Ramen KIWAMI Higashiura-shop - Chita District

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen KIWAMI Higashiura-shop

住所 :

Shimoshiota-19-9 Ogawa, Higashiura, Chita District, Aichi 470-2102, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 470-2102

Shimoshiota-19-9 Ogawa, Higashiura, Chita District, Aichi 470-2102, Japan
taka nami on Google

次郎系です。 旦那に連れられ来店。 とにかく接客が無愛想でおびえながら注文しました(笑) ご飯が無料でしたが、臭いとかたさがありました。 次郎系好きな人はいいと思います。
It is a Jiro system. I was taken to the store by my husband. Anyway, the customer service was unfriendly and frightened when I ordered (laughs) The rice was free, but it had a smell and hardness. I think people who like Jiro are good.
laguna kuga on Google

ジロリアンとしては、これで二郎系を名乗って欲しくない。 良くある低レベルなインスパイア系よりさらにもう一段階下。 二度と行く事は無いだろう。
As a Gironian, I don't want you to call yourself Jiro. One step below the usual low-level inspiration system. I will never go again.
Lexxx NGYJPN on Google

二郎系が食べたくて初めて行って来ました。 トッピング無料は二郎系では珍しくないので割愛。麺もスープも好みでした。惜しいのは席にラーメンタレはおろか胡椒や唐辛子が置いてないこと。ですがまたリピートしたいお店です。接客の事を書いてる方が多いですが、自分は全く気になりませんでした。ラーメン屋に何を求めてるの⁈って感じです。いらっしゃいませとありがとうございましたで充分!
I went there for the first time because I wanted to eat Jiro. Free toppings are not uncommon in Jiro, so I'll omit them. I liked both the noodles and the soup. Unfortunately, there are no ramen sauces, peppers or chili peppers in the seats. However, it is a shop that I want to repeat again. Many people write about customer service, but I didn't care at all. I feel like what I'm looking for in a ramen shop. Thank you for coming and it's enough!
ぴーぴー on Google

2021年の夏に行きました!! 女なので人がたくさんいる時は少し恥ずかしくて14時とか時間ずらして行きました!! 誰もいなくてラッキーって思って、二郎頼んで待ってたら仕事休憩?のお兄さん2人入ってきてしまいました、、、。 麺量書いてなくて食べ切れるか不安だったので、予め注文の時に「麺少なくできますか?」と聞いたところ、できますと、答えてくれたのでとてもありがたかったです。店主さんの接客とか聞きづらいとか書いてある人多いですけど、全然そんなことなかったです^^ 女1人で行って心細かったし、初二郎だったのでめちゃくちゃ緊張してたけど、麺量変えてくれるしゆっくりちゃんと聞いてくれたしすごい安心しました(^◇^)おかげで全部食べ切れた✌︎('ω')✌︎ 初めてだったし食べるの遅いので、わいわい接客して忙しなく回転してる中食べるよりも静かにゆっくり食べれたので私的には良かったです。 食べてる時も店員さん裏行っちゃっても、見られて食べる方が緊張しちゃうのでありがたかったけどなあ。 味も美味しかったし!!二郎?にハマるきっかけでした^^ 引っ越しちゃったからなかなか行けないけどまた行きたいな^^
I went to the summer of 2021! !! I'm a woman, so when there were a lot of people, I was a little embarrassed, so I staggered the time at 14:00! !! I thought I was lucky that no one was there, so if I asked Jiro and waited, would I take a break from work? Two older brothers have come in ... I was worried that I couldn't eat all the noodles because I didn't write the amount of noodles, so when I ordered in advance, I asked "Can I reduce the amount of noodles?" There are many people who say that it is difficult to hear the customer service of the shop owner, but that was not the case at all ^ ^ I went alone and was very sensitive, and I was very nervous because I was Hatsujiro, but I was relieved that he changed the amount of noodles and listened slowly (^ ◇ ^) Thanks to that, I ate everything. ✌︎ ('ω') ✌︎ It was my first time to eat and it was late to eat, so it was good for me because I was able to eat quietly and slowly rather than eating while I was busy and spinning. Even if I went behind the clerk while I was eating, I was grateful that I was nervous when I saw it. The taste was delicious too! !! It was an opportunity to get hooked on Jiro ? ^ ^ I can't go because I moved, but I want to go again ^^
闇風3821 on Google

味だけは悪くなかった 店長無愛想でトッピングは頼み方教えてくれず多分外国の方なのか声も小さいし何言ってるか分からない チャーシューの追加トッピングがなかったので無いんですけどと聞いたら「いくら払った?」ってカチンときました、食券なんだから今置いたところ見れば分かるやろ! 客は俺と連れ添いともう一人しかいなかったのになぜまず疑う!?置いたところ見たら1発じゃん! 謝りもせずに突然焼き始めてラーメンの器にぽんと置かれ終わり せめて謝るなり今から焼きますねくらい言って欲しい この寒さなのに暖房もつけないし駐車場も入りづらいし、机はベタついてるし二度といきません
Only the taste was not bad The manager is unfriendly and doesn't tell me how to ask for toppings, maybe he's a foreigner, his voice is small and I don't know what he's saying When I asked him that it wasn't because he didn't have the additional toppings for the char siu, he clicked, "How much did you pay?" I wonder why the customer was the only one with me! ?? If you look at it when you put it, it's one shot! Without apologizing, I suddenly started to bake and put it in a ramen bowl and finished As soon as I apologize at least Even though it's cold, I can't turn on the heating, it's hard to enter the parking lot, the desk is sticky, and I'll never go again.
たろーまる on Google

親方は全く喋りません。海外の方かな? 挨拶も無いので、初めての方は少し不安になるかもです。(通えば慣れてきます) ただ味は本物です。めっちゃ旨い。 二郎系ラーメンしか勝たん。 電話には基本出てくれないので、空いてるかどうかはお楽しみです。
The master does not speak at all. Is it from overseas? There is no greeting, so the first person may be a little worried. (If you go through, you will get used to it) However, the taste is real. It ’s really delicious. Only Jiro ramen won. Basically, I don't answer the phone, so I'm looking forward to seeing if it's available.
marilyn GLANDE on Google

初めて行きましたが、色んなことに戸惑いました。トッピングが二郎系のみ無料で四つ程のものから選べるようで…そんな事教えてもらわないと分からないのに、そこの店員さんは俳優の六平直政さんにそっくり過ぎる強面で聞き取りにくい声で話されるので怖くて。 無愛想もいいところ。昭和初期の親父か… コロナ禍なので黙食ですが、言われなくても黙って黙々と食べてすぐ帰りました。 悔しいことに味は★★★くらいだったので、 評価はオール②です。
I went there for the first time, but I was confused about various things. It seems that you can choose from about four toppings for free only for Jiro type ... I can not understand unless you tell me such a thing, but the clerk there is a voice that is too strong and hard to hear like actor Naomasa Musaka I'm scared because it's spoken. The unfriendly place is also good. Is it my father in the early Showa period? It's an extracurricular meal because it's a corona illness, but even if I wasn't told, I ate silently and went home immediately. Unfortunately, the taste was about ★★★, so Evaluation is all ②.
Irvanbudi Susanto on Google


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