品川美容外科 大宮院

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 品川美容外科 大宮院

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan
mi mi on Google

Everslim upper arm 150cc (300,000 yen), but it didn't work. I just felt very painful.
rin on Google

近いので数年通ってましたが、毎回不自然なことや不快なことがあり今回我慢の限界でした。 ボトックスを2倍(2本)でお願いしていたにも関わらず終わってみて使用済みの注射針が目に入るように捨ててあったので目に入ってしまい、ん?と気づいてよくみると2本とも長さで言うと1.5cm程液が残ってました。 使い切らなくてもいいものなのかどうか帰ってからも不審で仕方なく問い合わせると、「使い切らなければいけないもので先生はしっかり打ったと言ってる」との事。 あんなに残しておいて全部注入したなんて嘘をつくドクターは最低だなと感じました。 正直詐欺ですよね? 注射針の写真を残しておけばよかったと後悔しているくらいです。 結局「ご要望はなんですか?とクレーマー呼ばわりな態度をとられ打ちなおしとなりましたが、そういう問題ではないのでそれでもスッキリはしません。あんなに液を残しているのをお客さんが見てしまっている以上認めて謝って欲しかったです。バレなきゃいいと思ってお客さんを馬鹿にしすぎです。 いつかも点滴が全て体に入れ終わる前に勝手に終わらされた事もあります。(最後の1滴まで入れてくれる方もいたので人の差を感じました) 近いしずっと通っていたので少し変だと思うことがあっても受付のスタッフの態度が悪くても他の患者の方の悪口が聞こえても黙ってきましたが、限界です。 コース分使い切ったら別の医院に行きます。 信頼して通っていたし友達紹介もしていたのでとても残念で仕方ありません。 大宮院は他の医院の先生からですら評判が良くないのでオススメしません。
I've been there for several years because it's close, but every time I had something unnatural and uncomfortable, I couldn't stand it this time. Even though I asked for Botox twice (2), I tried to finish it and the used needle was thrown away so that it could be seen in my eyes, so I got it in my eyes, huh? When I noticed that, when I looked closely, there was about 1.5 cm of liquid left in both of them. Even after returning home, I was suspicious and asked if it was okay to use it up, and he said, "The teacher said that he had to use it up and hit it well." I felt that the doctor who lied to leave it like that and inject it all was the worst. Honestly a scam, right? I regret that I should have left a picture of the needle. In the end, I was asked, "What is your request?" I wanted you to acknowledge and apologize for the above. Sometimes it was done without permission before all the infusions were put into the body. (Some people put up to the last drop, so I felt the difference between people.) I've been there for a long time, so even if I think it's a little strange, even if the reception staff's attitude is bad or I hear other patients' bad words, I'm silent, but it's the limit. When the course is used up, I will go to another clinic. It's a shame because I trusted him and introduced my friends. I don't recommend Omiya-in because it doesn't have a good reputation even from teachers at other clinics.
ri ri on Google

二重の埋没法を受けました。 初めの色々な流れを説明してくれるお姉さんの印象はめちゃくちゃ好印象。 そして、いざ若い男性ドクターの元へ通され、2点止めか3点止めで迷っていたところ、「今なら2点止めの1番高い5年保証のプランだと10万円引きします!」と。 この時点で違和感と不信感がありました。 実際は2年保証の1つ下のプランを選択。 施術していただき、案の定というのか嫌な予感が的中というのか…。 2ヶ月以上経った今でも縫い目のくぼんだ痕が消えていません。 保証でやり直しを相談したところ、1度糸をとってやり直すとまた腫れの期間が続くと。 結局娘も二重の幅は気に入ったようで、縫い目はよそから見るとだいぶ気になりますが、本人は二重になれたことだけでも嬉しいらしく縫い目はそこまで気にしてないようなのでそのまま様子見で! 他のところで埋没受けた友達の目を何人か見せてもらいましたが、縫い目が目立つ人誰一人いなかったので残念です。
I received a double burial method. The impression of the older sister who explains the various flows at the beginning is a very good impression. Then, when I was sent to a young male doctor and was wondering whether to stop at 2 points or 3 points, "Now, if it is the highest 5-year warranty plan with 2 points stop, I will discount 100,000 yen!" When. At this point, I felt uncomfortable and distrustful. Actually, I chose the plan one below the 2-year warranty. After the treatment, is it true or unpleasant premonition? Even after more than two months, the dented marks on the seams have not disappeared. When I consulted about redoing with a guarantee, I heard that once I took the thread and tried again, the period of swelling would continue. After all, my daughter seems to like the double width, and the seams are quite annoying when viewed from the other side, but she seems to be happy just to be doubled and does not seem to care about the seams so much, so it looks as it is Look! I had some of my friends' eyes buried elsewhere, but it's a shame because none of them had noticeable seams.
たなかみき on Google

