Pork I-ro-ha - Shinagawa City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pork I-ro-ha

住所 :

5 Chome-4-14 Higashioi, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 140-0011
Webサイト : https://s.tabelog.com/tokyo/A1315/A131501/13201908/
Opening hours :
Saturday 1–11:30PM
Sunday 1–11PM
Monday 3–11:30PM
Tuesday 3–11:30PM
Wednesday 3–11:30PM
Thursday 3–11:30PM
Friday 3–11:30PM

5 Chome-4-14 Higashioi, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0011, Japan
TKC SAKA on Google

豚の専門店! メインの豚のスペアリブは三種のソースから選べる! 個人的にはオニオンとバーベキューソースが好き! 写真にはないが豚マヨも旨い! 豚チップスや豚わさなど変わり種メニューもあり。 厚揚げは豆腐からラードで揚げてるので他の店では絶対食べれない味になっています。 中々豚をしゃぶしゃぶ、とんかつ以外で食べることがないので通いたくなる店でした。 また訪問します
Pork specialty store! Main pork spare ribs can be selected from 3 types of sauces! Personally I like onion and barbecue sauce! The pork mayo is delicious, though not shown in the photo! There is also a varied menu such as pork chips and pork wasabi. The fried tofu is fried from tofu in lard, so it has a taste that you cannot eat at other stores. I didn't eat anything except shabu-shabu and pork cutlet, so it was a shop I wanted to visit. I will visit again
飲みニスト0430 on Google

大井町「豚のいろ葉」で、豚三昧!! 今日は、お友達をお誘いして、大井町の「豚のいろ葉」さんにやってきました!! 2Fにあがると、まさに豚、豚、豚尽くしです!! まずは、赤しそサワーで乾杯!! 【赤しそサワー】 しその爽やかな香りとまろやかな口当たりで、とっても飲みやすいです!! お通しは、ベーコンと野菜のカナッペ!! そして、お料理ももちろん、豚、豚、豚づくし!! 【やわらか白煮豚】 とんこつ出汁で煮込まれた豚肉と大根は、ウマウマっす~!! 【肉ボナーラ】 お肉にチーズと玉子を絡めていただくと、ウマウマっす!! 追加のお酒は、大人のトマトハイ!! 【大人のトマトハイ】 トマトハイに、たっぷりタバスコソースを入れていただくと、 とっても刺激的な味わい!! これは、まさに大人のトマトハイですねぇ。。。 【豚ップス】 豚肉がパリパリ、ポリポリ。。。 まさに、ポテトチップスのようです(笑) 【絶品骨付き豚カルビ ねぎ塩ソース】 骨付き豚カルビは、 ・ねぎ塩ソース ・バーベキューソース ・オニオンソース   の3タイプ。 今日は、ねぎ塩ソースをセレクトしました!! ねぎ塩ソースでお肉がキラキラして、とっても美味しそう!! 【豚わさ】 あっさりと豚肉をいただくことができます。 【松阪メンチカツ】 松阪メンチカツは、揚げたてでジューシーで、めっちゃ美味いっす!! 【ミノサンドのスタミナ焼き】 牛のミノサンドは、脂がめっちゃとろけてウマウマっす!!これは、やばいっす!! 追加のお酒は、 【肉正宗(千葉県、飯沼本家)】 お肉に合わせるのは、肉に合う日本酒「肉正宗」 美味しい日本酒があると、さらにお肉が進んじゃいます(笑) お肉以外にも色々と。。。 【パクチーとクレソンの香味サラダ】 これは、パクチー好きにはたまりません。。。 【たけのこの鉄板ステーキ】 旬のたけのこを鉄板ステーキにしていただくと、めちゃウマですぅ。。。 今日は、「豚のいろ葉」さんで、色々な豚料理を堪能!! 豚三昧を楽しませていただきました!!
In Oimachi "pork's yellow leaf", you can enjoy pork! !! Today, I invited my friend and came to "Iroha of Pork" in Oimachi! !! If you go up to the 2nd floor, it's just pigs, pigs, and pigs! !! First, toast with red shiso sour! !! [Red shiso sour] Its refreshing fragrance and mellow texture make it very easy to drink! !! Let's have bacon and vegetable canapes! ! And, of course, the dishes, pork, pork, pork! !! [Soft white boiled pork] The pork and daikon radish stewed in tonkotsu soup is a horse! !! [Meat Bonara] Eat horses with cheese and egg! !! The additional liquor is adult tomato high! !! [Adult tomato high] If you put plenty of Tabasco sauce in tomato high, Very exciting taste! !! This is just an adult tomato high. .. .. [Pork puss] Crispy pork and polypoli. .. . Exactly like potato chips (laughs) [Exquisite bone pork ribs with green onion sauce] Pork ribs with bone ・Leek salt sauce ・Barbecue sauce ・Three types of onion sauce. Today, I chose a green onion salt sauce! !! Meat is shining with green onion salt sauce and it looks very delicious! !! [Pork wasa] You can have pork lightly. [Matsusaka Menkatsu] Matsuzaka Menchikatsu is freshly fried and juicy, and it tastes really good! !! [Mino sandwich stamina] The beef mino sandwich melts the fat so much! !! This is good! ! Additional liquor is [Meat Masamune (Iinuma head family, Chiba Prefecture)] The meat that goes well with meat is "Meat Masamune," a sake that goes well with meat. With delicious sake, the meat goes even further (laughs) Various other than meat. .. .. [Pakchi and watercress flavored salad] This is irresistible for sardines. .. .. [Bamboo shoot iron plate steak] If you make the seasoned bamboo shoots into an iron plate steak, it's a horse. .. .. Enjoy various pork dishes today with "Pig no Iroha"! ! I enjoyed the pork paradise! !
Ayuyu Komachan on Google

