武蔵境 形成外科・皮ふ科

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Contact 武蔵境 形成外科・皮ふ科

住所 :

Sakai, Musashino, 〒180-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://musashisakai-skin.clinic/
街 : Tokyo

Sakai, Musashino, 〒180-0022 Tokyo,Japan
ちも on Google

ストレス、マスク、寝不足、過度なスキンケアによりニキビが両頬にできてしまい、診察していただきました。自宅から近いところで、評価が高かったため選びました。 営業と同時に行くと、既に10人ほど待合室にいました。そのため、1時間以上は待つだろうと覚悟していました。しかし、回転が早いのか30分もしないうちに順番が回ってきました。 「ニキビができてしまいました。」と伝え、患部を見せると「良い薬ありますよ。」と塗り薬を紹介されました。パンフレットを使って、薬の副作用や使用方法を一方的に話され、診察はわずか3分ほどで終わりました。質問に対して答えてくださりましたが、2つ3つと質問していくと「まだ、質問するのか、長い。」と言わんばかりの顔をされ、質問しにくい雰囲気でした。10人も待っている方がいたのに、30分もしないうちに順番が回ってくる理由が分かりました。 処方していただいた薬は、漂白作用があることを伝えられました。そのため、強い薬であることを承知で使用しました。自分の肌には合わなかったのか、塗ってから10日ほど経ったある日、顔中が赤くパンパンに腫れて、痒くて仕方がありませんでした。この薬を塗って、赤く腫れることもなく綺麗に治る方もいらっしゃると思います。この薬が私の肌には合わなかっただけであるため、腫れたことに対しては怒りはありません。しかし、ニキビができた生活習慣などの根本的な原因を患者から聞き出し、改善点を伝えるのではなく、話を聞くこともせず最初から強い薬を処方する姿に怒りを覚えました。 評価が良く期待して行っただけに、残念でした。
I had acne on both cheeks due to stress, mask, lack of sleep, and excessive skin care. I chose it because it was highly evaluated near my home. When I went there at the same time as the business, there were already about 10 people in the waiting room. Therefore, I was prepared to wait for more than an hour. However, the turn came in less than 30 minutes, probably because the rotation was fast. He said, "I have acne," and when I showed him the affected area, he said, "I have a good medicine." Using the pamphlet, the side effects of the drug and how to use it were unilaterally talked about, and the examination was completed in just 3 minutes. He answered the question, but when I asked him a few questions, he said, "Is it still a long time to ask?", And it was difficult to ask. I found out why the turn came in less than 30 minutes, even though there were 10 people waiting. I was told that the medicine I had prescribed had a bleaching effect. Therefore, I knew that it was a strong drug and used it. Maybe it didn't suit my skin, and one day, about 10 days after I applied it, my face was red and swollen, and I couldn't help it. I'm sure there are some people who apply this medicine and heal cleanly without red swelling. I'm not angry at the swelling because this medicine just didn't suit my skin. However, I was angry at the appearance of prescribing a strong drug from the beginning without listening to the story, instead of asking the patient for the root cause such as the lifestyle of acne and telling the improvement points. It was disappointing because I expected the evaluation well.
小島 佳子 on Google

息子の蕁麻疹とアトピーで、口コミを見て、こちらにお世話になりました。 まず、もう10年、転勤族なので、多数の皮膚科に通いましたが、先生が素手で息子の皮膚を触って、一種類ずつしっかり確認して、診てくださった皮膚科は初めてで、びっくりしました。 ただ薬を出すというよりも、しっかり治そうとしてくださっている印象で、とても信頼できます。 横に付いてくださる看護師さん、受付の方、皆さんが本当に良い対応で、心から有難く感じる病院です。
I saw word of mouth with my son's urticaria and atopy, and I was taken care of here. First of all, since I was a transferee for 10 years, I went to many dermatologists, but I was surprised that it was the first time for a teacher to touch my son's skin with his bare hands, check each type carefully, and see him. Did. I can trust it because it gives me the impression that he is trying to cure me rather than just giving me medicine. It is a hospital where the nurses, receptionists, and everyone who are next to me are really grateful for their support.
saku h on Google

