4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact RISE GYM 平和台

住所 :

Hayamiya, Nerima City, 〒179-0085 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://sukoyakapersonal.wixsite.com/risegym
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Hayamiya, Nerima City, 〒179-0085 Tokyo,Japan
かな on Google

I went to the personal gym for the first time. I was worried at first, but the trainer is very kind and fun to train! Rather than training alone, I have a trainer, so I can train well, so it suits me!
yoko s on Google

2人目の出産で色々体に支障が出て来て、元に戻したいと思っていました。ジムに通うこと自体が初めてで通い続けられるか不安でした。けど、パーソナルジムなのでマンツーマンで教えてもらって受けられるので、通い続けられるポイントです。トレーナーの方も気さくで話しやすいです。 今後もお世話になります。宜しくお願いします。
The second childbirth caused various physical problems and I wanted to get it back. It was my first time to go to the gym and I was worried if I could continue to go to the gym. However, since it is a personal gym, you can be taught one-on-one, so it is a point that you can continue to go. Trainers are also friendly and easy to talk to. Thank you for your continued support. Thanking you in advance.

It was my first time to do personal training and I was skeptical about it, but since it's only 30 minutes a week, I'm still crazy. The training is very efficient and the muscles are firmly attached, so the back pain is improved. Due to working from home, I lacked exercise and had stiff shoulders, but when I had the fascia of the scapula peeled off, my body became very light. Recommended for those who are close to Heiwadai and do not have time.
Kazumi Yoshino on Google

産後の骨盤矯正と併せて、引き締めでパーソナルトレーニングに通っています。 産後の身体の痛いところや引き締めたいところに合わせて、トレーニングメニューを毎回組んでもらえます。 運動量も体調に合わせて調整してもらえるので、産後の疲れた体でも無理なく続けられています。正しい姿勢と適度な負荷で、効率良くトレーニングができ、お陰で目標体重まで落とすことができました! 肩凝りが辛い時には、トレーナーの石塚さんにやって頂く「肩甲骨剥がし」がお勧めです!あっと言う間に肩が軽くなって、スッキリします!
In addition to postpartum pelvic correction, I go to personal training for tightening. You can have a training menu organized every time according to the painful part of the body after childbirth or the part you want to tighten. The amount of exercise can be adjusted according to your physical condition, so even if you are tired after giving birth, you can continue without difficulty. With the correct posture and moderate load, I was able to train efficiently, and thanks to that, I was able to reduce my weight to the target weight! If you have a stiff shoulder, we recommend the "scapula peeling" done by trainer Mr. Ishizuka! In a blink of an eye, your shoulders will be lighter and you will feel better!
ちょこらぶ on Google

After giving birth, I couldn't get back to my stomach and prenatal weight by 2 kg, so I started going to personal training 6 months after giving birth. It's been 3 months since I started going at a pace of 30 minutes once a week, but I haven't returned to my stomach and weight yet, and I haven't noticed any visible effects, but I've suppressed my weight gain without dietary restrictions. I think that it is because I have a habit of exercising regularly here. Lastly ... Although it is a 30-minute frame once a week, I think that I am actually exercising for about 20 minutes, so I would like to exercise for 30 minutes in the future! (Be prepared to be hard ...)
Kyo S on Google

健やか接骨院豊玉店で、猫背・骨盤矯正に通ってますが、更なる体のコンディションを‥‥と薦められ、パーソナルに通い始めました。 初めはとても緊張し、トレーニング器具を見たら、『私、続けられるのかな?運動つらいかな?』と心配でした。 スタッフも、とても優しく、自分の体にあったトレーニングをしてくれます。体力にも合わせて貰えるので、私でも続けられそうです。 体のバランスを鍛えるだけでなく、ダイエットにも力になってもらえます。方法も、食事制限や、プロテインダイエット、トレーニング、CMにある○○○ップのやり方、他のジムの方法など、こちらがやりたい方法でやってくれます。 私は、糖質などのチェック方法ですが。 右肩の動きが悪かった私ですが、今は、大分稼働率があがり、ウォーキング、自転車、スポーツも楽になりました。 今後も、頑張って通いたいです。
At the Healthy Osteopathic Hospital Toyoda store, I go to the stoop and pelvis correction, but I was recommended to have more physical condition and started going to personal. At first I was very nervous, and when I saw the training equipment, I said, "Can I continue? Is it hard to exercise? I was worried. The staff are also very kind and will give you training that suits your body. You can get it according to your physical strength, so I think I can continue. Not only will you improve your body balance, but you will also be able to help your diet. As for the method, diet restriction, protein diet, training, XX method in CM, other gym method, etc. will do what you want. I'm a method of checking sugar etc. I had a bad movement on my right shoulder, but now I have a much higher utilization rate, and walking, biking, and sports have become easier. I would like to continue to do my best in the future.
H Wada on Google

産後のダイエットで2ヶ月前から通っています。 体の使い方から丁寧に教えてもらえて、初心者でも分かりやすく体を動かす事ができます。 パーソナルトレーニングというとキツいだけのトレーニングを想像してしまいますが、キツさ加減も毎回相談しながら行えるので、トレーニングが嫌にならずに通えています。 食事などの相談も気軽にでき、信頼できるトレーナーさん達にお世話になる事ができています。
I have been on a postpartum diet for two months. Even beginners can move their bodies in an easy-to-understand manner by being taught carefully from how to use their bodies. When you think of personal training, you might think of training that is only tough, but since you can consult with each other about how hard it is, you can go to training without dislike. You can feel free to consult with us about meals, and we are able to take care of reliable trainers.
Mika Kishizuka on Google

パーソナルトレーニングは初めてです。私はシニアですが、一般のスポーツジムとは違って、マンツーマンでその時の体調や強化したい体の部位などに合わせてメニューを組んでいただけるので、年齢に関係なく安心して通えます。 スポーツのパフォーマンスを上げたいという目的でスタートしましたが、いわゆる筋トレのようなものだけでなく、肩甲骨剥がしや股関節の調整などのコンディショニングも取り入れていただき、日常生活においても体全体が動きやすくなると思います。 また、整骨院の治療でストレッチやほぐしもやっていただき、ケアも一緒にできることもよいです。 かと言っても、色々セットでやっていただくと正直費用と時間もそれなりにかかるので、今は満足していますが、今以上の充実感と効果を見て、継続できるか検討していきたいと思います。
This is my first time in personal training. I'm a senior, but unlike a general gym, you can organize the menu one-on-one according to your physical condition and the part of the body you want to strengthen, so you can go there with confidence regardless of age. I started with the aim of improving sports performance, but I hope that not only so-called muscle training but also conditioning such as shoulder blade peeling and hip joint adjustment will be incorporated, making it easier for the whole body to move in daily life. think. In addition, it is also good that you can stretch and loosen the treatment at the osteopathic clinic, and you can also take care of it. Having said that, honestly, it costs a lot of money and time to do it as a set, so I'm satisfied now, but I'd like to see more fulfillment and effects and consider whether I can continue. increase.

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