顔の1パーツを整形しましたが「切る整形ができた」ため星1つ評価です。不信感が大きいので今後、通院することは無いです。内容としては、 ①手術後に、手術時に使った注射の影響で献血が出来なくなる事を謝罪と共に伝えられ、その同意書を手術後に書かされました。それどうしようも無いじゃん…って驚愕と諦めの気持ち+通院する上での雰囲気が悪くなって良い加減な処置されたく無いなって気持ちで書きましたけど。 ②整形費用についても調べて行きましたが、実際の詳細には最高プランが並んでおり想定額の4倍以上で…割引がついた金額なら支払えるかなと思い決めました。他の院でカウンセリングを受けずに決めてしまったため少し後悔してます。当たり前の事ですが後悔してる私が、整形を考えている方に伝えたいのは慎重に他の院のカウンセリングを何件か受けた上でここにするか決めて欲しいって事です。 ③手術後は黒い糸で固定されるので目立ちますが抜糸したら気になりません。ですが抜糸から2週間ほど経って片側からちょろっと黒い糸より太い透明な糸が、表面に出てきておりマスクや化粧時に擦れて痛みが…。その場所に爪が当たった時、ブチっとした痛み+少量の出血と共に透明な結び目のある糸が取れました。電話相談1回目は私個人の手術内容に合わせた内容か?と思う程ほとんどの人に当てはまる説明を聞きモヤモヤ…聞きそびれたことがあり再度相談するとクレーマーかのような対応をされた感覚がありました。また説明としても相談1回目と同じ台詞と「溶ける糸だから大丈夫。もし不安なら受診してほしい。」との事で再度通院した日に尋ねると「溶ける糸だから大丈夫」と先生から説明があり安心して帰りました。傷口も糸が取れた事による傷や出血も綺麗になり安心して生活していましたが、3ヶ月以上経っても反対側の傷口がぷっくり膨らんだまま中々治らず。反対側のぷっくり部分に、またカリッと当たるものが…カサブタかなーって触ってたらプチっと取れたのが、前回と同じ透明な糸。しかも糸の硬さも太さも前回と綺麗に同じ状態です。再診が必要になったら見せられるように、またコールセンターに相談してその方がいいかもと伝えられており保存してたので。今回は出血無く痛みのみありました。今思えば「溶ける糸」についての説明が「溶ける糸だから大丈夫」のみでした。 念願の整形ができる喜びや期待から、自分の安全性や経過説明への関心が薄かったなと反省しています。 医療行為+サービス業ですよね?安全・安心への配慮がもっと必要では?サービス的にも愛想が良い人が少ない院だなと。外見の清潔感や言動の素敵な方が社内で正しく評価されていてほしい。 献血が出来なくなる説明はカウンセリングの際にするべきでは?献血をしていた人にとって、急に献血できなくなった事を伝えられて…。クリニックとして医療行為をしている自覚が甘いのでは?などいろいろ考えてしまうので、以上の内容から星1つ評価です。 同じような経験をする人がいない事を願います。
I shaped one part of the face, but it was rated as one star because it was "cut and shaped". I have a lot of distrust, so I will not go to the hospital in the future. As for the content, (1) After the surgery, I was told with an apology that I could not donate blood due to the injection used during the surgery, and the consent form was written after the surgery. I couldn't help it ... I was surprised and gave up + I wrote it with the feeling that the atmosphere when going to the hospital got worse and I didn't want to be treated sloppyly. (2) I also investigated the plastic surgery cost, but the actual details are lined up with the best plans, and it is more than four times the estimated amount ... I decided that I could pay the amount with a discount. I regret a little because I decided without receiving counseling at another hospital. Obviously, I regret that I would like to tell those who are thinking about plastic surgery that they should carefully receive some counseling from other hospitals before deciding whether to go here. ③ After the surgery, it is fixed with a black thread, so it stands out, but it doesn't matter if the thread is removed. However, about two weeks after the thread was removed, a transparent thread that was slightly thicker than the black thread came out from one side, and it rubbed against the mask and makeup, causing pain. When my nail hit the spot, I got a clear knotted thread with a tingling pain and a small amount of bleeding. Is the first telephone consultation tailored to my personal surgery? I heard the explanation that applies to most people so much that I felt uncomfortable ... I missed it, and when I consulted again, I felt like I was treated like a complaint. Also, as an explanation, the same line as the first consultation and "It's okay because it's a melting thread. If you're worried, please go to the clinic." I went home with my heart. I lived with peace of mind because the wounds and bleeding caused by the thread coming off were clean, but even after more than 3 months, the wound on the other side remained bulging and did not heal. The puffy part on the other side, and the one that hits crisply again ... I wondered if it was Casabuta, and when I touched it, the same transparent thread as last time came off. Moreover, the hardness and thickness of the thread are exactly the same as the last time. I was told that it would be better to consult with the call center so that I could show it when I needed to return to the clinic, so I saved it. This time there was no bleeding and only pain. When I think about it now, the only explanation for "melting thread" was "it's okay because it's a melting thread". I regret that I had little interest in my safety and progress explanations because of the joy and expectations of being able to shape my wishes. It's a medical practice + service industry, isn't it? Need more consideration for safety and security? It's a hospital where there aren't many people who are friendly in terms of service. I want people who have a clean appearance and good behavior to be evaluated correctly within the company. Should I explain that I can't donate blood at the time of counseling? For those who donated blood, I was told that I couldn't donate blood suddenly ... Isn't it sweet to be aware that you are doing medical treatment as a clinic? Since I think about various things such as, I will evaluate it with one star from the above contents. I hope no one has a similar experience.
ささかま on Google

