebted for almost two years, but he adjusted and prescribed the medicines that I couldn't find anywhere else so that they would fit very well. I am grateful for your consideration to reduce the burden of visiting many times.
TD SA (はぁ) on Google

受付の年配の男性の態度が悪いです。物を受け取るときにもうちょっと手を伸ばして下さい。何言ってるか分からないです。無愛想すぎじゃないですか? 医師の方やその他スタッフの方々の対応はとても良く、おすすめできます
The attitude of the senior man at the reception is bad. Please reach out a little more when you receive things. I don't know what you're saying. Is n’t it too unfriendly? The response of doctors and other staff is very good and can be recommended
辻涼太 on Google

I am ADHD. I needed to find a hospital near my place of work to transfer. Because I used a concerter regularly, I chose this hospital because there was a teacher who could give a concerter. Every time I was asked about what the condition was, I was wondering if I had a concerter out. However, because he forgot to take it, he was confiscated when he knew that there was a surplus medicine, and he confiscated all the medicine he brought that he could not trust. At this time, I was absent from work for depression, and there was no refund even though my medicine was not stupid. This day was very painful, and tears overflowed as soon as I left the hospital. Concerta is a highly regulated drug. I was told and understood that teachers are in trouble if sold at mercari etc. However, for me, medicine is the basis of my mind that this is all right. I never thought of selling it. But I wanted to sell a concerta for the first time. Because, after all, I thought that if I could bother him, who just blamed me, without worrying about myself, that would be thrilling. If he divides his patient into money and is more or less aware of my thoughts, he is a very good doctor who can judge with his own protection. I think. It was a very good hospital that taught me that a hospital is a business. This hospital will give you a medical certificate. If that is your purpose, you may choose.
Takayuki Kozono on Google

自身の担当先生はとても親切で親身に向き合ってもらえます。 受付の方も丁寧でデイケアの方も感じの良い方ばかりです。 以前通っていた病院が酷かったので余計に親身に感じます。
Your teacher is very kind and friendly. The receptionists are also polite and the day care people are all comfortable. I felt extra kind because the hospital I went to before was bad.
ああ on Google

It was the worst from the telephone correspondence. People who want to go to psychiatry are in a worse mental state than others, so I'm thinking of going. Therefore, if you don't respond more closely to the clinic by telephone, you won't have confidence in the clinic. Even though this is a serious answer, if you say "not so" or coldly, it will come quite mentally. Tears overflowed due to the poor response, and I couldn't make a phone call and made a reservation. I don't know if it's reception office work, but the office work is also a medical professional. I don't think it's suitable for people who don't get close to the patient's feelings. Please think carefully that you have some kind of mental problem and try again. I don't think I'll go in the future, but please improve it for those who are thinking of going elsewhere.
野畑えり on Google

息子の事で初めて行きましたが、初めてで電話予約した時も こと細かく話を聞いてくて初診の時も親身になって話を聞いてくれて本当にイイ先生に出会えたと思ってます。待ち時間もほぼなく助かってます。
I went there for the first time because of my son, but when I made a phone reservation for the first time, I listened to the story in detail, and even when I first visited the clinic, I was kind enough to listen to the story, and I think I was able to meet a really good teacher. There is almost no waiting time and it is saved.

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