Owariya - Kumagaya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Owariya

住所 :

1905-1 Nakanara, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0801, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 360-0801
Webサイト : https://honke-owariya.co.jp/

1905-1 Nakanara, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0801, Japan
神藤正登 on Google

店の回りは小綺麗に清掃され 店内は薄暗かったように感じたが 店外が強烈な日差しで明るすぎたからで問題は無いです さて肝心な"味"ですが 川島うどんは 手打ちなのに なめらかな仕上がりで喉ごしも格別、食したカミサンはおいらよりも早く平らげたーのです こんなスピードで食べきったことはなかったし 何よりうどんの喉ごしが絶品と激賞してた おいらは 三味そばを頂きました 小分けしてある各蕎麦には 大根おろしになめこ 山菜各種 トロロに刻み生姜のせーのレパートリー 付け汁も出汁が効いていて もう言うこと無いです たまたま入ったお店が こんなに美味しいと嬉しくなっちゃうよね 早速 友人に✉したら 蕎麦だけでなくうどんも手打ちだよ❗と返信✉が来たよ 北関東にドライブするときは "尾張屋"さんに絶対立ち寄らなくては(笑)
The area around the store was cleaned cleanly, and I felt that the inside of the store was dim, but there is no problem because the outside of the store was too bright due to the intense sunlight. By the way, the important "taste" is that Kawashima Udon is handmade, but it has a smooth finish and the throat is exceptional, and the Kamisan that I ate flattened faster than I did. I never ate it at such a speed. The throat was praised as exquisite I got Sanmi soba, each subdivided soba has grated daikon radish, various wild plants, chopped ginger repertoire, and soup stock is also effective. It makes me happy when the shop I happened to enter is so delicious. Immediately, when I told my friend ✉, not only soba but also udon was handmade ❗ and replied ✉ came. When you drive to Kita-Kantou, you definitely have to stop by "Owariya" (laughs)
ともりん on Google

ランチの時間にお邪魔しました。 昔ながらのお蕎麦やさんですが、セットメニューも充実していて、男性も満足かと思います。美味しいです。
I visited during lunch time. It is an old-fashioned soba noodle, but the set menu is substantial and I think men are satisfied. Is delicious.
茂木修 on Google

うどんが さっぱり のど越し さわやか 適度な 腰 があり つけ汁の具がいっぱい 最後に 蕎麦湯がでてきて つけ汁共に完食‼️ 一度ご賞味あれ うまかった‼️?
Udon is refreshing throat refreshing It has a moderate waist and is full of soup stock Finally, the soba-yu comes out and the soup is completely eaten.一度 Once you tasted it was delicious‼ ️?
INドアファミリー on Google

The thick juice is delicious !!! The set menu is too voluminous for me and it makes me painful (◍ • ᴗ • ◍)
チビゆう on Google

The amount is large, but the price is high. Soba soup is not sweet and I like sweetness, so I'm not good at it, so I didn't like the price of soba and udon, but the fried noodles were plump and crispy and very delicious.
字音広告 on Google

平日のランチタイムで訪問。 ミニ野菜天丼の冷たいうどんセットをオーダー。 天丼、ごはん共にタレで真っ黒、味濃いい!です。 うどんは程よいコシとのどごし良き。でも、つけ汁が濃いい!です。 そば湯で割っても味濃いい!です。 味濃いい!のが好きな方にはバッチリなお店かと。 ごちそうさまでした。
Visit at weekday lunchtime. I ordered a cold udon set of mini vegetable tempura bowl. Both the tempura bowl and the rice are black and have a rich taste! is. Udon has a good texture and feels good. But the soup is thick! is. Even if you break it with soba hot water, it tastes great! is. It tastes good! If you like things, it's a perfect shop. Thank you for the meal.
s shana on Google

It's quiet and you can easily have lunch for one person.
Johnnie Walker on Google

そば屋さんですが、アジフライが美味しいです。 食が細い人は1枚で十分だと思います。 それぐらい大きいアジフライです。
It's a soba restaurant, but the fried hydrangea is delicious. I think that one piece is enough for people with thin food. It's that big Aji fry.

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