I wanted to do cosmetic surgery. I wanted to change everything, but it was difficult on a budget, so I had counseling and treatment to have my nose fixed, which had been a complex for a long time. It was said that I couldn't get close to my ideal nose at one time, so I will continue to go to try it little by little.
ねすけ on Google

数年前に外科手術でお世話になりました。 今回は目の下、眉間、顎のボトックスをしましたが、効きすぎてしまったのか、適切な場所でなかったのか、笑顔がつっぱって般若のようになりました。涙袋もなくなってかなり老けましたし、周囲には内緒にしてましたが、職場で色んな人に何か顔変だけど何かした?突っ込まれました。 早く元の顔に戻りたいです。
I was taken care of by surgery a few years ago. This time, I did botox under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and the chin, but I felt like a prajna with a smile on my face, whether it was too effective or not in the right place. I'm pretty old without a tear bag, and I kept it a secret from the people around me, but what happened to various people at work? I was thrust into it. I want to return to my original face as soon as possible.
はなかわゆりな on Google

gi mu on Google

初めてカウンセリングに行きました。 初めてですと言ったのに沢山店舗があるのに 初めてですか?と言われまず言い方が気になりました。カウンセリングの方もとんでもなく低い椅子に座りコース名のみの紹介しかされず初めてと言ったのに細かい説明はなかったです。 適用あるかみてもらいますと言われドクター 診察もして貰いましたがよく見る様子も無く 更に、肝斑はどこにいってもあると 言われるのに全くないと言われた。 正しい診察も出来ていない時点でもう利用しないです(女医ショートヘアの方) 会計の際も値引きアンケートがあると言われて どこで答えるのか聞いたら、はい? とかこれですか?と聞いた時も反応の悪さに ドン引きでした。自分から言ってきたのに笑 ナースさん、スキンクリニックに移動した先の受付さんはすごくよかったです。 会計してくれた井上さんという方の 態度が悪すぎて2度と伺いたくないです。
I went to counseling for the first time. I said it was my first time, but there are many stores Is this the first time? First of all, I was curious about how to say it. The counselor sat in a very low chair and only introduced the course name, but there was no detailed explanation even though he said it was the first time. Doctor told me to see if it applies I had a medical examination, but I didn't see it well. In addition, liver spots are everywhere I was told that there was nothing at all. I will not use it anymore when I have not been able to have a correct medical examination (for female doctor short hair) It is said that there is a discount questionnaire even at the time of accounting When asked where to answer, yes? Or this? Even when I heard that It was a don pull. I told you, but lol Mr. Nurse, the receptionist who moved to the skin clinic was very nice. Mr. Inoue who made the payment My attitude is so bad that I don't want to visit again.

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