
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 佐登美屋

住所 :

Jurokken, Kumagaya, 〒360-0846 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Saitama

Jurokken, Kumagaya, 〒360-0846 Saitama,Japan
member lost on Google

かつ合せ重の他、なんでも美味しい和食の店 自分の周りにも、よく行くという人が多い。
A Japanese restaurant where you can enjoy anything other than Katsushige There are many people around me who often go there.
yuya kasafala on Google

カレーうどんが最強に美味い!そして鳥の唐揚げも負けず劣らず美味い!!長年続いている理由はある。 しかし店内禁煙じゃないのが非常に残念。
Curry udon is the most delicious! And the fried chicken is as good as it is! ! There is a reason that has continued for many years. However, it is very unfortunate that the shop is not smoking.
silwel on Google

カレーうどんを食べたのですが、うまいと思いました。 がしかし、 カレーうどんの中に入ってた豚肉が更にうまくてこれでカツ丼を食べたらと思うとうまさがヤバそうです。 是非、今度はカツ丼を食べてみたいと思います。
I ate curry udon and thought it was good. But, The pork in the curry udon is even better, and I think it would be delicious to eat a cutlet bowl with this. By all means, I would like to eat Katsudon this time.
なっちょす on Google

特にからあげ、お蕎麦、おしんこが美味しいです!じぶんのオススメはもつ煮定食ボリューム満点 コロナでもなくなって欲しくないです!
Especially the karaage, soba and shinko are delicious! My recommendation is the motsuni set meal volume perfect score I don't want it to disappear even in Corona!
ギッシュ on Google

仕事で此方まで来て、遅い昼飯で入りました。 カウンターは無く、テーブルと小上がりが有ります。小上がりがメインで、テーブルは三卓(だったかな?)だけでした。 年配の御夫婦で切り盛りしているようで、穏やかな雰囲気ですね。店内の清掃もしっかりとやっているようで、清潔に保たれていました。 頼んだのは《天ぷら合わせ重》1450円です。麺は温かいうどんにしました。 天重、かけうどん。サラダ、沢庵が出てきました。 うどんには蒲鉾が一切れに天カスとネギ。シンプルです。スープは関東風で、醤油の色が濃いですね。 味は美味しいと思いました。醤油はキツくなく円やかで、出汁がしっかりしています。後味もスッキリしていて、丁寧な仕事をしていると感じました。 また、うどんもコシが有って美味しかったです。やや細めですね。もう少し太い方が好みかも。 天重は私にはあまり合わなかったです。天ぷらの具材は悪くないのですが、揚げ方がイマイチ。タネはイカ、海老、ピーマン、舞茸、椎茸、茄子、カボチャと多いのですが、強火で揚げすぎだと感じました。油もかなり吸っていてもたれる感じがしますし、タレも私には甘かったですね。 ただ、海老を赤海老ではなく、タイガー海老を使っているのは良いですね。赤海老は大きくても火を通すと美味しくないですから(原価が安い) イカも安い酸っぱくてフニャフニャのイカではなく、歯応えと甘みが有るイカでした。 それだけに、揚げ方がもっと上手ければと残念です。 サラダ、沢庵は普通。ドレッシングは市販品でしょう。 私としては、また来たとしたらうどんだけを食べると思います。鍋焼きうどんとか食べてみたいですね。 ごちそうさまでした。
I came here for work and came in late for lunch. There is no counter, there is a table and a small rise. Mainly small rise, there were only three tables (I wonder?). It seems that the elderly couple are working on it, and it has a calm atmosphere. It seems that the interior of the store is well cleaned and kept clean. I asked for "Tempura combined weight" 1450 yen. The noodles were warm udon. Tenju, Kake udon. Salad and shoan came out. Udon is a piece of kamaboko and sashimi and green onion. It's simple. The soup is Kanto style and the color of soy sauce is dark. I thought the taste was delicious. The soy sauce is not so tight and round, and the dashi stock is firm. The aftertaste was also refreshing and I felt that I was doing polite work. Also, the udon was delicious because it had a lot of elasticity. It's a little thin. Maybe I prefer a little thicker. Tenshi did not suit me very much. The ingredients for tempura are not bad, but the frying is not good enough. The seeds are squid, shrimp, peppers, maitake mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, eggplants and pumpkins, but I felt they were fried too much on high heat. Even if I smoke a lot of oil, it feels like dripping, and the sauce was also sweet to me. However, it is good to use tiger prawns instead of red prawns. Even if the shrimp is large, it doesn't taste good if cooked through it (the cost is low) The squid was also cheap and sour, not a squid with a funyafunya, but a chewy and sweet squid. For that reason, it would be a pity if I could improve how to fry. Salad and shoan are normal. The dressing will be a commercial product. I think if I come again, I will eat udon only. I would like to eat nabeyaki udon. Thank you for the meal.
nyankoちゃん on Google

初めて訪問いたしました。 カツ重と溫うどんのセットを注文。サラダと漬物が付いています。 うどんは程よいコシがあり味はカツ重と、どちらもアッサリしていて美味しかったです。また行きたいと思いますが、その日の客あしによってなのか分かりませんが私が行った日は19時には暖簾をしまってありました。
I visited for the first time. I ordered a set of cutlet and udon noodles. Comes with salad and pickles. The udon was moderately chewy and the taste was cutlet-heavy, both of which were assassinous and delicious. I would like to go again, but I don't know if it depends on the guests of the day, but the day I went was noren at 19:00.
茂呂洋介 on Google

This shop is also along the road that I often go through, so I was curious and could come today. I ordered the cutlet matching weight. Katsudon, Zaru soba, salad, new incense and miso soup cost 1450 yen. The katsudon was delicious, the meat was sweet and the sauce was excellent. The soba was also fragrant and of course chewy, so it was very delicious. The clerk also served me comfortably and I was able to eat comfortably until the end. I would like to come again
のくゆう on Google

天丼と冷たいお蕎麦のセット お蕎麦は少量 天丼はガッツリで 味は美味しかったです。 ただ店内が非常に寒いのと 蕎麦湯は出てこなかったです。 店員さんのくちぐせなのでしょうが やたら「すみません」と言うので あまり気分が良くありませんでした。
Tendon and cold soba set A small amount of soba Tendon is tight The taste was delicious. But the inside of the store is very cold Soba hot water did not come out. Maybe it ’s the clerk ’s ginger. I say "I'm sorry" I didn't feel very good.

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