Murauchi BMW BMW Premium Selection 八王子

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Murauchi BMW BMW Premium Selection 八王子

住所 :

Sanyumachi, Hachioji, 〒192-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Sanyumachi, Hachioji, 〒192-0012 Tokyo,Japan
mochi cocca on Google

The quality of the salesman is useless. The only good thing is the car.
K T on Google

The level of sales staff is low to the part-time job level.
E S on Google

There were two women and one was not moving in front of the PC like a judge, and was messing around with the cell phone as if no one was there. There is no way to buy at such a store.
shima shimahara on Google

There is no basic problem. Business correspondence is usually a strange space where there are men and women at the reception desk, but behind that there is a woman who does not move while putting both hands in clothes,
O sakutaro on Google

The staff seemed to be chatting at the reception desk and it was difficult to enter. Compared to when you came a year or two ago? I feel uncomfortable. Is it because people changed at that time? Sorry.
32 mitsu on Google

いらない車を売ろうとしてくる。 サンルーフ付きが欲しいと言ったら走りの車には必要ないと言われる。 欲しい車を売ってくれる別の所で買うことにしました。
I will try to sell a car that I do not need. It is said that if you want a sunroof, you don't need it for a car. I decided to buy it at another place that would sell the car I wanted.
羽村哲男 on Google

There are many certified used cars in good condition. It's a good idea to find the car you want on the homepage before visiting. We recommend that you make a reservation before visiting.
大塚慶太郎 on Google

中古車情報サイトで希望に近い車両を見つけ、訪問しました。 他の方も書かれていますが、営業の方の対応が残念すぎます。 売る気がないのか基本的にセールストークなし、車両の情報も聞かないと出てきません。 また、情報サイトに内外装ともにキレイという記述がありましたが、現車を確認したところ擦り傷多数、ドアパネルにも塗装が欠けている箇所が数か所ありました。また、雨ざらしのため汚れが多く、とても購入する気にはなれませんでした。 雨のシミも確認され、年式のわりに塗装も大分傷んでいる感じでした。 最近は現車確認せずに購入される方も多いという説明でしたが、確認しないまま購入していたらと思うと恐ろしいです。 しかも、こちらから聞いてもいないのに値引きはできないと言ってきたり、購入時にはローンで払ってほしいとか、保険に加入してほしいとか、売る側の都合だけ押し付けてきます。 村内ってこの辺りでは有名な家具屋さんなのですが、村内の全体の印象も正直悪くなりましたね、、、 最終的に他店で新車購入しました。
I found a vehicle close to my wish on the used car information site and visited it. Others are also written, but the correspondence of the sales person is too disappointing. Basically there is no sales talk whether you are willing to sell it, and it will not come out unless you ask for vehicle information. In addition, there was a description on the information site that both the interior and exterior were beautiful, but when I checked the current car, there were many scratches and there were some places where the paint was missing on the door panel. Also, because it was exposed to the rain, it was very dirty and I didn't feel like buying it. Rain stains were also confirmed, and the paint seemed to be damaged in spite of the model year. Recently, it was explained that many people buy without checking the current car, but it would be scary to buy without checking. What's more, they say that they can't discount even if they haven't heard from us, they want us to pay with a loan at the time of purchase, we want them to take out insurance, and we just push them for the convenience of the seller. Murauchi is a famous furniture store in this area, but the overall impression of Murauchi has also deteriorated, isn't it? Finally, I bought a new car at another store.

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