Beni ton Oimachi shop - Shinagawa City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Beni ton Oimachi shop

住所 :

Friend Hill Shinagawa, 1F, 5 Chome-4-16 東大井町, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 140-0011
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 2PM–12AM
Sunday 2PM–12AM
Monday 4PM–12AM
Tuesday 4PM–12AM
Wednesday 4PM–12AM
Thursday 4PM–12AM
Friday 4PM–12AM

Friend Hill Shinagawa, 1F, 5 Chome-4-16 東大井町, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0011, Japan
TAKAGI Kensuke on Google

Yakitori, Benton, basically “baked”. The rebateki skewer recommended is a medium welldan with no odor and is truly exquisite. It is also a good impression that the time from ordering to cooking is fast for every menu. In a small shop, a cheerful clerk will respond with a smile.
Tアツシ on Google

安い美味い。 また行きたくなる店。
Cheap and delicious. A store that makes you want to go again.
そうめん on Google

周囲は飲み屋が集まっているが、この中でも席数は多い方なので、すぐ入れる。 駅から歩いてすぐというのも好ポイント。 肉料理は絶品。 価格もリーズナブルで、大井町周辺で飲むならオススメ店。
There are many bars in the area, but among them, there are a lot of seats, so it's time to get in soon. It is also a good point that it is a short walk from the station. Meat dishes are excellent. Price is reasonable, too and recommends shop if you drink around Oimachi.
山口由花 on Google

コスパはいいですが、周辺にも飲み屋さんが多いので、ここがベストとは言えないかもしれません。。 友達と利用したりしますが、一人で来ているお客さんも多いので一人飲みには適しているのかもしれませんね!!
Cospa is good, but it may not be the best because there are many bars around. .. I use it with friends, but since many customers come alone, it may be suitable for drinking alone! !
YO R on Google

店舗が広く、ベビーカーでもOK! ベビーチェアなし。 子ども用のスプーン、フォークはなし。 オムツ替えの台無し。 便器の蓋に立てるようになれば、オムツ交換できる。 分煙ではないので、気になるならやめた方が良い。 店員さんが子どもがにも優しく、楽しく飲食で来ました。
The store is large and strollers are OK! No baby chair. There is no spoon or fork for children. Ruin of changing diapers. You can change diapers once you stand on the toilet lid. It is not a smoke, so you should stop if you are concerned. The clerk came to eat and drink happily with children.
Hajime Suginouchi on Google

仕事帰りの一人晩御飯で利用。 ホッピーとすぐ出る一品、あとは焼きとんを数本で結構満足。 一人でも入りやすいが、カウンター席が数席なので満席だと厳しいか。
Use for dinner alone on the way home from work. One dish that comes out quickly with Hoppy, and a few baked tons. Is it easy for one person to enter, but is it difficult if it is full because there are several counter seats?
Rei Tai on Google

焼きトンと焼き鳥の両方 楽しめます。新鮮で美味しいです。しかも安いです。メニューも豊富で 酒好きには たまらないメニューばかり揃っています。平日は16:00開店ですが 土日は14:00開店ですので 昼間飲みが出来ます。いつも混んでいますが 意外と店が奥まで広いので いつも入れます。お客さんの回転が早いのも理由かと思います。昭和チックな雰囲気を清潔感を持って楽しみたい人にもお薦めです。
You can enjoy both yakiton and yakitori. It's fresh and delicious. And it's cheap. There is also a wide variety of menus, and there are many menus that irresistible drinkers will love. It is open at 16:00 on weekdays, but it is open at 14:00 on Saturdays and Sundays, so you can drink during the day. It's always crowded, but the store is surprisingly wide, so I always put it in. I think that it is also because the customers turn quickly. It is also recommended for people who want to enjoy the Showa-like atmosphere with a clean feeling.
れいせほー on Google

Although the seats are small, Yakitori and Mr. Yakitori are cheap and easy to enter

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