ラーメンショップ 朝霞店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラーメンショップ 朝霞店

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Asaka, 〒351-0015 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
街 : Saitama

Saiwaicho, Asaka, 〒351-0015 Saitama,Japan
バスの運転手 on Google

本日、二回目のワクチン接種なんで、その前に背脂ニンニク補給でネギもキメて来ましたw(笑) 久しぶりに来たら親父さん引退で若い方のオペレーションだったけど、しっかり代目を受け継がれていて安定の旨さでした♪
Today, it's the second vaccination, so before that, I got scallions with backfat garlic supplementation w (laughs) When I came here for the first time in a long time, my father retired and it was a younger operation, but it was a stable operation because it was inherited firmly ♪
宮田“ミッチェリー”みか on Google

I ate green onion pork noodles at Asaka Ramen. The amount of green onions and ingredients is large, and the char siu is thickly sliced, soft, very tasty and delicious! I think it's the most delicious rasho around here!
ヨコ選手 on Google

噂通りネギミソ率が高いと思い、 周りに触発されてラーショでは普段頼まない味噌(ネギミソ)を半ライス付きでオーダー。 これが正解!うまかった! 次回はニンニクや豆板醤で味変させてみたいな。
As rumored, I think the rate of negimiso is high, Inspired by the surroundings, I ordered miso (Negimiso), which I usually do not ask at Ramen, with half rice. This is the correct answer! It was delicious! Next time, I'd like to change the taste with garlic and doubanjiang.
マサト東京(霊感師) on Google

普通に美味しいラーショーです❗️ 隣のセブンイレブンはヘンテコリンなガードマンが居ます‼️ ジロジロ見るから、一言二言言いたく成りました‼️
It's an ordinary delicious Lashio ❗️ There is a strange guard man at Seven-Eleven next door! ️ Looking at Girojiro, I wanted to say a word or two! ️
Tsuyoshi H. on Google

20年ほど前に通ったラーメンショップの味が懐かしくなるも、なかなか駅近にないので車が無いと難しいところ。ふと朝霞店なら駅から歩いて行けるのでは??と思い立ち訪問。 それなりに遠いですが何とか到着。久し振りのネギチャーシュー。 店舗によって少しずつ味が異なりますが、ネギのニュアンスは記憶のそれでした。食べているうちに「そう言えば昔通っていた店舗は毎回味が違っていて不安定だったな」と思い出し、改めてこの店舗は美味しいと思った次第です。 近年の凝りまくったラーメンとは違う純朴なラーメンショップに満足です。 昔食べた記憶のあるつけ麺もあるようなので次はそれをオーダーしたいです。
I miss the taste of the ramen shop I went to about 20 years ago, but it's difficult without a car because it's not near the station. Isn't it possible to walk from the station at the Asaka store? ?? I thought and visited. It's a long way away, but I managed to arrive. Leek char siu after a long absence. The taste is slightly different depending on the store, but the nuance of green onion was that of my memory. While I was eating, I remembered, "By the way, the store I used to go to had a different taste every time and it was unstable," and I thought this store was delicious again. I am satisfied with the simple ramen shop, which is different from the elaborate ramen of recent years. There seems to be some tsukemen that I remember eating a long time ago, so I would like to order it next time.
shoichiro yamazaki (翔一郎) on Google

ネギラーメン大盛り(950円) 特大の丼に600gはあるであろう麺の上にはたっぷりのシャキシャキのネギが盛り付けられ、ワカメと海苔の磯の香りがスープ全体に染み渡って充分堪能できるどこか懐かしい醤油ラーメンでした。 味変に卓上にある生ニクニクと豆板醤を少々いれると、これまた飽きずに最後まですすれる大変美味しい一杯です。 次回は中盛りで味噌ラーメンにチャレンジしようと思います。 ごちそうさまでした。
Large serving of green onion ramen (950 yen) It was a nostalgic soy sauce ramen with plenty of crispy green onions on top of the noodles, which would weigh 600g in an oversized bowl, and the scent of wakame seaweed and seaweed shore permeated the entire soup. If you add a little raw niknik and doubanjiang on the table to change the taste, it is a very delicious cup that you can sip until the end without getting tired of it. Next time, I will try Miso Ramen in the middle. Thank you for the meal.
高橋ま on Google

Cash only. It is in front of a park with a large parking lot called Aobadai Park. We have added a ramen shop, Asaka, to the new rasho file. Of course, the standard green onion pork noodles are 1050 yen. The overall rating is 4.0. The char siu was big and round, and the hardness was just right 4.1 points. There are 5 pickled green onions. The noodles are entwined and a little 3.9 points. The soup had a little seasoning taste left, 4 points. The water of the wakame seaweed may have diluted the soup a little. However, 4.0 is still the most popular restaurant in Ramen. Of course, it is a file registration as a recommended store.
sou iko on Google

ネギチャーシューいただきました! チャーシューは柔らかく、スープも美味しいですね。 もう少し熱々の仕上がりだと嬉しいです〜 再訪)ミソネギチャーシューいただきました! 程よい味噌加減と、シャキシャキネギ 厚めのチャーシューと美味しく頂きました♪
I got the green onion char siu! The char siu is soft and the soup is delicious. I'm glad if the finish is a little hotter ~ (Revisit) I got the miso green onion char siu! Moderate miso and crispy green onions It was delicious with thick char siu ♪

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