Restaurant Reims Yanagitate - Minato City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Restaurant Reims Yanagitate

住所 :

3 Chome-10-13 Kitaaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 107-0061
Webサイト :
Description : Tasting menus of creatively plated French cuisine emphasizing seasonal ingredients in a chic space.

3 Chome-10-13 Kitaaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan
荒井志保 on Google

美しいポーションたち。ランチで伺いました。 エディブルフラワーをふんだんに使っており、本当に綺麗!! 品数も多くて大満足です。 大人数での貸切のため、2階席へ。 あまり使ってない部屋なのか、窓辺の床あたりの埃が気になりました。
Beautiful potions. I visited for lunch. It uses plenty of edible flowers and is really beautiful! !! I am very satisfied with the large number of items. To charter a large number of people, go to the second floor. I was worried about the dust around the floor by the window, probably because it was a room I didn't use much.
ちうちゃん on Google

ランチ利用で再訪。 人によってはやや塩味強めと感じそうなくらいですが、相変わらず凝ったお味で美味しいです。私は濃いめのお味も楽しめるタイプなので満足です。 連れて行った料理好きの友人も「絶対に自分じゃ再現できないなって思うから、外食のし甲斐があるよね」と話して喜んでいました。 個人的にはアランミリアのロゼを置いてあるのがポイント高いです。 お食事の見た目が楽しく美味しく、店員さんのホスピタリティも素晴らしく、お財布に優しい価格帯で、またぜひ利用したいと思うお店です!
Revisited for lunch. Some people may feel that the taste is a little strong, but it is still delicious with an elaborate taste. I am satisfied because I am the type who can enjoy a strong taste. A friend of mine who loves cooking, who I took with me, was delighted to say, "I don't think I can reproduce it myself, so it's worth eating out." Personally, the point is that Aramilia's rosé is placed. The food looks fun and delicious, the hospitality of the clerk is wonderful, the price range is kind to your wallet, and you definitely want to use it again!
る“み” on Google

記念日に利用させて頂きました。 店内の雰囲気は堅苦しすぎず、落ち着いて食事ができる空間でした。 男性の服装については落ち着いていればスーツでなくても良いと思います。 (実際スーツで来ているのは大学生ぐらいの若い子達だけでした) お食事は美味しいのは勿論、目で楽しめるものばかりでした。 品数も満足いく量で、予想外におなかがふくれてしまいました。笑 値段、サービス、味どれをとっても満足できるお店です。
I used it on the anniversary. The atmosphere inside the restaurant was not too formal, and it was a space where you could have a calm meal. As for men's clothes, I think they don't have to be suits as long as they are calm. (Actually, only young children like college students came in suits) The food was delicious, of course, and it was all that you could enjoy with your eyes. The number of items was also satisfactory, and I was unexpectedly bloated. Lol The price, service, and taste are all very satisfying.
Yumiko K on Google

Audrey Kwak on Google

Simply amazing. Pleasantly delicious.
John Wakefield on Google

I ate a magnificently prepared and presented lunch, with wine, for a very reasonable price. Excellent in very way.
Vermeer NYC on Google

It is a French restaurant of Kitaoyama's house. It was a meal where one article perceives a creative sensibility. 26/11/16
Rachel Lai on Google

great dining experience, top hospitality, I will visit again

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