Pizza-La Takano - Kyoto

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pizza-La Takano

住所 :

68 Takanoizumicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 606-8111
Webサイト :

68 Takanoizumicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8111, Japan
ツジヨウスケ on Google

It ’s cheap to go!
たた on Google

The clerk's response was great.
ryo “RRR” k on Google

対応にガッカリ。 もう行くことは無いと思う。
Disappointed with the correspondence. I don't think I'll go anymore.
sama hamu (hamu-p) on Google

早くて旨い! 配達をしないで持ち帰ってます。
Fast and delicious! I take it home without delivery.
8 thai on Google

It was eaten at the price of one M2. It was really delicious.
Isatty Dote on Google

Both the woman who responded by phone and the man who picked it up at the store were very responsive and I was able to buy it comfortably. There is no doubt about the taste! ️
桑原暁 on Google

いろんなピザ屋さんを試してピザーラに落ち着きました。 今日は4種類の味が楽しめるプライムクォーター。 炭火焼きビーフは甘辛くて美味しく、特製ポルチーニソースは風味と旨味が最高、モッツァレラとアスパラベーコンはとにかくアスパラがシャキシャキで絶妙な焼き加減、そして、チーズ&ハニーは別添のはちみつをかけて食べます。チーズとはちみつってほんとに美味しいです。熱々で届いて、どれもワインにピッタリ。 また、購入時に受け取るレシートのアンケートにスマホで答えると、400円の割引クーポンが毎回貰えるので、結構お得だと思います。ぜひ、お試し下さい。
I tried various pizzerias and settled down in Pizza-La. Today is a prime quarter where you can enjoy 4 different flavors. The charcoal-grilled beef is sweet and delicious, the special porcini sauce has the best flavor and umami, the mozzarella and asparagus bacon are crispy and exquisitely baked, and the cheese and honey are eaten with the attached honey. Cheese and honey are really delicious. It arrives hot and is perfect for wine. Also, if you answer the questionnaire on the receipt you receive at the time of purchase with your smartphone, you will get a discount coupon of 400 yen every time, so I think it is quite profitable. Please try it.
Giordano on Google

Bad-quality American pizza: very oily and crispy dough. It's about 20% cheaper when picked up. They advertise cashless payment but it works only with Rakuten pay, so in the end it's cash only.

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