LODGE -ロッジ- 大宮東口店

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LODGE -ロッジ- 大宮東口店

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan
mofmoka on Google

人生で初めてクレームを入れた。 しかもデート中に彼女の前で。最悪な気分を味わえた。 以下、本日の流れ。 ランチタイム、店内は閑散としており、雰囲気は良かった。 どこでもお好きな席に、ということでカウンター向かいの壁沿い、2人並んで座れる席に座る。 喫煙可、飲み放題もあるということで良い店を見つけたねと歓談しつつメニューに目を向け、 ランチメニューに記載のあったコブサラダ他を頼んだ。 ドリンクとお通しが届き、さて乾杯でもするかと思った折、 「なんでコブサラダなんか頼むんだよ。くそ。」 背後の厨房?カウンターキッチン?から男の声が聞こえる。 聞き間違いかと思わず彼女の方を見ると、相手も同じくこちらを向き、図らずも見合う形に。 後ろを振り向けば、不貞腐れたような面持ちで、少々乱暴な所作で調理に取り掛かろうとする男性店員の姿。 その後も、舌打ちや「くそ」などの小さなぼやきが聞こえてきたため、我慢ならず呼び鈴からのクレーム。 幸いにもドリンクお通し共に一口も口をつけていなかったため、申し訳ないがと断りそのまま退店。 二度と行かない。 決しておすすめはしない。
I made a complaint for the first time in my life. Moreover, in front of her during a date. I felt the worst. Below, today's flow. At lunchtime, the inside of the store was quiet and the atmosphere was good. You can sit in your favorite seat anywhere, so you can sit side by side along the wall opposite the counter. I looked at the menu while chatting that I found a good restaurant because smoking is allowed and all-you-can-drink is available. I ordered the Cobb salad and others listed on the lunch menu. When I received a drink and I thought I would make a toast, "Why are you asking for Cobb salad? Damn." The kitchen behind? Counter kitchen? I can hear a man's voice. When I looked at her without thinking that it was a mistake, the other person also turned to me, and it was unexpectedly worth it. Looking back, the figure of a male clerk who looks unfaithful and tries to start cooking with a slightly violent act. Even after that, I heard small murmurs such as tongue and "shit", so I couldn't stand it and complained from the doorbell. Fortunately, I didn't have a sip of drinks, so I'm sorry but I declined and left the store. I will never go again. I never recommend it.
yich an on Google

お刺身があるとのことで入店しましたが、オーダーして30分後に出てきたのは、人が食べるモノではありませんでした。 大学のサークル活動でももう少しマシなものが出てくると思います。 行ってはいけません。 本当は星は0 です。
I entered the store because I heard that there was sashimi, but what came out 30 minutes after ordering was not something that people would eat. I think there will be something a little better in the university club activities. Don't go. The stars are actually 0 is.
ばぶみばぶ on Google

友達と大宮で買い物をしていて、そのまま駅前で夜ご飯を食べようという話になり、お肉とチーズのお店を調べていたらここのお店に辿り着きました。 お店の内装がとてもオシャレで席も2名用のソファー席に案内してもらいましたがふかふかで座り心地がよかったです笑 最初に頼んだのは肩ロースステーキ。 フルサイズとハーフサイズが選べるのでランプステーキとロースステーキ半分ずつでもいいなと思ったんですが、今回はロースステーキフルサイズにしました。次回はハーフ2種類にしようかな笑 あと、チーズフォンデュも頂きました。 具材もちょうどいい量でチーズフォンデュの味がとても美味しかったです! 盛り付けも全体的に綺麗だなあという印象でした。 お酒もオシャレでインスタ映えしそうなものもあり、種類も沢山あるので迷います笑 店員さんも接客態度が良くまた利用しようかなと思いました!
I was shopping in Omiya with my friends, and it was a story about eating dinner in front of the station. When I was looking for a meat and cheese shop, I arrived here. The interior of the shop was very stylish and the seats were guided to a sofa seat for 2 people, but it was soft and comfortable to sit on. The first thing I asked for was shoulder loin steak. I could choose half-rump steak and half-loin steak because I could choose full size and half-size, but this time I made full size loin steak. I wonder if I'll make two types next time I also had a cheese fondue. The ingredients were just the right amount and the cheese fondue tasted very good! The impression was that the arrangement was beautiful overall. There are also some drinks that look fashionable and instagram, and there are many types of sake, so I'm lost The store clerk also had a good customer service and I thought I should use it again!
生ハムるり on Google

