Yoyogihachiman Clinic - Shibuya City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoyogihachiman Clinic

住所 :

代々木八幡猪山ビル 1 Chome-51-4 Tomigaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 151-0063
Webサイト : https://yyhmclinic.wixsite.com/yyhmclinic/consultation

代々木八幡猪山ビル 1 Chome-51-4 Tomigaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0063, Japan
honghong lu on Google

I was drinking a commercially available allergy, and it did not work at all, so I went to get another pollinosis medicine. Eventually Allegra with exactly the same ingredients was prescribed. I do not know the meaning.
さくらいじゅんこ on Google

階段を踏み外し、足首に痛みがあったため受診しました。とても丁寧な診察でリハビリも受けました。スタッフの対応も良く、すぐ痛みもなくなりました。 内科もあるようなので、風邪の際はこちらにかかろうと思います。
I went out of the stairs and visited the hospital because of ankle pain. I received rehabilitation with a very careful examination. The staff was friendly and the pain was gone. I have an internal medicine, so I would like to go here if I have a cold.
Taka Taka on Google

女医の方と看護師の方は★5です。 診察、受け答え、患者に対する配慮も完璧だと思います。その他の医師や医療事務はイマイチな対応だと思います。また女医の方が担当されてる日はかなり混みます。60〜90分待つときも多々ありました。この立地(駅前)にあってweb予約システムが無いのは少し配慮が無いなとも思います。
Female doctors and nurses are ★ 5. I think the examination, answering, and patient care are perfect. I think that other doctors and medical office work are not good enough. Also, the days when female doctors are in charge are quite crowded. There were many times to wait 60-90 minutes. I think that there is no consideration in this location (in front of the station) that there is no web reservation system.
Ryo K on Google

整形外科で専門医以外の先生に診てもらうのは危険です。内科の先生だが整形外科も診れると電話確認のうえで訪問。 レントゲン写真を診て、骨折ではないので湿布貼っとけば治るとの診断でした。 後日、骨折だったので(専門医が写真を診て)もう一度来ていただけないかと電話がありました。前回1.5h時間がかかったので時間がかかるか聞いたところ30程度との事で伺いましたが、通常どおり順番待ち。 30分程度待ちましたが受付に聞くと待ってる人が沢山いるのでまだまだかかるとの事。 別の病院に行くことにしました。 腫れが引かないしめちゃくちゃ痛いからおかしいとは思ったけどね〜翌日は木曜日で病院がどこも休みで最悪でした。。
It is dangerous to see a non-specialist teacher in orthopedics. Although he is an internal medicine teacher, he visited after confirming the telephone when he could see an orthopedic surgeon. I examined an X-ray and was diagnosed that it was not a fracture, so I could cure it by applying a compress. Later, I had a broken bone, so I was called to ask if I could come again (a specialist examined the photo). Last time it took 1.5 hours, so when I asked if it would take time, I heard that it was about 30, but I waited in line as usual. I waited for about 30 minutes, but when I asked the receptionist, there were many people waiting, so it would take more time. I decided to go to another hospital. I thought it was strange because the swelling didn't go away and it hurts so much, but the next day was Thursday, and the hospital was closed everywhere, which was the worst. ..
小出和子 on Google

Psychosomatic medicine, director, deputy director, understanding the position and condition of the patient, and good treatment. It is the highest level.
yu ta on Google

The correspondence of the female director and female nurses is very polite and gives a good impression. The nurse lent me a jacket because it was raining and the hospital was cold because I was ventilating on a cold day. The fat woman at the reception looks cold at first glance, but she seems to be a good person.
88 coemiy on Google

もう2度といきません。女の先生 なんであんなにあわてんぼうなの。整形外科でいきましたが カルテもよくみず 関係ないレントゲンをとられ からだを押しまくるから痛い。近いのに残念。合いませんでした。話し方、笑顔は丁寧だったので 星ひとつ増やしました。
I will never go again. A female teacher, why are you so upset? I went to orthopedics, but the medical records are often taken and unrelated X-rays are taken and the body is pushed, so it hurts. It's a pity though it's close. It didn't fit. The way I spoke and smiled was polite, so I added one star.
mebee mos on Google

初診 15:20到着 診察開始時間 17:50 お会計 19:30 ヤバない?みなさん良い方なのはわかるのですが 本当にヤバい時間かかります。 通いは難しいかなぁ。。。 でも、先生も他の方もめちゃくちゃいい人なんですよ。 混むよなぁこれは。と思います。 時間に余裕がある人でないとキツいかなぁ? 待てない!という人は診療受付終了間際に行くしか無いと思います。 しかも午前中ね。11:45に到着するとわりと待ち時間は短いです。
First visit Arrival at 15:20 Examination start time 17:50 Accounting 19:30 Isn't it dangerous? I know everyone is a good person It takes a really dangerous time. Is it difficult to go? .. .. But both the teacher and the others are insanely good people. It's crowded, isn't it? I think. Isn't it hard if you don't have enough time? can not wait! I think that there is no choice but to go to the person who is just before the end of medical treatment reception. And in the morning. The waiting time is relatively short when we arrive at 11:45.

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