脱毛ラボ 大宮西口店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 脱毛ラボ 大宮西口店

住所 :

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://datsumo-labo.jp/salon/kanto/saitama/omiya-nishi.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Saitama

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan
新島奈央 on Google

Is it cheap and effective? That's what we want women to do. It was good to have the first and last hair loss.
佐藤ミイ on Google

ドキドキしながら来ましたが、みなさんとても優しい方達です! 効果は毛が生えてくるスピードが確実に遅くなっているので効果抜群
I came with excitement, but everyone is very kind! The effect is outstanding because the speed at which hair grows is definitely slowed down.
nemo nemo on Google

I feel that the knees that had lost the razor, the rough skin below the knees, and the roughness have disappeared and the skin is getting thinner little by little. I'm happy.
高田シエラ on Google

Hair loss for the first time. I am looking forward to the results from now on. I feel that my skin is firm, so I'm looking forward to it.
張本志保 on Google

I changed from another salon on the recommendation of my boss. The salon I used to go to was a bit messy and sometimes dissatisfied, but it's very kind and polite, so I'm impressed. The effect is also easier to understand than the previous salon and I am satisfied.
川崎すず on Google

顔の脱毛で全体的に肌がもちもちして化粧ノリがよくなりました。 肌荒れもしていたので本当によかったです。脱毛期間中は保湿必須です。
Hair loss on the face made the skin moisturized and improved the makeup. I was really happy because I had rough skin. Moisturizing is essential during the hair removal period.
大阪穂花 on Google

I went there because of rough skin and the stress of self-treatment! It's the 5th time now, but the effect started to appear clearly from the 2nd time, and now it's clear compared to the first time. I also took on the challenge by looking at the post, so I hope this post will give you a chance to take on the challenge!
サリ on Google

仕事帰りに寄らせていただいてます。デリケートゾーンの1回目は少し熱さを感じましたがスタッフさんが優しく声をかけてくれて頑張れました。 3回目あたりから熱さもなくなり効果も出てきて満足しています。
I will drop by on my way home from work. I felt a little hot in the first delicate zone, but the staff kindly spoke to me and I did my best. From around the 3rd time, the heat disappeared and the effect came out and I am satisfied.

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