
2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キャピタル交通

住所 :

Sanyumachi, Hachioji, 〒192-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.capital-kotsu.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Sanyumachi, Hachioji, 〒192-0012 Tokyo,Japan
Miki Ikeda on Google

翌日に出張があり、朝4時台/駅までの送迎車を電話で探していたら、3社目の電話でやっと予約が取れたのがキャピタルさんでした。(2社断られました。シフト数が少ないのでしょうが。) 当日も予約時間の15分前に自宅前で待機して頂き、余裕で駅まで行けました。(この日は既に他の方を駅まで送迎されたとのこと)運転手さんもいい感じの人でした。本当に助かりました。ありがとうございました。
I had a business trip the next day, and when I was looking for a shuttle car to the station at 4 o'clock in the morning by phone, it was Capital who could finally make a reservation on the third phone. (Two companies have been refused. I wonder if there are few shifts.) On that day, I had to wait in front of my home 15 minutes before the reservation time, and I was able to go to the station with plenty of time. (It was said that another person had already been picked up at the station on this day.) The driver was also a nice person. It was really helpful. Thank you.
Shohei Tamura on Google

客として利用するときは良いのですが、車に乗っているときに北八王子でこちらのタクシーに頻繁に煽り運転をされます。 このため後部用のドライブレコーダーを導入することになりました、また同じようなことがあった場合Youtubeで公開させて頂きます。
It's good when used as a customer, but when you get in a car, you often hit the taxi in Kitahachioji. For this reason, we decided to introduce a rear drive recorder, and if there is a similar situation, we will publish it on Youtube.
you takahashi (takayou) on Google

The only company that can be booked around the 8 king puppy eyes. Early and kind. Capital transportation if you arrange by phone!
Takao Sanuki on Google

Sprained ankle at Mt. Jinba. While each company refused to dispatch the bus to the bus stop at the foot of the mountain, it was the only company that undertook it.
城戸光治 on Google

目の前で前の車にぶつけているのを見てしまいました。 迎車になっていたのですが、前を見ないからぶつけたのでしょう
I saw him hitting the car in front of me. It was a pick-up car, but I guess I hit it because I didn't look in front of it.
A 1 on Google

まず運転が荒すぎて急ブレーキばっかり、ものすごく酔いました。 しかも、ほかのタクシー会社を利用するときと同じ距離を運転していただいたのですが他のタクシー会社の割増料金で2000円なのに対して割増でもないのに2000円取られました。 信号待ちやその他諸々あったとしても、高すぎます。ぼったくられたとさすがに感じました。 全くおすすめできません。
First of all, the driving was too rough and I just braked suddenly, and I got very drunk. What's more, I was asked to drive the same distance as when using another taxi company, but the extra charge of the other taxi company was 2000 yen, but it was 2000 yen even though it was not an extra charge. Waiting for traffic lights and much more is too expensive. I really felt that I was sick. I can't recommend it at all.
ありえす on Google

配車で結構頼みます。 頼む時がだいたい入れ替わりの時間が多く電話が繋がらない事はあるのが残念だが、呼べた場合ちゃんとこれぐらいで着きますが大丈夫か?聞いてくれて、誤差2分位で着くのが凄いと思う。
I'll ask you to dispatch a car. It's a pity that the phone doesn't connect because it takes a lot of time to change when I ask, but if I can call it, it will arrive at this level, but is that okay? I think it's amazing to hear it and arrive with an error of about 2 minutes.
豆板醤 on Google

The car of Hachioji 500 A 2001 was overtaken vigorously in the intersection. I thought it was a company that hired such people. I will never use the taxi company here. I hope that companies with drivers who can cause accidents will disappear from this society.

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