ROLAND Beauty Lounge 大宮店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ROLAND Beauty Lounge 大宮店

住所 :

Nakacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0845 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–9PM
Sunday 12–9PM
Monday 12–9PM
Tuesday 12–9PM
Wednesday 12–9PM
Thursday 12–9PM
Friday 12–9PM
街 : Saitama

Nakacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0845 Saitama,Japan
碧鳥 on Google

I watched Roland's video on Youtube, and since there was a branch office near my house, I got courageous. I was surprised that it didn't hurt as much as I expected. This is the third time in a row, but the quality of the hair on my arms has changed, so I think that the effect will be felt quickly by some people. I will continue for a while!
KI IK on Google

The staff are very polite and you can rest assured that you will be able to answer your questions from the first Kausen rig. I had the image that hair loss was unbearably painful, but it wasn't at all, and I couldn't go through it with low irritation! As expected it is the latest equipment.
三浦大知 on Google

When I learned about this salon on youtube and received counseling, I was convinced that the explanation of the fee structure and the benefits of hair removal was easy to understand. The customer service is very polite and the effect is easy to feel, so I'm looking forward to coming every time!
かたおかつばさ on Google

スタッフさんの対応がよく いつも楽しく施術してもらってます! サロンも綺麗なので友達にも 紹介したくなるようなとこです。 脱毛部位によっては数回で 結構効果があらわれていいです!
The staff's response is good I always enjoy the treatment! The salon is also beautiful so you can use it with your friends It's something I want to introduce. Depending on the hair loss site, it may take several times It's nice to see the effect!
カマ on Google

ここの脱毛に通い始めて、5回になります。 最初はお店の雰囲気に圧倒されましたが、通っていくうちに店員さんの対応、店の設備などから1番に客を思っていることが伝わってきて、とても居心地が良く感じるようになりました。 お店でいただいた化粧水やパックを使っていることもあり、施術の痛みもほとんどなく、店員さんと雑談し続けています笑 脱毛をしようか迷っている方は無料のカウンセリングだけでも受けてみることをおすすめします。
It's been 5 times since I started going to hair removal here. At first, I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the store, but as I went there, the staff's response, the equipment of the store, etc. told me that I was thinking of the customer first, and I felt very comfortable. rice field. Because I use the lotion and facial masks I received at the store, there is almost no pain in the procedure, and I keep chatting with the clerk lol If you are wondering whether to remove your hair, we recommend that you try the free counseling alone.
koki mori on Google

お店の内装がとてもオシャレでした。 スタッフの方々全員の対応がとても丁寧で気分良く施術を受けることができました。 施術を受けてまだ数回ですが、少しずつ効果も出ているのを実感しています! 脱毛以外にもスキンケアに関する知識を教えて頂けるので男性にとっては嬉しいなと感じました!
The interior of the shop was very fashionable. All the staff were very polite and I was able to receive the treatment comfortably. It's been a few times since I received the treatment, but I'm feeling that the effect is gradually coming out! I felt happy for men because they could teach me knowledge about skin care other than hair removal!
川上裕 on Google

利用して約2ヶ月。 2週間に1回の利用です。 正直男性でも毛量は多い方 顔であればあわよくば夜にも剃りたいレベル 2ヶ月足全体、腕全体、顔口周りもみあげまで お腹周り をやってもらっていますが、 ブランドを信用してよかったと思える納得感。 毛量によりチクッと(よくあるゴムパッチン)はありましたが4回目で 腕と足は交互でも気にならない 前日まで剃らなくても良い状態 顔周りは毎日朝だけでもという形に これからは全身通いますが そもそも周りと違い機械の質が良いので 確実に脱毛したいならオススメです。 費用比較しても周りより質が良い点で気にならない上に、通常クレカのみが多いが限度の関係で無理。 RBLは 銀行引き落としがある事が優しい。 ここまではお店の実体験です。 懸念があればとは思いますが今のところ 納得しかありません。 接客業の店長としての目線ですと 対応してくださる女性S様が 何より親身に楽しく施術して下さるので 不安もなく通えてます。通常女性なら恥ずかしさありますが、 初回で打ち解けました。 感謝しかないです。 これからもまだお世話になるので 未体験の方は 参考になると嬉しいです。 どこでもある程度お金かかるけど ここなら絶対納得する。 以上です。
It's been about 2 months since I used it. It is used once every two weeks. Honestly men who have a lot of hair If it's a face, it's a level you want to shave at night 2 months to the whole leg, the whole arm, sideburns around the face and mouth Around the stomach I have you do it, A sense of conviction that I'm glad I trusted the brand. There was a tingling (common rubber patch) depending on the amount of hair, but it was the 4th time I don't care if my arms and legs alternate You don't have to shave until the day before The area around the face is just in the morning every day I will go to the whole body from now on In the first place, the quality of the machine is good unlike the surroundings Recommended if you want to be sure to remove hair. Even if you compare the cost, you don't mind because the quality is better than the surroundings, and usually there are only credit cards, but it is impossible due to the limit. RBL is It is kind to have a bank debit. This is the actual experience of the store. I hope there are concerns, but for now I'm only convinced. From the perspective of a store manager in the hospitality industry Female S who responds Above all, the treatment is fun and friendly. I can go without anxiety. It's usually embarrassing for women, but I was able to solve it the first time. I'm just grateful. I will continue to take care of you If you haven't experienced it yet I hope it will be helpful. It costs some money everywhere I'm absolutely convinced here. that's all.
XXXTEN2.7.5 on Google

内装も綺麗ですし、この最新機械を導入してる他店舗でこの値段の安さはないです。相当な企業努力が伺えます。 接客も気持ちよく全て理解できました。 ヒゲは濃い人は10回じゃ足りないので妥協しないようにしましょう。 さすがローランドさんのお店ですね これからが楽しみです。
The interior is beautiful, and the price is not cheap at other stores that have introduced this latest machine. You can see the considerable corporate efforts. I was able to understand all the customer service comfortably. If you have a dark beard, 10 times is not enough, so don't compromise. As expected, it's Roland's shop. I'm looking forward to the future.

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