泣けてしまいます。 クチコミの点数やクチコミを信じて子供のアトピーの治療で伺いました。 小さい頃から皮膚科に通って薬を塗って治療していましたが、ほとんどの先生の対応に満足を感じることはありませんでした。 しっかり話を聞いてくれることはなく、患部をパッと見て早口で薬の説明をして終わり、気になったことなどを質問するとイラッとされた感じで返されたことも多々。 どうせステロイドと保湿の処方をされるだけの治療ならば受付、看護師、先生の対応、サービスがいいところを選べばいいと思い直し、病院を探していたところこちらに行ってみました。 期待以上でした。 受付の方や看護師らしき方々の対応も心地良く、診察してくれた先生は話をしっかり聞いてくれて、子供の患部をしっかり見ながら悩んで考えて薬のことを私に確認しながら決めてくれていました。 泣けてしまうのを堪えるのがたいへんでした。 大切な子供の治療はこの方にお願いしたい、こちらの病院にお願いしたいと思いました。 予約はないみたいで、平日の18時に行ったのですが10人くらいの先客がいて1時間待ちくらいでした。 キレイなフロアでイスに座れてたので私は大丈夫でしたが子供はちょっと待つのは辛かったみたい。 もっと早い時間に次回は行ってみようと思います。 1週間前に行ったこちらの近くの病院の先生は高圧的で話をしようとしてもイライラされてる感じだったので1週間後また見せに来てと言われたのですが大切な子供をお願いしたいとは思いませんでしたので行くのを辞めました。 選択が正しかったかはまだ完治したわけでもなく1回しか行っていないのでわかりませんが、後悔することはないと思います。 ☺️ 追記 この後、何度も伺いましたがやっぱり最高です!こちらの病院。 先生を初め、スタッフ皆さんの誠実な(と個人的に感じる)気持ちがとても安心できます。
I can cry. I believed in the score and word-of-mouth of the word-of-mouth and asked about the treatment of atopy in children. Since I was little, I went to a dermatologist to apply medicine and treat it, but I was not satisfied with the response of most of the teachers. He didn't listen to me well, and when I glanced at the affected area, gave a quick explanation of the medicine, and asked questions about what I was interested in, he often returned with a frustrated feeling. Anyway, if the treatment is just a prescription for steroids and moisturizing, I thought that I should choose a place with good reception, nurses, teachers' response, and service, so I went here when I was looking for a hospital. It was more than I expected. The receptionist and the people who seemed to be nurses were very comfortable, and the teacher who examined me listened to me and decided while looking at the affected area of ​​the child, thinking about it, and confirming with me about the medicine. It was me. It was hard to endure crying. I would like to ask this person for the treatment of my important child, and I would like to ask this hospital. It seems that there is no reservation, so I went there at 18:00 on weekdays, but there were about 10 customers and I waited for about an hour. I was okay because I was sitting on a chair on a beautiful floor, but the kids seemed to have a hard time waiting. I will go there next time at an earlier time. The doctor at a nearby hospital I went to a week ago was so overwhelmed that I felt frustrated when I tried to talk, so I was told to come back a week later, but I would like to ask for an important child. I didn't think so, so I quit going. I don't know if the choice was correct because it hasn't been completely cured and I've only done it once, but I don't think I'll regret it. ☺️ postscript After this, I visited many times, but it's still the best! This hospital. The sincere (and personal feeling) feelings of all the staff, including the teacher, can be very reassuring.
ロロ on Google

次々薬を変えて効いたらラッキー!という診察の仕方です。大体の皮膚科がそうなのでそれはしょうがない部分もあると思います。しかし、このまま合う薬が見つかるまで薬を変え続けなければいけないのか(効かない、または悪化してしまう薬に、お金を払い続けなければいけないのか)質問したたところ、投げやりに「そうです」と言われました。また、「病は気から」と、医者としてどうなの?と思ってしまうようなことも言われました。「病は気から」は医者としての仕事を完全的に放棄する発言だと思うので、かなり衝撃でした。医者がそのスタンスなので受診者はかなり不安になると思います。 たしかに丁寧に説明もしてくださいますし、最初の方は対応も良かったです。でも治るのにかなり時間がかかるし私が診察について上記のような意見を言ったりすると不機嫌そうな態度をとられてしまいました。最初の印象がかなり良かっただけに残念です。 また、先生の横に常に1人か2人、受診者の機嫌取る?相槌を打つ?人がいて、丁寧な対応を売りにするためなのかもしれないけれど、皮膚の症状をあまり人に見られたくない人にとっては鬱陶しいかもしれないと思いました。私はひどい皮膚の状態を必要以上に人に見られたくないので、少し恥ずかしいというか早く隠したい!と思うことがありました。 結果として、薬代、診察代合わせて数万ほど使いました。処方していただいた薬によって悪化したこともありました。そして、いっときは完治と言えるほどまでになりましたがまた再発しました。口コミが良かったので通うようにしたのですが詐欺にあった気分です。
If you change the medicine one after another and it works, you'll be lucky! This is how to make a medical examination. As most dermatologists do, I think it can't be helped. However, when I asked if I had to keep changing the medicine until I found a medicine that suits me (do I have to keep paying for the medicine that doesn't work or gets worse), I said "yes" to the throw. I was struck. Also, what about as a doctor, "I'm sick?" I was also told that I would think. I think "I'm sick" is a statement that completely abandons my job as a doctor, so it was quite a shock. Since the doctor is in that stance, I think that the examinee will be quite anxious. Certainly, he explained it carefully, and the first one was good at responding. However, it takes a long time to heal, and when I gave the above opinions about the medical examination, I got a moody attitude. It's a shame because the first impression was pretty good. Also, do you always have one or two people next to your teacher in a good mood? Aizuchi? Maybe it's because there are people and it's for the sake of polite response, but I thought it might be annoying for people who don't want people to see skin symptoms too much. I don't want people to see my terrible skin condition more than I need to, so I'm a little embarrassed or want to hide it soon! I had something to think about. As a result, I used tens of thousands of medicines and medical examinations. Sometimes it got worse with the medicine I was prescribed. And, at one point, it was almost completely cured, but it recurred again. The word of mouth was good, so I decided to go there, but I feel like I was fraudulent.
mammoth on Google

