Ōteian - Hachioji

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ōteian

住所 :

129 Osakimachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 192-0025
Webサイト : http://www.outeian.jp/
Description : Choice Japanese dishes in a glass-walled dining room overlooking a garden with a small waterfall.

129 Osakimachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0025, Japan
英治月代 on Google

都心から30分のアクセスは最高。永福ICから首都高にのり、中央道八王子IC降りて1分の立地で、こんな和の空間を味わえる店はここだけ。 ドラマ、プロミスシンデレラ4話の撮影に使われた場所。故千葉真一さんもよく利用していた、知る人ぞ知る隠れ家。 滝の音を聴きながら頂く食事は、都会の疲れを忘れさせてくれます。 料理は文句の付けようがない程、繊細な味わい。土瓶蒸しは、京都スッポンだし、西京焼きは藁で燻す拘り。 2ヶ月毎に入れ替わるメニューは、季節を堪能できます。期待を裏切らない名店です。
Access 30 minutes from the city center is the best. From the Eifuku IC, take the Metropolitan Expressway and get off at the Hachioji IC on the Chuo Expressway, which is a 1-minute drive away. The place used to shoot the drama, Promise Cinderella episode 4. A hideaway known to those in the know, which was often used by the late Sonny Chiba. The meal you eat while listening to the sound of the waterfall will make you forget the tiredness of the city. The food has a delicate taste that cannot be complained about. Steamed clay bottles are Kyoto soft-shelled turtles, and Saikyo-yaki is smoked with straw. You can enjoy the seasons with the menu that changes every two months. It is a well-known store that does not disappoint.
Takeya Obara on Google

The food and location are great! It seems that it is also the stage of TV dramas, and it is also the stage of TBS TV. The dishes were prepared with different tastes depending on the season, and the taste was elegant and delicious to come again. The shop is in a Japanese garden. If you enjoy your meal, please enjoy a walk in the Japanese garden.
佐藤明美 on Google

I haven't been able to go there so far, so I used this one for my 60th birthday celebration, not my favorite shop. Originally, it was the day of the heavy snow forecast, and the road did not remove snow. The schedule was changed because there was no transfer from Hachioji station due to snow. The inside of the building was quiet and had a taste of history. Unfortunately, it was raining ☔ It was difficult to walk in the garden, but the chicks were exhibited everywhere in the hall, and the folding screens and fusuma flowers were wonderful. It was a little dark image probably because of the weather. Mr. Nakai was all very bright. The first person served the food reasonably. The guest was the last guest from the children and near the children, but I was relieved that the next guest, Mr. Nakai, was properly served by the guest in consideration of the relationship. When you served dessert, was it the president? It was said that it was written as a 60th birthday by hand, but the date was not today but the date of flying. I'm a little disappointed. I enjoyed cooking in a bowl with a sense of the seasons. Also, I want to use it in another season.
mizukami.s on Google

You can enjoy elegantly seasoned Kyoto-style kaiseki cuisine with the pleasant hospitality of the staff. I am glad to consider the visitors, such as beautiful women's paintings in the store, paintings such as folding screens, and fresh flowers with male staff. On New Year's 3.4th, you can listen to the performance of a professional sokyoku artist.
K S on Google

今回は友人とランチ利用です。 車で到着した時からおもてなしが始まります。 個室で、安心して美味しい和食。 器も素敵です。 お庭も素敵です。 日常を忘れて幸せになれますよ。 四季折々訪れて欲しい お薦めします。 おごちそうさま
This time I will have lunch with my friends. Hospitality begins when you arrive by car. Delicious Japanese food in a private room with peace of mind. The vessel is also nice. The garden is also nice. You can forget about your daily life and be happy. I want you to visit every season I recommend it. Feast
こうすけ on Google

It is a wonderful service because the staff have taken great care of us. The garden is also very beautiful. I experienced a space different from the usual world. Since I can only stay during lunch break this time, I made an unreasonable request to have the food served early, but I was happy to respond. The nightingale of the lunch set was very delicious.
Shuku I. on Google

お友達と1月半ばにランチで伺いました。 予約無しでしたが、待ち時間が少しかかるけれど受付てもらえました。 待ち時間の甘酒は体が温まって嬉しい待合でした。 以前、夏にランチで伺った時はテーブル席で、リーズナブルなランチコースでしたが、そのつもりで行ったら、今回はお正月で6,000円〜のコースでした。 個室のお部屋から眺める庭園は清々しい気持ちになりますし、新年に相応しい趣向のお料理も堪能しました。
I visited with my friends for lunch in mid-January. I didn't make a reservation, but it took a while to wait, but I was accepted. The waiting time for amazake was a nice wait for my body to warm up. Previously, when I visited for lunch in the summer, it was a reasonable lunch course with table seats, but if I went with that intention, this time it was a course starting from 6,000 yen for New Year. The garden seen from the private room made me feel refreshed, and I enjoyed the dishes with a taste suitable for the New Year.
Riza Lyn on Google

The ambience is so relaxing instead of eating you will want to juat sit, sip a cup of coffee or tea and spend the rest of your time. The food is artistically design, it is hard to eat them. Food is authentic, very tasty with minimal seasoning and adsitives, all are fresh!

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