PL Tokyo Health Care Center - Shibuya City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact PL Tokyo Health Care Center

住所 :

17-8 Kamiyamacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0047, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 150-0047
Webサイト :

17-8 Kamiyamacho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0047, Japan
鶏マスク on Google

Every year, I am taken care of by the adjacent human dog. My wife got caught in an echo examination of the dog, and on the same day, I made an appointment for a re-examination here. Due to the nature of the suspected pathological site, it is a re-examination after 3 months. And I revisited today, three months after the reservation. The waiting room is not crowded, and the reception, re-examination, and all examinations are smooth. Above all, my wife praised me very much because the elderly teacher who was in charge of it listened to me very carefully and explained it in an easy-to-understand manner.
Kazuto Takei on Google

After the examination, I decided to check here for the Ningen Dock because I could ask the doctor about the result of the examination on that day. Education of escort staff and examination technicians is also thorough.
Yasunari YAMAMOTO on Google

人間ドックで受診。 建物自体は古いかもしれないけれど、館内は清潔で、何よりスタッフの教育が行き届いてる印象があって、非常によかったです。病院というより最早ホテルレベル。 館内の至るところに、絵画も飾ってありました。
Visited at the human dock. The building itself may be old, but the inside was clean and the staff were well educated, which was very nice. Hotel level rather than hospital. Paintings were also displayed throughout the building.
hiyuka 0811 on Google

かれこれ人間ドックを受診して10年以上になります。 施設は3年ほどまえに改装したのでとてもきれいです。 週末は受診者が多いため検査の間ひとつひとつが空いたりしますがエスコート嬢が常に気をかけてくれるので安心です。 食事は1階に食堂があり、正面の受付で食券を購入します。 この界隈においてきつねそばとはいえ400円という価格で食べられるというのはなかなか貴重ではないでしょうか。 コーヒーもセルフで飲み放題ですが食事は席まで運んでもらえます。 待合室はひろくオレンジジュースやお茶、飴が充実。ラウンジのようです。
It is over 10 years after receiving medical checkup. The facilities are very clean since they were renovated about 3 years ago. Because there are many examinees on the weekend, one by one will be available during the examination, but it is safe as the escort will always be concerned. There is a dining room on the ground floor, and you can buy food vouchers at the front desk. In this neighborhood, it may not be valuable that it can be eaten at a price of 400 yen, though it is fox soba. The coffee is also self contained and you can have your own meals. The waiting room is full of orange juice, tea and coffee. It looks like a lounge.
SHOTA Morikawa on Google

人間ドッグ、脳ドッグをしてくれます。MRI機器も複数ありそう‥‥。それよりも、対応のクオリティが高いです。案内してくださる女性スタッフさんが、何十人もいらっしゃります。優しくて丁寧です。 #LocalGuide #LetsGuide
They are human dogs and brain dogs. There are likely to be multiple MRI devices. The quality of correspondence is higher than that. There are dozens of female staff who will guide you. Gentle and polite. #LocalGuide #LetsGuide
HIRO O on Google

日本で初めて一日人間ドック健診を可能にした健康センター検診施設です。 各検査室へは担当のエスコートの女性が丁寧に説明、そして効率良く案内をしてくれます。 リニューアルされた施設内は とても綺麗です。
It is a health center checkup facility that made it possible for us to do a one day health checkup in Japan. Women politely description of the escort in charge to each laboratory, and for us to efficiently guide. Renewal has been in the facility very beautiful.
ぼくサノス on Google

人間ドック受診機関とは思えないくらい、豪華で、すごい綺麗な診療所です。受付で、予約の確認票、検尿、検便、質問票、胃カメラの同意書を提出。半日がかりの検診ですが、テレビや雑誌、漫画などあり、また無料でWi-Fiも使えるようになっているので、スマホを見ながら検査を待つことが出来ます。指静脈認証式ロッカーがあります。更衣室にもロッカーがありますが、貴重品を入れるのは、指静脈認証式ロッカーの方が安心かもしれません。PL東京健康管理センターでは、受診者数名に1人の担当者が付きます。初めはグループごとにこのカウンターに集まって、 担当者から簡単な説明がされます。その後、個別の検査ごとに担当の方が膝をつき丁寧な案内をしてるので、次にどこへ行けばいいのか、迷うことなどもありませんでした。オススメの診療所です。 【当日のスケジュール】 9時00分〜20分までに受付 9時30分〜案内・着替え 9時45分〜検診開始 12時50分〜検診終了、休憩&昼食 13時50分〜医師による検診結果の説明 14時00分〜終了
It is a gorgeous, wonderfully clean clinic that does not seem to be a medical checkup institution. At the reception desk, submit a confirmation form for booking, urinalysis, urinalysis, questionnaires, consent form of gastroscope. It is a half day medical checkup, but there are TVs, magazines, cartoons and so on, and Wi-Fi is also available for free, so you can wait for the test while looking at your smartphone. There is a finger vein authentication locker. There is a locker in the changing room, but putting in valuables may be safer with a finger vein authentication locker. In PL Tokyo Health Management Center, one person in charge is attached to several examinees. At first each group gathers at this counter and a brief explanation will be given from the person in charge. After that, the person in charge held a knee for each individual examination and gave a polite guide, so I did not get lost or wonder where to go next. Recommended clinic. 【Schedule of the day】 Receptionist from 9:00 to 20 minutes 9:30-Information, change of clothes 9:45 ~ Checkup started 12:50 to the end of the examination, rest & lunch 13:50-Explanation of examination result by doctor 14:00-end
88 coemiy on Google

すごく冷たいじじいの先生がいます。胸が苦しく レントゲンを撮ってもらいましたが 異常なし。 じゃあ 何かにみてもらえばいいのか 聞くと そんなの知りません、と突き放されました。あまりの仕打ちに泣いて看護師さんに話したところ 違う先生にみてもらって解決しました。近いので いっていたけど えらそうな先生しかいない。もう2度と行きません。
I have a very cold old teacher. I had a pain in my chest and had an X-ray taken, but there was no abnormality. Then, when I asked if I should see something I was banished because I didn't know that. When I cried for too much treatment and talked to the nurse, I had a different teacher see me and solved it. I said it because it's close, but there are only teachers who look like it. I will never go again.

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