初めて訪問しましたが、最悪でした。 店員さんの立ち回りが悪い、飲み物は頼んでから30分来ない、店員をモバイルで呼び出しするもこない、喫煙者にはいいかもしれないですが禁煙者にはタバコの匂いがかなりきついです。 わざわざ口コミを書きたくないですが、あまりにも悪かったので書かせていただきました。 店員態度と料理の速さをどうにかした方がいいと思います。
I visited for the first time, but it was the worst. The clerk isn't around well, he doesn't come for a drink for 30 minutes, he doesn't even call the clerk on mobile, which may be good for smokers, but the smell of cigarettes is quite strong for non-smokers. I don't want to bother to write a word of mouth, but it was so bad that I wrote it. I think you should manage the attitude of the clerk and the speed of cooking.
尊師 on Google

今まで人生で行ったお店の中で一番最悪であった。おすすめしない。 ディナーデートでの利用。 コース予約をしていたが、予約時間に訪問するもなかなか店員が出てこなくて席に案内されず待たされる。 コロナ対策のアルコール消毒は中身が切れており、消毒出来なかった。検温もなし。 予約していたカップルシートに着席。通路にあるので後ろを人がしょっちゅう通り落ち着かない。 1品目から最後の品までコース料理が出てくるスピードが異常なほど遅い。忘れているのかと思い、呼び出しボタンを押すも店員はやってこず、何回も呼び出しボタンを押さないと店員は来ない。 接客態度は無愛想で笑顔がなく最低限のもの。 まず初めに、飲み放題なので飲み物を頼んだが25分ほどかかってようやく持ってきた。(あまりにも来ないので呼び出しボタンを連打してようやく持ってきた) その後も料理が出てくる間隔が平均20分以上(~30分)で、提供の遅さにイライラする。 2品目でコース料理と違うものが出てきたので店員に聞いてみると「品が切れているので代わりの物を提供すると言われませんでしたか?」と言われ、そんなことは聞いていない。変更内容はブッラータからカプレーゼであり、下位互換で出された品と感じた。「お詫びにサービス致します、申し訳ございません」と言われるも、最後までサービスはなかった。 メインディッシュはステーキにラクレットチーズをかけたものと聞いていたが、ラクレットチーズがかかっていない状態で提供されたので、かけてきてもらった(いちいち呼び出しボタンを連打させられる)。 しかし、食べる際には既にチーズが固まっていた。 恐らくだが、ラクレットチーズが在庫切れ?でチーズフォンデュのチーズ?をかけてきたっぽかった。(その旨を言われなかったので真偽は不明) 店内の客層は学生が多く、終始店内はうるさい。隣の客だった酔っ払った学生のキンキン声で耳がおかしくなりそうだった。 デザートのシャーベットには小さめのスプーンが提供されず、仕方なく他の料理を食べる際に使用した普通のスプーンを再利用。 2時間制のコースだったのだが、デザートのシャーベットが出てきた時点で2時間を上回っていた程に提供ペースが遅い。 また、サプライズでメッセージ付きデザートプレートも予約注文していたが最後まで出てこず、シャーベットを出された際に「料理は以上になります」と言われたので帰ることにした。 お会計しに行くと「デザートの提供がまだですが大丈夫ですか?」と今更聞かれ、予定時間をオーバーしていたのと、もはや面倒だったのでそのまま断った。二度と行かないのは勿論、予約通りの料理が提供されなかったのでぼったくり?なのでは。
It was the worst store I've ever been to in my life. I don't recommend it. Use for dinner dates. I had made a reservation for the course, but even though I visited at the reserved time, the clerk did not come out and I was kept waiting without being guided to my seat. Alcohol disinfection for corona measures was out of content and could not be disinfected. There is no temperature measurement. I took a seat in the couple seat I had reserved. Because it is in the aisle, people often pass behind me and feel uncomfortable. The speed at which course meals come out from one item to the last item is unusually slow. I thought I had forgotten, but the clerk did not come even if I pressed the call button, and the clerk did not come unless I pressed the call button many times. The customer service attitude is unfriendly, has no smile, and is the minimum. First of all, I ordered a drink because it was all-you-can-drink, but it took about 25 minutes to finally bring it. (Since it doesn't come too much, I finally brought it by hitting the call button repeatedly) Even after that, the average interval between dishes is 20 minutes or more (~ 30 minutes), and I am frustrated by the slowness of serving. There were two items that were different from the course dishes, so when I asked the clerk, he said, "Did you say that you would offer a substitute because the items were out of stock?", And I didn't hear that. .. The content of the change was Caprese from Burrata, and I felt that it was a backward compatible product. I was told, "I'm sorry to apologize for the service," but there was no service until the end. I heard that the main dish was steak with raclette cheese, but it was served without raclette cheese, so I asked him to sprinkle it (the call button was repeatedly hit). However, when I ate it, the cheese had already hardened. Perhaps the raclette cheese is out of stock? And cheese fondue cheese? It seemed like I was playing. (The truth is unknown because I wasn't told that.) Many of the customers in the store are students, and the store is noisy from beginning to end. The kinkin voice of a drunk student who was a guest next door seemed to make me crazy. The dessert sorbet wasn't provided with a small spoon, so I had no choice but to reuse the regular spoon I used to eat other dishes. It was a two-hour course, but the pace of provision was so slow that it exceeded two hours when the dessert sorbet came out. Also, I had pre-ordered a dessert plate with a message as a surprise, but it didn't come out until the end, and when I was served sherbet, I was told that "the food is over", so I decided to go home. When I went to check out, I was asked again, "Is it okay to serve dessert yet?", And I refused as it was because it was too much trouble because it was over the scheduled time. Of course I would never go again, but the food was not served as reserved, so I was rip-off? So.
みかげ on Google