豚串のお店。 フレンチトーストを豚肉を巻いた串がとても美味しかったです。 狭くてタバコ臭いのが難点。
Pork skewer shop. The skewers of French toast wrapped with pork were very delicious. The drawback is that it is narrow and smells like cigarettes.
Ryosuke Yagi on Google

The evaluation at the eating restaurant was very good, so we visited with a senior. I entered the store around 20 o'clock, but I was very enthusiastic. The store has two floors and is very small. I love it because it has a feeling of retreat, but I think this kind of atmosphere is different. This is the main pork but it was really juicy and it was not greasy and could be eaten crispy. Many of the clerks were also friendly and I was very satisfied. Next, I'm going to use a date.
shi i- on Google

大井町東口から徒歩2分くらい。駅前にある牛タンいろ葉の姉妹店なのかな? 休日の昼から飲むのに、来店。 店内は、一階は、カウンターとかテーブル席で、7~10人くらいのキャパかな。二階は上がってないので、どんな感じか不明。ワイワイ飲みたいときに来たい感じです。 お料理は、豚の骨付き肉みたいのがオススメみたいで、BBQ、ねぎ塩、オニオンの3つのソースで楽しめます。これがめっちゃおいしい。料理はどれもちょっと味濃いめで、お酒が進む感じでしたが、おいしいのは間違いない(^_^)
About 2 minutes walk from Oimachi East Exit. Is it a sister store of beef tongue color leaves in front of the station? Come to the store to drink from the daytime of the holiday. In the store, on the first floor, there are 7 to 10 people at the counter and table seats. The second floor is not up, so it's unclear what it feels like. I want to come when I want to drink it. The food is recommended like pork bone meat and can be enjoyed in three sauces: BBQ, green onion, and onion. This is really delicious. The food was a little bit darker, and it felt like alcohol was going on, but it's definitely delicious (^_^)
まろん on Google

席は狭いけど、下町感が好きな方には◎ 初めて食べたレタス巻きが美味しかったので、まだの方にはオススメです(*´∀`*)
Seats are small, but for those who like the feeling of downtown ◎ The lettuce roll I ate for the first time was delicious, so I recommend it to those who haven't done so yet (* ´∀ ` *)
松岡照幸 on Google

ビッグサイトの展示会参加時に、18:00終了で、それから展示物収納してから帰るので、大井町で夕飯取ることに。って、呑みになりますが…w。 今回の利用は「豚のいろ葉」さん。豚料理メインのお店、ですね。 最近安いお店ばかりで飲んでいたので(汗)、アルコール類は少し高く感じますが、ビールOKで2時間税別1500円の飲み放題あるから、飲まれる方はそちらがよろしいかと。 料理は味付けが良くて、満足度高いですね。 豚肉好きな方にはおすすめ。豚肉のほうが牛肉よりもいろんな調理方法に合うと思っているので、私は満足感、高かったです。
When I participated in the exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight, it ended at 18:00, and then I returned after storing the exhibits, so I decided to have dinner in Oimachi. It's a swallow, but ... w. This time, "Pig Iroha" is used. It's a pork restaurant, isn't it? Recently, I used to drink only at cheap shops (sweat), so I feel that alcohol is a little expensive, but beer is OK and there is an all-you-can-drink of 1500 yen excluding tax for 2 hours, so I wonder if that is the way to drink. The food is well seasoned and very satisfying. Recommended for those who like pork. I was satisfied and high because I think pork is more suitable for various cooking methods than beef.
Nari on Google

Taste is fine but a lil bit overpriced.

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