The receptionist, nurses and teachers were also kind. The hospital is also clean. The skill was also good. I was told on Google that it was much cleaner than usual, so I went there, but I waited for more than 30 minutes. People who wait go out, so even if the waiting room is empty, the waiting time is long, so it has four stars. I wonder if this is still the shorter one. It's popular.
おおぬまなつこ on Google

暑い夏が終わりますが だいたい仕事で夜勤上がりこちらに伺う事が多いです。 でも夏前より暑い日があった事。 夜勤上がりで座っていたい。 ワクチン接種済みだったが 混雑する待合室にもドキドキだった 何度もクリニック行くのをやめようと思った事。 開院当初からいらっしゃいる受付さんに苦手の方。先日は居ない。 今日は比較的空いてますよーと伺い、ラッキーと言ってしまった。? 先生には東京逓信病院形成外科でお世話になってからもうじき2年 某大学病院術後結局の所、失敗だったを傷を綺麗に治して下さりました。その反対側も先生にいつか治して頂きたいです。 ずっと先生には感謝しなければと 他の方のクチコミを見て思います 先生はいつも変わらず、右往左往 する私をやさしく診て下さってありがとう。
The hot summer is over I usually work at night and often visit here. But there was a hotter day than before summer. I want to sit down after night shift. I was vaccinated I was thrilled even in the crowded waiting room I decided to stop going to the clinic many times. Those who are not good at the receptionist who has been coming from the beginning of the hospital. I haven't been there the other day. I heard that it is relatively free today and said I was lucky. ? It's been almost two years since I was taken care of by my teacher at Tokyo Teishin Hospital Plastic Surgery. After the operation at a certain university hospital, he healed the wound cleanly after a failure. I would like the teacher to cure the other side someday. I have to thank my teacher all the time I think I see the reviews of other people The teacher is always the same Thank you for kindly examining me.
竹谷吉之(よしゆき) on Google

蕁麻疹が治らなくて困ってたら友人に教えられ伺いました。 院内に入って第一印象は明るく暖かく、綺麗。 なんだか居心地が良いんです。 そこそこ混んでたので、待ってる間にうたた寝するほど。 ひと言で表すと『心地よい病院』 受付スタッフさんは、親切で丁寧で優しくて、他の病院では見た事が無いレベル。 先生の後ろに控えた看護師さんも抜群の笑顔。 先生も立場を鼻に掛けないフレンドリーでハートフル? そんな高い波動が表現されている空間(待合室)なので、ホンワカして気持ち良いので寝てしまったんだなと、納得。 これからはこの様な場が広がって行けば未来は明るいのでしょう〜〜
If I was in trouble because my urticaria didn't go away, my friend told me about it. After entering the hospital, the first impression is bright, warm and beautiful. It's kind of cozy. It was so crowded that I took a nap while I was waiting. In a word, "comfortable hospital" The reception staff is kind, polite and kind, a level that I have never seen in other hospitals. The nurse behind the teacher also has an outstanding smile. The teacher is also friendly and heartful ? It's a space (waiting room) that expresses such high vibrations, so I'm convinced that I fell asleep because it felt so good. From now on, if such a place spreads, the future will be bright ~ ~
Prince on Google

Excellent for operation The Doctor extremely professional and very kind. As well as the reception staff are also very kind and very good sense of humanity. I would like to recommend everyone who is looking for surgery related problems & skin problem.

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