電話応対も最低でした。まずお店の名前を言わない、こちらから聞いても「あーはいそうですけど」としか言わず、問い合わせする気も失せます。 若い従業員やバイトばかりのせいか、言う事もやる事も適当で、お店の雰囲気や料理がもったいない。 接客する側として、また従業員は一社会人として至らない部分が多すぎる飲食店だと感じました。 二度と利用しません。
The telephone response was also the worst. First of all, I don't say the name of the shop, and even if I ask from here, I only say "Ah, that's right", and I don't feel like making inquiries. Perhaps because of the young employees and part-time jobs, it is appropriate to say and do, and the atmosphere and food of the restaurant is wasteful. As a customer service side, and as an employee, I felt that it was a restaurant with too many parts that could not be reached as a member of society. I will never use it again.
Xenus87 on Google

Had a party with all you can eat and drink but o haven't seen any food on my table plus the drinks were water.
mirko cali' on Google

I gave one start only Because i cannot give less... First of all, no corona virus measurements at all, and the woman bar staff barely rinse the glass without using a dishwasher or any soap at all. Bar staff grumpy and upset, without any smile or anything interest in working in the restaurant industry. I order a gin tonic and was more a gin soda, the tonic they use is a super low quality that we can consider a tonic flavored soda water instead of tonic water. The beer was supposed to be the premium malts, but the kegs (placed outside the bar and in front of the customer) were suntory but not premium malts... Restaurants like this shouldn't be open regardless of whether there is corona virus or not! Absolutely nightmare!

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