Ristorante Umiria - Yokohama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ristorante Umiria

住所 :

グランドセントラルタワ 2階 4 Chome-6-2 Minatomirai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 220-0012
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3:30PM
Sunday 11AM–3:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Description : Upscale dining room & terrace in a glass-clad tower focusing on seasonal Italian-style dishes.

グランドセントラルタワ 2階 4 Chome-6-2 Minatomirai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012, Japan
kosan s on Google

言葉では言い表すのは難しい? 強いて言うなら、五感を感じる最高のディナーでした。 また機会を作り必ず行きます。
Difficult to describe in words ? It was the best dinner with all five senses. I will make an opportunity again and definitely go.
hato hato on Google

目当てのお店が臨時休業だったので、一人で伺って1980円のスープ+前菜+パスタのランチをいただきました。お料理の一つ一つがとても繊細で、美味しくてびっくりしました。こんなお店があったとは。猪のラグー、マスカルポーネのクリーミーさも相まって素晴らしかったです。そして最後の紅茶の豊富さにもびっくりしました。 料理はもちろんサービスもとてもよく、最初から最後まで居心地のいいお店でした。また行くと思います。
The shop I was looking for was temporarily closed, so I visited by myself and had a lunch of 1980 yen soup + appetizer + pasta. Each dish was very delicate and delicious and I was surprised. There was such a shop. The creaminess of the boar ragout and mascarpone was also wonderful. And I was surprised at the abundance of the last tea. The food and service were very good, and it was a cozy restaurant from start to finish. I think I will go again.
樋口一恵 on Google

I visited you for the first time. He explained each dish carefully. It was great to be able to choose water or carbonated water! ️ Cozy restaurant ?
hiro on Google

デザートとは薔薇のいい香りがして素敵でした。お祝いのランチだとコスパが良くてオススメかなと思います。 ディナーで伺ったので、コストパフォーマンスが悪く感じてしまいました。 デザート以外はあんまりで、デザートに力を入れているのかなと感じるほどです。 デザートは可愛くインスタ映えするかなと思います。
The dessert had a nice scent of roses and was wonderful. I think that cospa is good and recommended for a festive lunch. Since I visited at dinner, I felt that the cost performance was bad. Except for dessert, there is not much, and I feel that I am focusing on dessert. I think the dessert will look cute on Instagram.
moe on Google

みなとみらいのTSUTAYA前のビルにある、穴場イタリアン。 白が基調のとても爽やかでお洒落な雰囲気、女性は大好きだと思います♪ 今日はアミューズ、前菜盛り合わせに パスタは和牛と黒キャベツのボロネーゼ、 メインはヒラメと帆立のミルフィーユ仕立てを選びました。 ミルフィーユの周りにあるチーズのようなものは、バターだそう。焼き茄子と合わせて食べると絶品♪ そして雪をイメージしたデザートが可愛すぎて歓声があがりました❤︎ 中からオレンジのジュレが出てきて、とても美味しかったです^ ^ サービスも良く、もっと早くに来れば良かったです!
A little-known Italian restaurant in the building in front of TSUTAYA in Minatomirai. A very refreshing and fashionable atmosphere with white as the keynote, I think women love it ♪ Today is an amuse-bouche, assorted appetizers Pasta is Japanese beef and black cabbage bolognese, For the main, I chose the flatfish and scallop millefeuille style. The cheese-like thing around the millefeuille is butter. Excellent when eaten with grilled eggplant ♪ And the dessert with the image of snow was so cute that the cheers went up ❤︎ The orange jelly came out from inside and it was very delicious ^ ^ The service was good and I wish I had come earlier!
安藤宏和 on Google

みなとみらいの有名なイタリアン! 高級店ではありますが、お酒飲んで一人10,000円以内でも楽しめる、カジュアルさを兼ね備えたお店です♪ 前から気になっていて初訪問でしたが、ほんとどほ料理も美味しい✨ 特にパスタと鴨のローストは、他でなかなか味わえない絶品でした! 接客も素晴らしく、一品一品スタッフの方が説明してくださって、へーほーと言いながら食事を堪能できます? ちょっとしたお祝いでも記念日でも、ぜひ一度は行っていただきたいお店ですね?
Minatomirai's famous Italian food! Although it is a high-class shop, it is a casual shop where you can enjoy drinking alcohol for less than 10,000 yen per person ♪ It was my first visit because I was interested in it for a long time, but the food is really delicious ✨ Especially the pasta and roast duck were exquisite, which you can't taste anywhere else! The customer service is also wonderful, and the staff will explain each item one by one, so you can enjoy your meal while saying hey ? Whether it's a small celebration or an anniversary, it's a shop you definitely want to visit ?
IOANNIS D on Google

Awesome dining experience. Pricey but worth it!
Hiroyasu Kifune on Google

Not large restaurant. Every dishes you encounter and hospitality of staff are first class.

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